How about a laugh, (hopefully)

Posted by Leonard @jakedduck1, Dec 31, 2018

I believe laughter is the best medicine. Laughter has actually been scientifically proven to help people with depression issues.
Let’s give it a try so we can all get happy and feel better. Many Epilepsy forums I’ve been on had joke sections. I was probably the biggest joke of all since I didn’t get a lot of the jokes. They said the jokes couldn’t be above 4th grade level for me to understand them so my jokes may be rather simplistic but let’s give it a try.
Have a lovely day everyone,

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It's ok not to get a Valentine on Valentine's Day;
I didn't get a groundhog on groundhog's day.


Went for my colonoscopy yesterday. The waiting room music was only one song played over and over. It was "The long and winding road."


Went for my colonoscopy yesterday. The waiting room music was only one song played over and over. It was "The long and winding road."

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That's hilarious! TY for sharing that.


Sorry this is so long, but it's so good.
1. I didn't make it to the gym today. That makes five years in a row.**
2. I decided to stop calling the bathroom the "John" and renamed it the "Jim". I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.
3. Old age is coming at a really bad time.**
4. The biggest lie I tell myself is: "I don't need to write that down, I'll remember it."**
5. I don't have gray hair; I have "wisdom highlights"! I'm just incredibly wise.**
6. Last year I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven't met yet.**
7. Of course I talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice.**
8. At my age "Getting lucky" means walking into a room and remembering what I came in there for.**
9. Actually, I'm not complaining because I am a Senger (Senior teenager). I have everything that I wanted as a teenager, only 80 years later. I don't have to go to school or work. I get an allowance every month. I have my own pad. I don't have a curfew. I have a driver's license and my own car. And I don't have acne. Life is great.
10. I have more friends I should send this to, but right now I can't remember their names. Now, I'm wondering: did I send this to you, or did you send it to me?


Sorry this is so long, but it's so good.
1. I didn't make it to the gym today. That makes five years in a row.**
2. I decided to stop calling the bathroom the "John" and renamed it the "Jim". I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.
3. Old age is coming at a really bad time.**
4. The biggest lie I tell myself is: "I don't need to write that down, I'll remember it."**
5. I don't have gray hair; I have "wisdom highlights"! I'm just incredibly wise.**
6. Last year I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven't met yet.**
7. Of course I talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice.**
8. At my age "Getting lucky" means walking into a room and remembering what I came in there for.**
9. Actually, I'm not complaining because I am a Senger (Senior teenager). I have everything that I wanted as a teenager, only 80 years later. I don't have to go to school or work. I get an allowance every month. I have my own pad. I don't have a curfew. I have a driver's license and my own car. And I don't have acne. Life is great.
10. I have more friends I should send this to, but right now I can't remember their names. Now, I'm wondering: did I send this to you, or did you send it to me?

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Love your #2, Shirley!

Uh, what I mean is, I love your 2nd witty comment.

I would elaborate, but I feel the "Jim" calling!


@shirleyrawlins, thanks for posting - I needed some laughter and there hasn't been much funny stuff here lately. I've been sick and was starting to wonder if others have been also.


@shirleyrawlins, thanks for posting - I needed some laughter and there hasn't been much funny stuff here lately. I've been sick and was starting to wonder if others have been also.

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Hope you're feeling better


@shirleyrawlins, thanks for posting - I needed some laughter and there hasn't been much funny stuff here lately. I've been sick and was starting to wonder if others have been also.

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Hugs to you, Madame Butterfly!

Hope you're feeling better.


Hugs to you, Madame Butterfly!

Hope you're feeling better.

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Have forgotten how to send private message.


I really appreciate the laughs, been to a funeral, so sad, thank you for putting joy in my life

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