Quite a week for wife, diagnosed with Alzheimers and Parkinson

Posted by geppetto @geppetto, 3 days ago

Tau plasma blood test showed Alzheimer's "present". Then DAT scan show suggestive of Parkinson's with Luey bodies. Should be quite a journey! Already forgetting to shower, speech is beginning to slur and walking gate is noticeably slower and deliberate.

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That’s a lot to process. I’m so sorry. Do you anticipate any further testing?


Not at this time, they are satisfied with prognosis. Nest appointment is 5 months.


Remember to breathe and love her as much as you can now so you can absorb the love she holds for you. I will pray for your strengh!


You may experience grief as you lose the person who is not what she was, sadness, anger and, at times, exhaustion. It will be a difficult road to follow for you. She will soon not remember much, but you must do everything. Ensure you have a supportive group, counsellor, family member or friend to download your feelings. If possible, get someone to help with cleaning and/or cooking or shopping. Respite care is crucial as you will need a timeout.


I cannot imagine where your spouse is with Parkinsons and LBD. My brother has both! My Dad died with complications from Parkinsons and NHL. My spouse has Parkinsons
I try to understand why three people that I love have had this horrible condition. I always say Parkinsons is the gift that keeps giving. My spouse is still able to be in this current time..but has accelerated so much this year. I try to keep him engaged. He has had a great day today. I am thankful for that. Hugs to you and your family.


I have read that the rate of progression varies with both of these conditions. My dad has Alzheimer’s and it’s gone very slow. After at least 12 years and he still has periods of time that you can hardly tell.

Ref. Parkinson’s….i’m not familiar with it. I knew someone who had been diagnosed many years ago, but haven’t seen him in years. I sometimes wonder how he is doing. He seemed to be working after 15 years after diagnosis. Does it ever take a pause?


I was diagnosed with MCI this past year. When I read your post, I just wondered if/when my husband and I will be in a similar situation. Oh how my heart arched for you and your wife when I read of your daily challenges. You will be in my prayers. When we don't know how to pray He makes intercession for us. Be strong.


I cannot imagine where your spouse is with Parkinsons and LBD. My brother has both! My Dad died with complications from Parkinsons and NHL. My spouse has Parkinsons
I try to understand why three people that I love have had this horrible condition. I always say Parkinsons is the gift that keeps giving. My spouse is still able to be in this current time..but has accelerated so much this year. I try to keep him engaged. He has had a great day today. I am thankful for that. Hugs to you and your family.

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She has more good days than bad. Trying to keep the exercise going (walking about a mile almost every day) and exercising her brain with card games and yahtzee. Outside of that, she is not very engaged.


I have read that the rate of progression varies with both of these conditions. My dad has Alzheimer’s and it’s gone very slow. After at least 12 years and he still has periods of time that you can hardly tell.

Ref. Parkinson’s….i’m not familiar with it. I knew someone who had been diagnosed many years ago, but haven’t seen him in years. I sometimes wonder how he is doing. He seemed to be working after 15 years after diagnosis. Does it ever take a pause?

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No known cure, medications may alleviate some symptoms. He biggest impact currently is her gate. Very slow, shuffling with concerns about losing balance. Walks with a cane. Stairways are very challenging.


I feel for all of you who posted on this thread. It saddens me to hear your struggles and grief.
My wife was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia just over 6 years ago at the age of 54. Initially, they thought she had early onset Alzheimers but began showing the combination of early onset Alzheimers and Parkinsons at the same time. I took care of her 24/7 for the past 5 1/2 years but my poor honey got to weak and confused to allow me to provide showers and other crucial personal hygiene. My plan was to take care of her until Jesus took her home. I remodeled our home to accommodate for her handicap (adjustable bed, handicap shower, etc). Little did I know that even with all of those things in place, her care would be more than I could handle alone. I made the decision to have her placed in a nursing home (also at the recommendation of her neurologist ) that is located in our small town. It is absolutely wonderful. Even though my guilt of not getting the job done by taking care of her myself, often plagues me. We have four adult children who live close enough to see her on the weekends.. We are truly blessed. I'm just rambling here but I just needed to share. Not many people who a person can turn to who truly understands. Thanks for allowing me to post. This disease so debilitating and relentless. It is the longest good bye I have ever had to say to a loved one. And yet, in God's grace and mercy, I am able to see her right away in the morning and feed her breakfast. Then see her in the afternoon and stay to feed her supper. Statistically, Lewy Body Dementia is very progressive and most pass away from 5 to 7 years after diagnosis from what I've learned. Having said that,.this might be my wife's final year on earth. I am thankful for the 40+ years God has given me and my children.
I pray for all of you. I hope your journey has beautiful memories that you can make. Ours did.
God bless.🙏
For all of you full time care givers - give yourself breaks. Ask for help. Otherwise, you will become overwhelmed and exhausted. At least that's been my experience.

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