Hypnagogic Hallucinations

Posted by januaryjane @januaryjane, Dec 23, 2019

Hi, ive probably had sleep problems most of my life. This year started to experience heavy Hypnagogic hallucinations. Ive been through two sleep studies, the first maybe 10 years ago, the most recent 4 or 5 years. They found nothing remarkable.
Im just a bit confused of these symptoms. I have some of the narcolepsy symptoms but not sure if its something to worry about. Im not falling asleep while doing activities or anything.
Thoughts would be appreciated.

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This is outside the answers that you want but it is related and very interesting. In the early 1900's it was discovered that the hypnagogic and hypnopompic (upon wakening) states can be used to influence the subconscious, either for better or worse depending on what is imputed by belief during these states. A certain technique to get results was all the rage in Europe and the US in the early 1900's. It was started by Émile Coué a French psychologist. I have heard of top athletes using it as well as other professionals who have had great results and swear by it. I actually practiced it some years ago and had fantastic results but then I found it hard to do because at night I usually fall asleep very quickly so I miss the opportunity. I think I will try to start it again on he 1st as there has also been some positive changes in my life recently, namely neighbors from hell are moving out by then!

The technique goes something like: When you lay down to go to sleep you start visualizing how you want your life to be AND you think it with absolute belief that it will happen AND you do it daily for a sustained period of time (weeks, months?). Then it will in fact come true.

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