What brought you joy today?
If you've been living with cancer for a while, you know it's not all gloom and doom. Where did you find joy today? I'll start:
1. Working in my garden.
2. Meeting my daughter for tea.
3. Home-made pizza for dinner.
4. My spouse (always).
5. Some interesting online discussions.
6. Rereading a good novel.
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@stevecando54, I'm so glad that your cancer is under control. That's great news!
And congratulations on your recent retirement. You're going to absolutely love the laid back retired life where you get to do what you want, how you want, when you want. And if you don't want to do anything sometimes, don't do anything. It's your prerogative. All the best to you. Enjoy your newfound freedom, and have a great day! 😊
Watching the Sandhill Cranes in the Rowe Crane sanctuary on their migration (viewed courtesy of YouTube and Explore.org 🙂). Beautiful sight seeing and hearing them land in the sanctuary at sunset.
I removed people from my life who want to debate politics. I can live in my happy bubble with like minded, or at least calm, people .
Yes, I have a friend of 40 years and we are polar opposites regarding politics and religion. So we don't talk about those things. And our friendship goes on and on.....
Hi, I love having a good intelligent conversation with an adult. Most of the time I’m lying down in my bed watching tv. I just don’t have much energy. I love making someone laugh. I love cooking dinner that everyone enjoys. I lost my sense of taste so that’s a real challenge for me. I love seeing my plants grow which I planted from seeds. I love spending quality time with my grandchildren especially baking and having fun decorating. I love watching my child teach her children things I have taught her. I love seeing my child turn into a beautiful woman. I love being surrounded by nature and being by the lake or river. That’s where I’m at peace.
Recently I had to stop writing to a friend of 40 years who just wouldn't stop sending me political stuff to prove I'm wrong. I'm 83; I can make up my own mind by now!
Lunch with my 7 year old grandaughter
Testing negative for COVID-19 after finding out someone I'd seen on the weekend had tested positive. Cancer's enough to deal with these days.
I went out to lunch with a couple of family members that I hadn't seen in a couple months, had a wonderful time enjoying their company and a nice meal.( although I had to have a salad, apparently I have put on a couple pounds since retiring).
@stevecando54, it's so good to be able to get together with and enjoy your family. I'm glad that you had that opportunity and that it brought you joy. So many people today don't have that opportunity either because they don't live near their family or they're estranged from them. You are truly blessed.
P.S. - Those pounds sure do have a way of sneaking up on us, don't they? Hope you at least enjoyed your salad, even though I'm sure that wasn't your first choice. But don't feel bad...you're not alone. I had to go back to the salads this week myself. 😊