
Posted by jadillow @jadillow, Apr 29, 2019

I just wanted some more info on this for my chest pain and see if this is possibly an issue. I have a pain in upper ribs, both sides of sternum. Not intolerable but annoying. During time of pain it feels those ribs are “raised”. Any insight would be great. Thanks.

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I am also suffering from costocondritis daily. It’s probably one of the most painful things I have ever experienced. I have been in other chat also about chest pain because costocondritis. It comes on fast doesn’t matter night or day but it last from minutes to hours. I have done nothing to injure my chest area or pull a muscle. I use heating pads and was proscribe diclofenac twice daily. I feel it’s getting worse but the ER and my primary really can’t do anything for me since it will heal in time is what I have been told . I have had this for 8 months?? Can someone help with ideas to release some of the pain. I always think the worst also since it’s in my chest area. Thank you In advance.


I am also suffering from costocondritis daily. It’s probably one of the most painful things I have ever experienced. I have been in other chat also about chest pain because costocondritis. It comes on fast doesn’t matter night or day but it last from minutes to hours. I have done nothing to injure my chest area or pull a muscle. I use heating pads and was proscribe diclofenac twice daily. I feel it’s getting worse but the ER and my primary really can’t do anything for me since it will heal in time is what I have been told . I have had this for 8 months?? Can someone help with ideas to release some of the pain. I always think the worst also since it’s in my chest area. Thank you In advance.

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I feel for you …. Mine start in my back than wrap around my ribs than into my chest …. So I hear you I think the worst at times like something else must be wrong …. But I stopped doing that …. I tried massage but makes it worse…. So my chiropractor found the right plan she does cupping which my body responds to well and I also use pemf mat this I find has helped me the most jeep under control…. I find once I am in a flare up takes a bit to get under control…. Like right now I am in a flare I know exactly what brought it on I was playing a game with my granddaughter where she falls back into m arms well that’s all it took …..I rented the pemf for the month after 1 week pain is not as bad using mat and pain is just in my shoulders and back has wrapped around ….without mat my flares last months ….so if you have never tried look up pemf mat this is the one I use.
Good luck


I am also suffering from costocondritis daily. It’s probably one of the most painful things I have ever experienced. I have been in other chat also about chest pain because costocondritis. It comes on fast doesn’t matter night or day but it last from minutes to hours. I have done nothing to injure my chest area or pull a muscle. I use heating pads and was proscribe diclofenac twice daily. I feel it’s getting worse but the ER and my primary really can’t do anything for me since it will heal in time is what I have been told . I have had this for 8 months?? Can someone help with ideas to release some of the pain. I always think the worst also since it’s in my chest area. Thank you In advance.

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Bless you sweet lady! Costocondritis is very painful. When you press on your breastbone is it sore? Does it hurt when you lean against something like at your kithen bar and your chest hits it? Mine did not go away over night and I have a little flare up right now. Mine started years ago before fibromyaglia. You can think its your heart because of the location. Exercise like swimming can actually make it worse. I had a dear friend at church that went to a cardiologist thinking it was her heart. She had started back swimming and the exercise of swimming brought hers was not her heart. If Costocondritis is coupled with GERD it is a perfect storm for pain. I'm so sorry you are battling this. I wonder if a short steroid taper would take care of the inflammation for you....either Medrol taper or prednisone....ask your doctor. It's worth a try if you can tolerate steroids. I understand. This stuff is very painful and I am so sorry yours has lasted so long. Look up also Teezy Syndrome.....they resemble each other. Hugs & Prayers for you.


Bless you sweet lady! Costocondritis is very painful. When you press on your breastbone is it sore? Does it hurt when you lean against something like at your kithen bar and your chest hits it? Mine did not go away over night and I have a little flare up right now. Mine started years ago before fibromyaglia. You can think its your heart because of the location. Exercise like swimming can actually make it worse. I had a dear friend at church that went to a cardiologist thinking it was her heart. She had started back swimming and the exercise of swimming brought hers was not her heart. If Costocondritis is coupled with GERD it is a perfect storm for pain. I'm so sorry you are battling this. I wonder if a short steroid taper would take care of the inflammation for you....either Medrol taper or prednisone....ask your doctor. It's worth a try if you can tolerate steroids. I understand. This stuff is very painful and I am so sorry yours has lasted so long. Look up also Teezy Syndrome.....they resemble each other. Hugs & Prayers for you.

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Yes my chest is very sensitive to touch makes it very uncomfortable. Unfortunately this pain won’t go away and I’m tired of visiting the ER (8 times this year so far) for them to tell me I’m good then my primary also says hang in there. So frustrating. It’s literally taking over my life for months now. Hope this goes away. It’s so bad if I even lift my arm wrong or pick something up it’s a flare up. Yesterday my flare up lasted 9 hours of my day then let up around bed time. Hope I get relief!


Yes my chest is very sensitive to touch makes it very uncomfortable. Unfortunately this pain won’t go away and I’m tired of visiting the ER (8 times this year so far) for them to tell me I’m good then my primary also says hang in there. So frustrating. It’s literally taking over my life for months now. Hope this goes away. It’s so bad if I even lift my arm wrong or pick something up it’s a flare up. Yesterday my flare up lasted 9 hours of my day then let up around bed time. Hope I get relief!

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Pain is so tiring. I'm so sorry. I care. I'm praying and please keep me posted. Hugs & Hope.....


I have Osteoarthritis and lately I did lift a lot of heavy paper boxes which were I agree, too heavy for me. I started having pain in my chest and upper back but this is usual for me... but then I went outside for a walk and could not do it I had awful chest pain including crucifying pain on the side of my cage rib and upper chest... stopped walking it would go away, was not loosing my breath or anything but had to stop was too painful. About 4 days later I started back, then could not walk more than 3 to 4 minutes it would start back, finally decided to go to my doctor. Well he panicked and sent me to emerge for "heart tests" within no time I had done all of them, the only test that puzzled them was the "Stress test" walking on that strap did not do at all what it did when I was walking outside... but the doctor did not like that I had pain when not holding to the bar, when my arms where loose and moving while walking. So, he sent me for "Angiogram" which turned out to be completely normal and no blockage . Now they are giving me "acid reflux" pills saying it must me that ! I also started seeing and getting treatment at a Chiropractor, but this hurts soo much...
Please tell me, HOW do they diagnose "Costochondritis" ? and if it is that, what can we do to make it better? I suspect I've had that for quite some time which comes and goes now and then, is that at all possible.
Waiting for any help you can give me.
Thank you for reading.

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I get relief from pain of costachondritis at the hands of my DO. Osteopathic treatment is so wonderfully healing.


I have costo for 2 years now and it does not seem to be going away even being managed by medication that i am taking and watching what i am eating so that i dont trigger my chest pain and rib pain and also stomach pain off feel like i have been stabbed in the chest as the pain is that painful cant even move with being in pain.


I have costo for 2 years now and it does not seem to be going away even being managed by medication that i am taking and watching what i am eating so that i dont trigger my chest pain and rib pain and also stomach pain off feel like i have been stabbed in the chest as the pain is that painful cant even move with being in pain.

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Bless you 53julie. It is very very painful and I can't imagine having it that long.

Has your doctor tried a prednisone taper to break the inflammation cycle? Can you take Advil or Motrin? There is a prescription anti inflammatory medication that is not as hard on the stomach called Mobic....has that been recommended?

Have you been to a cardiologist to make sure it is not your heart since it has lasted so long?

I am praying for you to get some relief.


Bless you 53julie. It is very very painful and I can't imagine having it that long.

Has your doctor tried a prednisone taper to break the inflammation cycle? Can you take Advil or Motrin? There is a prescription anti inflammatory medication that is not as hard on the stomach called Mobic....has that been recommended?

Have you been to a cardiologist to make sure it is not your heart since it has lasted so long?

I am praying for you to get some relief.

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I am taking naproxen tablets and omperzole every day it is not heart related i am also stressed as i am moving house in a few months i know that 2 yrs is a long time to have this condition hoping it is gonna go in its own.

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