Chlofazamine Clinical Trial Experience and Watch & Wait

Posted by annagh @annagh, Jan 13, 2024

I was diagnosed with bronchiectasis in 2015 and MAC and H-infulenza in December 2023. Treatment for H-flu helped greatly with fatigue and lessened the severe cough. A CT scan in 2023 compared to the previous one in 2017 showed some progression of disease, but not that much for 5 or 6 years, especially since I did not start any airway clearance until late 2023. My pulmonologist wanted me to start the Big 3, but I opted instead to do a 6 month clinical trail with Kevin Winthrop, ID doctor as OHSU. It involved three trips to Portland, at beginning, mid-point, and end of trial for testing and reporting, taking either a placebo or Chlofazamine for 6 months, sending sputum samples every other week, and having an ECG once a month. I did not turn tan, as 75% of people do, and did not notice any other side effects, so assumed I was on placebo, but Dr. Winthrop said my ECGs showed a prolonged QT interval, which convinced him I was on the real drug. Since it's a double-blind study he is not told who gets drug or placebo. Nor does he see results of the sputum cultures.
I saw him last week for the end of study. I still have my cough, and it can fluctuate, but I'd say is a bit improved, and I still produce a good amount of sputum daily. With bronchiectasis I suspect that will always be true. My CT scan showed that some areas (tree in bud or mucus plugs) that were new in May '23 (as compared to October '23) are gone, but there are some new areas. Overall he said, more are gone than have shown up new. His conclusion is that the drug knocked the disease down a bit, but that MAC is hanging out in the area where I have the original bronchiectasis, and sending out "starters" which my immune system, nebulizing and Areobika use, are fighting off, possibly with the help of the Chlofazamine. We will not get results on my sputum sample for another eight weeks, and I have a follow up visit in May at which time we'll have another "what's next" discussion. Hopefully airway clearance (and walking 2 miles a day) will continue to keep me relatively stable.
I am glad I had the opportunity to participate in this trail, happy that my mild symptoms and slow progression allow me to do that, and so grateful to this group and NTM Info and Research for the support and shared information. This is where I learned about the Aerobika and all the nitty-gritty stuff about nebulizing and airway clearance.
Thanks and my best wishes for good health to all of us.

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I'm back to update on my clinical trial results, and it's more good news. My sputum cultures from January and May both showed negative for MAC. I still cough, but not so long, hard, or often. I don't have as much energy as I'd like, which probably has a lot to do with being 78! I definitely have more than I did a year and two years ago, enough that I have enthusiasm for my gardening again.
I continue nebulizing, Aerobika, walking 2.5 miles most days, and taking precautions for exposure. Maybe it was the clofazamine, or maybe just the airway clearance. I believe the study ends in August, but was told it would be at least another year to do all the analyses.
I know many of you are much sicker than I was, but do hang in there. There is hope and wish you all well.


I'm back to update on my clinical trial results, and it's more good news. My sputum cultures from January and May both showed negative for MAC. I still cough, but not so long, hard, or often. I don't have as much energy as I'd like, which probably has a lot to do with being 78! I definitely have more than I did a year and two years ago, enough that I have enthusiasm for my gardening again.
I continue nebulizing, Aerobika, walking 2.5 miles most days, and taking precautions for exposure. Maybe it was the clofazamine, or maybe just the airway clearance. I believe the study ends in August, but was told it would be at least another year to do all the analyses.
I know many of you are much sicker than I was, but do hang in there. There is hope and wish you all well.

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Thanks for the update! How long did you take the drugs for the trial? Please continue to update us on your progress.


Thanks for the update! How long did you take the drugs for the trial? Please continue to update us on your progress.

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I took clofazamine for 6 months.


I'm back to update on my clinical trial results, and it's more good news. My sputum cultures from January and May both showed negative for MAC. I still cough, but not so long, hard, or often. I don't have as much energy as I'd like, which probably has a lot to do with being 78! I definitely have more than I did a year and two years ago, enough that I have enthusiasm for my gardening again.
I continue nebulizing, Aerobika, walking 2.5 miles most days, and taking precautions for exposure. Maybe it was the clofazamine, or maybe just the airway clearance. I believe the study ends in August, but was told it would be at least another year to do all the analyses.
I know many of you are much sicker than I was, but do hang in there. There is hope and wish you all well.

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Anna, congratulations! Is the clofazamine approved for MAC treatment? I'm so glad the clinical trial was successful for you!


Anna, congratulations! Is the clofazamine approved for MAC treatment? I'm so glad the clinical trial was successful for you!

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I was told that it is sometimes used for MAC in conjunction with other meds, but is not used routinely. It has a long history of use for TB. The trial was to see if it might work for MAC on its own.


I was told that it is sometimes used for MAC in conjunction with other meds, but is not used routinely. It has a long history of use for TB. The trial was to see if it might work for MAC on its own.

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Hope good things come from this trial soon! You keep rocking @annagh


Another update. Dr. Winthrop recently confirmed with me, though this was a double blind study and any data in the study will never be directly connected to me, that he is convinced I had Chlofazamine and not the placebo, and he believes either I no longer have MAC, and if I do it is confined to a very small area, which looks clear (thanks to airway clearance). He also said the study is over and will be published this summer, and I could be wrong, but the way he was putting those things together led me to believe that he doesn't think, mine is the only successful case. I am eager to see the published results and so grateful to have been able to participate, and be one of the lucky ones to get the real drug. I am now "on surveillance," the only real change is that I am now nebbing just once a day instead of twice, but keeping my morning session, brisk walk, and other AC as needed. I'll also continue to be caution about exposure to MAC and respiratory illnesses.


Another update. Dr. Winthrop recently confirmed with me, though this was a double blind study and any data in the study will never be directly connected to me, that he is convinced I had Chlofazamine and not the placebo, and he believes either I no longer have MAC, and if I do it is confined to a very small area, which looks clear (thanks to airway clearance). He also said the study is over and will be published this summer, and I could be wrong, but the way he was putting those things together led me to believe that he doesn't think, mine is the only successful case. I am eager to see the published results and so grateful to have been able to participate, and be one of the lucky ones to get the real drug. I am now "on surveillance," the only real change is that I am now nebbing just once a day instead of twice, but keeping my morning session, brisk walk, and other AC as needed. I'll also continue to be caution about exposure to MAC and respiratory illnesses.

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Was the trial inhaled Clofazimine?


Was the trial inhaled Clofazimine?

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No. It was six months of pills. Dr. Winthrop said that Chlofazamine has long been used for treating TB and leprosy, and has been used in conjunction with other drugs for MAC. The trial was to see if might work on its own. I had a prolonged QT interval, which showed up on my monthly ECGs, a side-effect that I didn't even notice, but that convinced Dr. W. that I was getting the real drug. I had no other side-effects, not even the tan that most people get.


No. It was six months of pills. Dr. Winthrop said that Chlofazamine has long been used for treating TB and leprosy, and has been used in conjunction with other drugs for MAC. The trial was to see if might work on its own. I had a prolonged QT interval, which showed up on my monthly ECGs, a side-effect that I didn't even notice, but that convinced Dr. W. that I was getting the real drug. I had no other side-effects, not even the tan that most people get.

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I’ve been on oral Clofazimine since October in addition to Azithromycin , Arikayce and Ethambutol

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