I need 😫 someone's HELP
My husband has been put on two new medicines as he has lost 70# since he was let go of his job he has gone downhill and hasn't got out of bed except to go to bathroom..my hands are tied don't know what else to do..his Dr is having an abdomen test ran to see if cancer exists she a neurologist appears to not have any answers either thinking about switching drs..HELP
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Has your husband had extensive blood work performed to see if all the recommended essential vitamins, minerals and even trace minerals are within range? I mention this only because it's amazing how having any of them out of the recommended range for an adult can make a person feel. I can attest to that!! And, unfortunately, it was only through my own research I was able to understand which vitamins and minerals to request for my blood work. Results, showed I was out of range for a few. With corrective action, I was able to feel like myself again. For what it's worth, it could be worthwhile and very beneficial to speak to the doctor about having extensive blood work done for the essential vitamins, minerals and even trace minerals . It certainly won't hurt and could be very informative!!!!
We just saw his neurologist she put him on another med and requested he have an abdominal scan for cancer..she just can't figure out what's going on...I am making apt with another nuerologist.
Im so sorry to hear that. Did he get the full 10 treatments?
Yes. He did 10 but when he got out he probably should have gone for maintenance. Thank you.
Is he willing to try maintenance!
To beck 0854. Sounds like your brother could try maintenance if he's will
to go....hugs to u
Thank you. He doesn’t want to but I’m going to try and push him in that direction
To beck0584. Good luck with that. Sounds like he's really got his heels dug in. A therapist might do telehealth w him?
There is so much here to text about like his age. Being let go of a job. New meds (like what kind) Mental state. Does he eat or refuse to take care of himself. Seems like an out of control spiral. Trying to encourage some response from husband for his best interest and your state of mind needs to be addressed. Getting him out of bed to see doctors may prove difficult. Do you have children. Or does he have friends. This is too much for one person. Group effort might be needed to provide support for you in achieving your objective.