Stem Cell Transplant: What is Recovery like?
Is anyone willing to share their Stem Cell Transplant experience and what the recovery process was like? As I said in an earlier post, I will be having my transplant in a few weeks and it would be great to know what others have experienced. I realize everyone's journey and experience is unique as it relates to the transplant, GvHD, etc. but I think it may help me as I mentally prepare.
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Hi @jeffhampton. Having a BMT is a big commitment and I know you were pondering about making the decision to go ahead or not. Have you come to a resolution? Is there a target date?
Hi @jeffhampton, it’s been a couple of months since we’ve talked about you having a stem cells transplant. I wanted to check in with you to see where you are in the process? Have you had the transplant yet or do you have a
Day 0 set? If you’ve had the transplant, how is recovering going?