Inconsiderate, intimidating neighbors cause depression and anxiety?

Posted by robertwills @robertwills, Oct 26, 2024

Lets; say you have neighbors that sit outside your apartment building, smoke "weed" in public view (which is illegal) and use intimidating gestures towards you as you come and go. Could this be enough to cause legitimate depression and anxiety?

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Update: Maintenance just informed me that the men have moved out and the apartment the men lived in is now empty! I'm still waiting to hear from the landlord but it's over! Hooray! (well, let's hope the men don't come back for a "social visit").

Thank you everyone who followed this post. It gave me so much comfort when I was all alone dealing with this in an unfamiliar city far from where I used to live. A special thank you to PML for your prayers. It did take some time, as you knew, but the prayers were finally answered! Good triumphed over evil!

I have all the empathy in the world for anyone experiencing a similar situation. Bad neighbors like I experience destroy the right of safety and happiness of their neighbors. While most people will never experience something as bad as this I'm sure the problem exists all over the world and many people need help because they are unequipped to deal with. This was all new to me, and quite a shock. I will post soon a simple formula that is based on what what was used here to rid this neighborhood of this awful situation.

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That's fantastic! I'm so glad! Our prayers got answered! It's such a great feeling when God finally answers prayers. Now you can get on with your life and enjoy it! Whatever you do, don't move! It will obviously be a safe area again. Still, keep in touch and let us know how good it is too!


Yeah! So glad to hear this. Keep the updates coming. They are inspirational to me..

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You have joined the ranks of trauma survivors who also acknowledged the fear and pain. Inam one of those. Our purpose is to shine a light on darkness and help heal. Many are called but few are chosen. This is not ego speaking. God bless you.


Depression & anxiety are unique to every individual as are the triggers. Are you in therapy for these issues? I ask because I had to learn that the triggers will always be there, somehow and someway, but it is up to me if and how I respond. My button cant get pushed if I have dealt with my button. So if you are prone to depression, anxiety and maybe issues of control and powerlessness, this cause very well trigger it. I assume you have talked to them. If there is a property manager- I guess you have already spoken to them. Have you considered calling law enforcement? Creepy neighbors are the worst and I am sorry you are going through this.


Depression & anxiety are unique to every individual as are the triggers. Are you in therapy for these issues? I ask because I had to learn that the triggers will always be there, somehow and someway, but it is up to me if and how I respond. My button cant get pushed if I have dealt with my button. So if you are prone to depression, anxiety and maybe issues of control and powerlessness, this cause very well trigger it. I assume you have talked to them. If there is a property manager- I guess you have already spoken to them. Have you considered calling law enforcement? Creepy neighbors are the worst and I am sorry you are going through this.

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Thank you for your concern. This was an awful experience but I am fine. now that it is over. Within a few weeks I'll be back to normal.

If there's anything good to come out of it now I have more life experience and feel more capable of dealing with difficult situations. I can also help others in similar situations. I will be posting very soon with a big announcement.


Thank you for your concern. This was an awful experience but I am fine. now that it is over. Within a few weeks I'll be back to normal.

If there's anything good to come out of it now I have more life experience and feel more capable of dealing with difficult situations. I can also help others in similar situations. I will be posting very soon with a big announcement.

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I love how you used this hardship for growth and sharing!! It inspires me.


Update: It's official. It's over! The men are gone! Hooray!

Thank you to everyone who followed this post and offered their suggestions, knowledge, concern, empathy, sympathy and prayers. I really helped on days here when it was almost unbearable. Literally, and without exaggeration, it was like a nightmare that I was actually living.

I answered my original post question: Inconsiderate, intimidating neighbors cause depression and anxiety? The answer is a definite YES, It certainly can! As noted in my previous post though, in a few weeks I'll be back to normal. At least that's the way I feel now.

I will update again if anything else happens but I believe this is done and over! Thank you all again.


Depression & anxiety are unique to every individual as are the triggers. Are you in therapy for these issues? I ask because I had to learn that the triggers will always be there, somehow and someway, but it is up to me if and how I respond. My button cant get pushed if I have dealt with my button. So if you are prone to depression, anxiety and maybe issues of control and powerlessness, this cause very well trigger it. I assume you have talked to them. If there is a property manager- I guess you have already spoken to them. Have you considered calling law enforcement? Creepy neighbors are the worst and I am sorry you are going through this.

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Your post is spot on about knowing our triggers vulnerabilities etc.


Congratulations on them leaving for good! I had inconsiderate neighbors for many years until the guy drank himself to death at age 55. Now I have peace and quiet.


Update: I woke up this morning and still felt fear. I know the men are permanently gone but I now see that I do have some "post fear" over this. I still believe I will be back to normal in a few weeks but it is very interesting, albeit uncomfortable, that I am still feeling fear. My life was literally in danger for months. The situation outside may have escalated very fast anytime I went out or came back. It's not like I was in a war but certainly this situation was dangerous and scary because it was potentially "life altering". I'll update in a few weeks or sooner.


Update: I woke up this morning and still felt fear. I know the men are permanently gone but I now see that I do have some "post fear" over this. I still believe I will be back to normal in a few weeks but it is very interesting, albeit uncomfortable, that I am still feeling fear. My life was literally in danger for months. The situation outside may have escalated very fast anytime I went out or came back. It's not like I was in a war but certainly this situation was dangerous and scary because it was potentially "life altering". I'll update in a few weeks or sooner.

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I made an earlier post. You have experienced ongoing trauma. Your brain and nervous system can cause fight flight fear fawn die to release of adrenaline nor epinephrine cortisol etc. The amydala of the brain is in charge instead of the cortex. I am a trauma survivor. I have ptsd. Ibwas coded in a hospitalization for a serious illness. PTSD is not limited to war zones or what happened to me.

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