Probiotics for SIBO?

Posted by caregiver333 @caregiver333, Dec 13, 2024

My elderly (90yo) mother is kept up at night by stomach gas and belching. She had a positive lactulose breath test based on an early hydrogen rise at 90 min. She has been offered a rifaximin Rx but prefers to avoid antibiotics. Is there a probiotic regimen that might help?

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It is comprised of 50 mg of liquid glucose. Tastes like extremely sweet like orange soda pop.

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Thank you. I asked the nurse who coordinates these tests and she didn’t know the carb content. I explained I need to know so I can bolus for it. It’s difficult to believe they aren’t prepared to tell me that, knowing I have type 1 diabetes. Odd.

Anway, my test was rescheduled for April due to snow storm that closed the facility. Sigh. Now, I doubt that will happen because I just started an antibiotic for a wisdom tooth issue. I just knew something else would delay me. Lol


Why were you given rifaximin? Did you have a positive SIBO breath test?

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Yes, exactly. But again, Rifaximin treats the symptom, not the cause.


I’ve had SIBO for a couple years - tried taking Nyomicin / Xifaxin for 14 days and that seems to do a good job but within 6 months it’s back. Low FODMAP as well. Problem is how to get enough calories to keep my body healthy without feeding the SIBO and having it come back? Last time, I got Xifaxan from a Canadian pharmacy to keep cost down. Seemed to work, and I also tried to spread the 2 Neomycin over the course of a day (1/2 pill with very small amount of food) so I took 4 Neomycin 1/2 pills totaling two/day/ Similar withe the Xifaxin. Result seemed really good with normal human feeling and GI results. I then took accelerated Probiotics (refrigerated probiotics. About 1 week later, the SIBO was back in full force. Makes me wonder if the Probiotics actually made it worse?? Back to pills and low FODMAP again. Extremely frustrating.


I've been having uti every 6 months for a few years. I also have parathyroid disease. I've been told nothing particular by doctors or their pa as to why Im getting these and told they are just frequently an older people's issue and "be sure to wipe front to back", lol!! As to the parathyroid issue I'm told as long as my levels of calcium in my blood stay within levels I don't need surgery. I had a wonderful pa who took my blood every 6 months (and I had a thyroid doctor/consultant that said the same), and my levels have stayed ok, but the pa/doctor retired. When I ask questions of my new doctor I almost get blank looks and an antibiotic, no blood test is ever suggested unless I request it. In other words, I have to know the right questions to ask otherwise and to keep changing doctors til I find one that knows how to be a real doctor to real people who depend on getting real professional help. Since Jan 2025 this time I've been feeling bad, no real appetite or taste and went to the doc Feb 5th and felt I had uti and flu or covid possibly. Was told and treated for uti with cipro. Was told I just had a cold. I got worse after taking cipro and went back to doc March 1. Was given amox and clav for 10 days which ends March 10. I feel better today but have lost 10 lbs since Feb 5 but getting a bit of appetite back but taste buds just a little. In asking doc if I can or should start eating probiotics or prebiotics after taking my amox clav yet have parathyroid disease I'm told to eat whatever's want. I'm wondering after checking my symtons for at least this last year if I could have sibo? I have an apt with a new doc next week who may "be the one" who knows how to help with some knowkegeble insight to what I need.


I’ve had SIBO for a couple years - tried taking Nyomicin / Xifaxin for 14 days and that seems to do a good job but within 6 months it’s back. Low FODMAP as well. Problem is how to get enough calories to keep my body healthy without feeding the SIBO and having it come back? Last time, I got Xifaxan from a Canadian pharmacy to keep cost down. Seemed to work, and I also tried to spread the 2 Neomycin over the course of a day (1/2 pill with very small amount of food) so I took 4 Neomycin 1/2 pills totaling two/day/ Similar withe the Xifaxin. Result seemed really good with normal human feeling and GI results. I then took accelerated Probiotics (refrigerated probiotics. About 1 week later, the SIBO was back in full force. Makes me wonder if the Probiotics actually made it worse?? Back to pills and low FODMAP again. Extremely frustrating.

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If you have SIBO, dietary changes are needed. The bacteria feed on sugar and that means eliminating as much sugar as you can on a daily basis. A nutritionist can help you. I was told to eliminate table sugar and use things like stevia if I like to sweeten my tea and coffee. Eliminate a majority of fruits - watermelon, apples, bananas, oranges plus others. And concentrate on eating fruit from the berry family - blackberries, blueberries, strawberries. Research content of sugar in vegetables and fruits and those that are high, you need to omit. Omit desserts, candy and anything you suspect has a lot of sugar. You don’t have to omit these foods forever. Just until you get the SIBO under control. Also read labels on all packaged foods and look at the added sugar content. You’d be surprised how much sugar is added. Best to you!


Thanks for that input. I look at the low FODMAP and some of things that are supposedly ok, just seem wrong - like peanut butter, orange juice and cantaloupe. Seems the basic rule is… anything sweet is not good. I find it difficult to get enough calories. SIBO is not something that is an illness that one gets over - sounds like a life long problem, so I constantly try to live by the low FODMAP and yet I get still re-currences that requires antibiotics. I truly appreciate your input.


Yes, exactly. But again, Rifaximin treats the symptom, not the cause.

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My daughter had recurring SIBO until she was treated for mast cell activation. She has 3 other autoimmune conditions. It is a permanent condition, but she has the meds and is doing very well. Look into it. If your doctor doesn't know anything about it, you will probably need to see if you can find someone who does.


I'm looking it up now. Thanks. I've been fighting SIBO for over a year now. It's rough.

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Investigate mast cell activation. It was the underlying cause of my daughter's SIBO. It took a few years for her to be diagnosed at Mayo Scottsdale because so few doctors ,including gastro doctors, know anything about it.


My daughter had recurring SIBO until she was treated for mast cell activation. She has 3 other autoimmune conditions. It is a permanent condition, but she has the meds and is doing very well. Look into it. If your doctor doesn't know anything about it, you will probably need to see if you can find someone who does.

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I completed my protocol for SIBO. I haven't dealt with it anymore. Thank you!


I've been having uti every 6 months for a few years. I also have parathyroid disease. I've been told nothing particular by doctors or their pa as to why Im getting these and told they are just frequently an older people's issue and "be sure to wipe front to back", lol!! As to the parathyroid issue I'm told as long as my levels of calcium in my blood stay within levels I don't need surgery. I had a wonderful pa who took my blood every 6 months (and I had a thyroid doctor/consultant that said the same), and my levels have stayed ok, but the pa/doctor retired. When I ask questions of my new doctor I almost get blank looks and an antibiotic, no blood test is ever suggested unless I request it. In other words, I have to know the right questions to ask otherwise and to keep changing doctors til I find one that knows how to be a real doctor to real people who depend on getting real professional help. Since Jan 2025 this time I've been feeling bad, no real appetite or taste and went to the doc Feb 5th and felt I had uti and flu or covid possibly. Was told and treated for uti with cipro. Was told I just had a cold. I got worse after taking cipro and went back to doc March 1. Was given amox and clav for 10 days which ends March 10. I feel better today but have lost 10 lbs since Feb 5 but getting a bit of appetite back but taste buds just a little. In asking doc if I can or should start eating probiotics or prebiotics after taking my amox clav yet have parathyroid disease I'm told to eat whatever's want. I'm wondering after checking my symtons for at least this last year if I could have sibo? I have an apt with a new doc next week who may "be the one" who knows how to help with some knowkegeble insight to what I need.

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I've downloaded the FodMap and appreciate everyone's comments. I am feeling depressed and useless since being on so many antibiotics and hopefully other then feeling bad I'm hoping now that I've finished this second round of antibiotics I'll feel better, get my taste buds and appetite (utilizing the FodMap) back and keep my weight in check.

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