Low levels of Vitamin B12
In another thread there is a good discussion about the benefits of Vitamin D. Since BE infections and / or MAC can cause people to have fatigue, fogginess, lethargy etc, Vitamin B12 levels can go unchecked.
It is another blood test that can really make a difference in someone’s health and overall energy to get things done.
Dealing with BE and possibly Bronchiectasis and MAC is challenging enough at times, but some symptoms can mask low Vitamin B12 levels too.
A blood test to get a baseline B12 level is helpful for assessment, especially if someone is very fatigued by their usual tasks. Having your doctor or pharmacist review the amount you need is useful too.
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the MAC & Bronchiectasis Support Group.
It’s also good to check vitB12 level if you have tingling feet. It was my case.
Hi jnmy @jnmy,
I somewhat immediately went out and bought Vit B 12 after my BE diagnosis. I don't take it every day along with my B complex supplement. I like to skip days so not to take too much of anything in my supplement routine. Glad this is being discussed. Many are low on B12, not just BE patients.
If we all had perfect body systems, and especially our digestive system, and if we all ate perfectly healthy foods from the start of life, or if we now had perfectly healthy soils, we might not need to be told by a doctor that we need to take supplements like Vit D and B 12 after our seeing the doctor because we know something is wrong with the way we, I, feel.