What are your experiences with tramadol ?

Posted by Always Hopeful @AlwaysHopeful, Jun 16, 2024

I have been taking tramadol for over 20 years. It was first prescribed for knee pain. This was the era when they did meniscus surgery. I'm sure the medication is not effective for me now, but it continues to be prescribed. Any other thoughts or experiences?

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I have been taking Tramadol 50mg 1-2 per day alone for the last 10 years. Before that I was also getting shots of Demerol & Phenergan 3x a month which really helped my migraines. The Tramadol alone does not help a whole lot. I know of people who were getting 360 tab of Oxy a month and yet I get 30 Tramadol and suffer. I don't understand how the system works. And I used to work in the system.

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Tramadol does nothing


One medication that has worked for me is pregabalin, also know as Lyrica. After three years of chronic pain, this seems to be working. I'm holding my breath. I still take 2 tablets of tramadol (50 mg each) in the evening when I get a headache type of pain that can evolve into a migraine if I don't take the tramadol. I often wonder if this signifies an addiction to tramadol.

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I was on lyrica for two years. It blurred my vision and also caused significant swelling.


I took Tramadol with Pregablin for fibromyalgia and lumbosacral radiculopathy, it had no effect at all, it gave me migraines and I felt wired all the time, and could not sleep.

Coming off it was not a good experience, it can cause addiction.

I'm glad it works for you.
Take care


I took Tramadol with Pregablin for fibromyalgia and lumbosacral radiculopathy, it had no effect at all, it gave me migraines and I felt wired all the time, and could not sleep.

Coming off it was not a good experience, it can cause addiction.

I'm glad it works for you.
Take care

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So many issues with Tramadol, per this site. I will add one more: I was on Sertaline and Tramadol. All was well for a year or so, then had the onset of symptoms similar to dementia. This frightened me. I looked up Tramadol/Sertaline interactions and lo and behold, that is one of the negative symptoms. Stopped taking Tramadol immediately and with a couple of weeks was back to 'my old self'. It was a toss up - whether to give up Tramadol and continue with pain, or give up Sertaline and become unable to 'be me'. I kept the Sertaline and doctor put me on hydrocodone, which has been a great help. Not pain free, never will be but I can live with what I've got.


I understand what you are saying. I have taken Tramadol for years. It takes the edge off my severe back pain. My brother , on the other hand, found a doctor years ago who prescribed oxy for his chronic pain. Oxy is fine if you don’t have an addictive personality which my brother did have, but it also has serious gastrointestinal complications especially with motility! I’m good with tramadol. Taking the edge off is better than not having the edge taken off my back pain. Irene5

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Same with me -Tramadol 50mg-1 or 2 day takes the edge off!! I can also stretch-use heat pads,walk some, Tylenol w/tramadol helps!! Tramadol takes the fatigue away too! Pain causes fatigue-it helps enough to stop it


Same with me -Tramadol 50mg-1 or 2 day takes the edge off!! I can also stretch-use heat pads,walk some, Tylenol w/tramadol helps!! Tramadol takes the fatigue away too! Pain causes fatigue-it helps enough to stop it

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Awesome!! It is unfortunate, in my opinion, class c drugs like tramadol are becoming harder to get. For me tramadol has been a game changer for my back. As a mom of ten and nana to sixteen, “stopping” isn’t part of my job description! Irene5


Tramadol was great for taking away pain for the first time in years I was up and cleaning and running errands without pain. Then took the sleeping pills prescribed and no sleep all night. Next day my vision was getting blurry but still no pain, I was elated, vision worse and again no sleep. Third day, again no pain vision terrible . no sleep and I stopped them. I wanted to see.

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