Sjogren's Question
Does anyone have Small Fiber Neuropathy with Sjogren's? Also trouble walking? I have been ill for the last few years with no answers. I had anemia for years from severe periods and had a one time strong iron infusion and had a reaction days later and have never been the same.I was also at the Beach around the same time a few years ago and believe I possibly picked up covid too.I believe I am dealing with possibly Sjogren's or something similar with Long Covid as well. I have squinty dry eyes with blurry vision and permanent floaters that can't be in the sun. Dry mouth with trouble swallowing, sinuses, hair and skin. I do have trouble eating foods like bread or thicker foods where I can choke sometimes. I have weak ankles, feet, hands, wrists and fingers. I have the numbness, but trouble flipping a light switch on a lamp off.,I have a weak torso especially diaphram and pelvis and big belly.I have big inflamed upper arms and legs. When I sit in a bath my belly pushes up into my Diaphram and my arms are pushed forward.I need help getting out of the bath and have to use my arms to get up from a seated position. I can lift my arms, but they get very tired easily. It would be too much to dry my hair because I just don't have the upper arm strength to do it
I remember I had weak upper arms before being diagnosed wih thyroid disease years ago too. I have trouble walking because I just don't have the core strength. My arms and legs are strong, but weak at the same time.I think it confuses the Doctors becayse of that.I have had so many tests, but they have not found much.It is not MS, Muscular Dystrophy, Myasthenia Gravis, ALS, etc. I have had a few positive ANA's with a low high speckled pattern, but the Rhuematologists have dismissed Autoimmune bring involved. I have had thyroid disease for a long time. Since this all came on I have high glucose, but not diabetes. There is alot of Lupus, Thyroid and one case of Sjogren's in my Family. I am just wondering if anyone has NeuroSjogren's or has experienced any of these symptoms. I am thinking the years of anemia, thyroid disease, stressful job, too much exercise and than possibly covid set this off. I did have the ER check for Epstein Barr at the beginning of this and my titters were sky high. The same thing happened before I was diagnosed with Thyroid Disease so I know there must be some kind of connection.
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autoimmune Diseases Support Group.
@j77 - You might find the discussion started by @penn helpful.
-- Managing Small Fiber Neuropathy, Sjogren's, Hashimoto's
Thankyou so much!
I have Sjogrens diagnosed by biopsies by an ENT went to the eye doctor be tested positive corneas all scratched up. Lupus, asthma and hypothyroidism.
I have have three punch biopsies for small fiber neuropathy positive
EMG/ nerve conduction test I have autoimmune severe axonal sensorimotor peripheral polyneuropathy, dysautonomia,
Cardiac autonomic neuropathy yes it moves into your organs they have nerves also.
Thankyou so much! I have done so much research and I think this is what I have. Probably brought on by Covid. Have you tried IVIG or anything that has helped at all. I forget to mention in my post that I can feel hot, cold and touch on the outside of my torso, but my insides are numb. I am thinking that could possibly be small fiber neuropathy too. The Doctors look at me like I am making it up when I tell them that symptom. I am still trying to figure out how this happened to me.
Have your Dr. do 3 tests on you:
1. Test to see if you have the MYFKR gene mutation. It's a mouth swab.
2. Ask to do genetic blood tests for Erles Danlos Syndrome (EDS)
3. There is a blood test for Sjorgens syndrome.
These are specific tests I had to advocate for but I have all three. I recognize similar conditions🥰
That way you can rule these things out or in🙏🏼❣️
Thankyou so much! I am going to get a lip biopsy and I will ask about the Blood Tests. It is almost like the Doctors don't want to help you. This has been a nightmare. I thought I had Muscular Dystrophy, but that has been ruled out. It is definitely something Autoimmune and Long Covid on top of it. My whole body was completely attacked.
I thought I had MS in the beginning also. It took 3 failed ankle surgeries for my ortho to suggest genetic testing esp since I'm adopted. That's where I found out I have the MTFKR gene mutation and Erles Danlos Syndrome. Suddenly, all my weird symptoms and issues I had growing up made so much sense. My daughter is 31 and has so many of my symptoms. Shes being tested for genetic issues and immune issues. Since chemo I've been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy, RA, Sjorgens syndrome and Fibro. I'm trying my best to find my new normal🙏🏼❣️
Thankyou! I am so sorry you and your daughter are going through this.I feel like I am on the show Mystery Diagnosis just going from Doctor to Doctor with no answers.It is awful. I hope in time I or the Doctors can figure it out.I would just like for something really definite to show up in my Bloodwork at this point.
Don't give up! Sadly, with Sjogren's, luck is invoved a lot. Fiding a dr who rocognizes it' for starters. Best wishes.
Thankyou so much! It does not seem like any Doctors know much about Sjogrens at all. From what I have been reading it is just as bad as Lupus.So much more than just dry eyes and mouth.