Anyone else dealing with Demodex Mites? What helps?
Four years ago, with no history of any skin issues, I developed overnight red, pustules and papules on my eyebrows. Over the four years, I’ve gone to three dermatology groups known to be selected by other healthcare professionals, and have seen a total of seven practitioners. They have said it’s rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis, or actinic keratosis. I’ve been prescribed expensive new topicals, two different antibiotic courses, etc. Each visit I hear, “Well, you can try this.”
I’m an RN, and I know my body. I keep telling each dermatologist that I believe it could be an infestation or overpopulation of demodex; demodex reproduce at night on your skin (they live in hair follicles) and most evenings my eyebrows begin to itch about the time it’s getting dark. With needle-tipped tweezers, I can pull white cyndrically-shaped mucous-type material attached to a hair follicle. None of the practitioners have followed guidance from an article on the NIH website for ensuring there is a skin scraping or other method to obtain a demodex count. None has acknowledged the damaging effects on self image that abound in the literature for rosacea, with which demodex is associated. This post is in no way to disparage dermatologists in general, but I clearly don’t fit the mold of the repetitive frequently seen five minute visits to which they may be accustomed. Has anyone experienced an overpopulation of demodex? How was it diagnosed and treated? Thank you.
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My ophthalmologist, when looking at my eyes with is "microscope" said, "You have Demodex mites in your eyelashes." He suggested I order Noveha Demodex Lid Scrubs from Amazon. They scam yesterday with 60 individually wrapped tissues in a box. I didn't know I had the mies, as I had no symptoms. But I'll try the wipes and then go back to the doctor so he can see my eyelashes.
After joining this group, I bought a bottle of TeaTree Oil. I make all my own serums, and so tweaked the eczema formula to add it. I only have them on my scalp and forearms, and ZERO HELP from anyone! I've even had blue light therapy on my arms. My dermatologist recommended Selsun Blue after all these years (years!) of asking what to do. I read the post about using mayonnaise! I started at the full moon, and then every Wednesday after I have applied a mix of mayo and tea tree oil...I diluted with distilled water (but why not 99% alcohol!) and with a large 'animal' syringe I applied it in a grid pattern. Had some left, so applied to forearms (also an unsolved issue). Massaged it in, wrapped scalp with shower cap and towel, (for heat) and wrapped arms with plastic wrap and put on a warm base layer shirt...Wore it for half a day. Relief!! My forearms are clear for the first time in years, I can wear short sleeved shirts this summer. My scalp no longer itches. Has no scaley flakes. Oh, I also bought Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Shampoo like someone recommended, and added more tea tree oil to the bottle. I even use it the shampoo as body wash!
I followed the advice: wear no clothes like t-shirts and nightgowns twice...and I change my pillowcase every morning.
I'm going to get the Premo products mentioned.
I'm not even bothering with doctors anymore, other than a wellcare appointment annually. Age 78.
I haven't tried those, but be sure to not use the same wipe on both eyes. You'll just be moving them from one place to another.
FYI, since they're microscopic (mostly) he probably didn't see them with his slit lamp. What he must have seen are collarettes, which Demodex leave on the base of the eyelashes. (If you've ever had crusty stuff on your eyes when you wake uo, its collarettes.) Collarettes are debris of mite waste and eggs. (Uggh!) Here's an article about them.
What kills them are Xdemvy eye drops that are very expensive but worth it. I've used it twice and may need the drops again. It kills them, but they can migrate from your brows, your head or anywhere. I don't know why doctors aren't sounding the alarm about them.
I just ordered the Noveha wipes from Amazon. I've used Cliridex wipes and found them to be the best, but I'd never heard of Noveha. I got less vigilant after using the drops for 40+ days and thought I was rid of them, but sadly, they're always with us, and now I'm sure they're back.
Good luck!
Hello, Shirley8225 ,
I didn't see a post about mayonnaise or a reference to a full moon. Please give the date of that post. Is it on this site? I thought I'd read all of everything on both of the Mayo Clinic Demodex topic postings. Also , I would appreciate having your recipe with measurements used for your serum that worked. Sounds amazing.
Everyone responds differently . I've used two boxes of the Noveha wipes and like the convenience of a wipe but have had no improvement . Just ordered and received the Noveha extra strength wipes to see if they help. I am having an overgrowth in my eyes lately, no idea why. Lots of itching and redness and blurred vision at times. Very worrying. I am curious why the warm compresses are helpful since these mites tolerate some warmth . They are destroyed by higher temperatures which of course can't be used on eyelids. Will have to start trying the compresses again. I do recall that it is soothing to do.