I’m being interviewed by NBC Chicago on long Covid this week. Help
NBC Chicago is doing some segments recognizing the five year “anniversary” of Covid. One segment is on long Covid. The Principal Director of the RECOVER studies Dr. Nirav Shah will speak of his research and I was asked to be interviewed as a participant.
I’m going and will publicly disclose my medical issues to bring awareness to long covid. Are there short comments I should consider mentioning about life with long Covid?
They will probably edit it down to fit their story, but I’d like to answer questions with all your long Covid experiences in mind.
I speak again with the PR person tomorrow for more info.
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I think a look at healthcare workers, I am/was an ER nurse, that were infected and now have long covid would be helpful. We stepped up, walked directly into harms way and saved lives when the entire world was shut down and the same world has forgotten us. I got sick in 2020, lost the 40-year career I love and feel just tossed aside.
I couldn't agree more! I feel like going outside & yelling does anyone know we are here!!! There are so many of us yet NO voice for us. How do we get a voice!? Without a voice we get no help! Scary,frustrating, sad,alone& helpless. It is NOT fair we have these feeling everyday & no one seems to care!!
We need a voice for us! There are too many of us with no answers, no hope of getting better. We feel this way because we hear nothing on any research or progress to help us. This list of symptoms are so long & diverse where do we all begin. There begins to be a feeling of hopelessness without a voice & no one to hear us!!
Cannot agree more with all of these posts. Not that it makes any difference to me at this point, hopefully, many will think twice about getting the vaccinations. Yes, for many, it probably was a beneficial choice. HOWEVER,I have been afflicted with the negative repercussions from, 'the jab'.
Weakness, FATIGUE 24/7, brain fog, GI upset, DIZZINESS, muscle cramps, impaired balance,....and THIS list is just the beginning.
Be very judicious about your health.
Wish I could be there with you..bless you for what you are doing...sending hugs and prayers..please tell them our lives have forever changed, we never know what our day is going to be like when we wake up, for many of us when this all began we did not know if we would wake up to see another day, but God had a plan for us and decided it was not our time yet. For some of us, our friends have disappeared, we are too tired to join them. Our relationships at our jobs have changed, oh yes we cant remember this, so they do not want us there anymore, we are a liability, no longer an asset..I get asked " when are you going to retire", they get short with me. We do not want to disclose everything Covid and long haul Covid has done to us. That just gives them more ammo to get rid of us. Tell them we get depressed, because we did not ask for this or deserve this nasty disease....Thanks for representing all of us . Thank you for doing this for all of us.
I had Covid three times..and am a long hauler. I know that I got it at work. I was a so called Frontline employee . They gave us a letter to keep in our cars during lock down if we were stopped by the police on our way to work. I missed months of work, thousands of dollars in medical bills, pain and suffering and thought I would not make it another day. I guess God had another plan. My last round of Covid in September 2024, I either went up to heaven or they came down to talk to me. A voice spoke to me and said we are not going to take you now, it is not your time to go. I said thank you because I had to stay alive so I could take care of my cat. This disease and the vaccines have destroyed our lives and so many lost their lives due to this . We need to stick together and support each other and lift each other up when we feel so hopeless, and employers and others do not believe you and think this syndrome is not for real.
Hi Miss Lauren and all of you out there reading this. I developed the hypertension that cannot be controlled by any medication also. All I get is more side effects and all they want me to do is take another pill which only gives me more effects. I had the tilt table test last week, but they were unable to do the sweat test, so I have to wait two weeks . I go back on March 14, for the final test and then they have to review the findings and then I will find out the results. This is scary, I am so afraid of falling or fainting again. My insurance is still fighting bills from a year ago and will not pay them thinking it was caused from work or an accident, yeh it was an accident and its called Covid, vaccines, and long haul syndrome. Prayers for all my friends on this site. Thanks to Mayo for giving us this site so we can communicate with each other. Hugs to all of you.
Wow. Amazing comments. I learned that the interview for tomorrow is being postponed because NBC has a lot of news to cover.
I communicated with the anchor, who would also like to share the story of what it's like to have long covid. He has to speak with his management for people to be assigned. I guess a media company is like any other kind of business. There's only a certain number of employees and hours in the week.
Keep the messages coming. If I'm going to publicly disclose my long covid and inability to think straight, my name can forever be googled (i.e. by future employers) and people can forever hear how I couldn't find my car because I parked it on the left side of the driveway instead of the right side.
A journalist from San Diego messaged me and I said I can meet her there. If I'm going to disclose my medical situation to create awareness and understanding of long covid, I might as well go big. I have the Chicago Tribune due to call me soon.
I'm just a marketing guy who didn't ask for any of this. But I'm fortunate to have a skill set to communicate messages so people buy my company's brands when they go to the store. I'm privileged to have a chance to help us all in people learning and buying into long covid being real. Thanks for continuing to post.
Thank you for speaking for us.
You could say that there are over 16 million Americans suffering from Long Covid and there are currently no approved treatments. We need research and treatment trials.