Anyone out there diagnosed with Pudendal Neuralgia?

Posted by LeighO57 @leigho55, Jun 5, 2018

I have not been on connect for quite a while since I have only recently received a diagnosis (one of many probably to come) I am looking for someone/anyone who has the pain from a surgical injury of sorts to this nerve to talk to. Is there anyone out there with Pudendal Neuralgia on connect? Thank you!

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I was diagnosed with pudendal neuralgia 2 years ago. Right after my mesh sling surgery. My ob/GYN damaged the nerves on both sides in the alcock canal. I have been through so many test and different Drs to get my diagnosis. Tried Pudendal nerve blocks, had a nerve stimulator, pf PT. Nothing worked. Currently I see a pain management Dr. He gives me Ganglion nerve blocks every month. It does control my pain 80%.


I was diagnosed with pudendal neuralgia 2 years ago. Right after my mesh sling surgery. My ob/GYN damaged the nerves on both sides in the alcock canal. I have been through so many test and different Drs to get my diagnosis. Tried Pudendal nerve blocks, had a nerve stimulator, pf PT. Nothing worked. Currently I see a pain management Dr. He gives me Ganglion nerve blocks every month. It does control my pain 80%.

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If you have any more questions please ask me


This is a monster and I had it for 14 years. Sat on a donut. The only thing that finally ended it was an anti-seizure medicine for an unrelated matter. It was Topamax. My pelvic doctor told me she had heard of this but never mentioned it to me. Please.....ask your doctor.

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