Tell us an unusual thing that people don't know about you

Posted by Scott R L @scottrl, Oct 1, 2024

I'll start.

I have never, ever held a baby, toddler, or young child in my arms.

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Remember that old song, "I Don't Like Spiders & Snakes"?
I too have always had an affinity for other living creatures and try to revere all life. I fall short, as I do eat meat. I also drive my wife nuts when I rush to save a spider or other bug as she's getting ready to squash it!

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@itchyd, I save and use pickle jars for our spiker re-location season. We found one yesterday, but it is too cold to put this one outside so it stays in our bathroom. Spiders do not bother me and I think they are happier outside when the weather permits. With all good wishes, @joybringer1


@SusanEllen66 I hope you didn’t suffer lasting physical damage as a result of your car accident!

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@rashida thank you, that happened in 1968…I don’t know if resulted in my many maladies now…


@pml the car was nice until some guy decided to run red lights and T-bone me at a busy intersection…

Your “camping” story is way beyond my experiences. I’m a city girl.

You have an interesting story!

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So sorry that you were in an accident! I hope that you did not have any long lasting problems. It is a shame about your car. Hugs


People only see me as I am now.. a addict with many mental health and physical health problems.. I used to work in a fast paced clinic as a medical records, billing and coding PSA. So I guess people would never guess I have a 155 (WAIS) IQ


People only see me as I am now.. a addict with many mental health and physical health problems.. I used to work in a fast paced clinic as a medical records, billing and coding PSA. So I guess people would never guess I have a 155 (WAIS) IQ

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@wildadabeest I don’t know what to say but your comment hurt my heart. I couldn’t pass on by. I relate. I used to be a partner in an international law firm but my stage 4 appendix cancer required me to step away to heal from extensive treatment and then to make up the time I’d lost in the office, I loved my job but I now love being free and very far from the corporate person I used to be a couple of years ago!

Not knowing how much time I have has been such a tremendous incentive to make the most of this stage in my life. No one in the dog park knows or cares what I used to do and yes “be”, and I find it so freeing to be an authentic new me.

Bad health (including both physical and mental health) is a very tough hand for you to deal with. Not least all the medication needed to help you get through each day.

Sending hugs and best wishes for a rewarding life in the face of your challenges ❤️‍🩹🙏


I hope by choice❤️?


Okay, I'll chip in with another autobiographical fact:

I once had a job writing member profiles for an online dating service.

The pay was peanuts, but I needed the work, and it was kind of fun. It turned out I was pretty good at it, too. I had been a bachelor a long time, so I could empathize with the members. I tried to write in the "voice" of the member. It was hard work, but a real creative challenge.

I wrote profiles for men, women, young, old, divorced, widowed, never married, nice people and those who really, really deserved to be alone. (One guy was so obnoxious that the service cancelled his membership.)

The overall rejection rate for these profiles (there were several of us) was about 15%; mine was under 2%.

The work kind of petered out, and I burned out on it, too, but it was a real experience.


Okay, I'll chip in with another autobiographical fact:

I once had a job writing member profiles for an online dating service.

The pay was peanuts, but I needed the work, and it was kind of fun. It turned out I was pretty good at it, too. I had been a bachelor a long time, so I could empathize with the members. I tried to write in the "voice" of the member. It was hard work, but a real creative challenge.

I wrote profiles for men, women, young, old, divorced, widowed, never married, nice people and those who really, really deserved to be alone. (One guy was so obnoxious that the service cancelled his membership.)

The overall rejection rate for these profiles (there were several of us) was about 15%; mine was under 2%.

The work kind of petered out, and I burned out on it, too, but it was a real experience.

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Wow @scottrl, what an interesting job. Good to hear that you enjoyed it and you were very good at it. Experiences like that are priceless! 😊


Wow @scottrl, what an interesting job. Good to hear that you enjoyed it and you were very good at it. Experiences like that are priceless! 😊

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Thank you.
It was interesting.
I really wanted to help people find someone.
I am gifted with the ability to communicate verbally, which I know is difficult for many people. I hope I was able to close the gap for some folks.

(And just so you know, there are a *lot* of lonely people out there.)


I am fond of deep connection in life

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