Support for caregivers
It’s only my husband and I with a dog. My husband just went thru his first chemo infusion and he had a terrible week. I feel I’m doing everything wrong.
I feel helpless not able to fix this problem. Seeing loosing so much weight and with little energy, it breaks my heart.
Does anyone have recommendations on type of foods that can provide him with energy?
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I am in the same situation as you. Except we have have cats 😼. My husband also has pancan and lost so much weight. He had 14 rounds of chemo and radiation. All of these are so hard on the body. Does your husband take pancreatic enzymes? This was a game changer for us. My husband has a good appetite now and enjoys his food. This is all I can ask. He eats everything he loves. I try to bake or cook his favorites. When he was on chemo he liked eggs, soups, casseroles, ice cream especially. He isnt fond of protein drinks but if I made him a milkshake I could sneak some in without too much flavor change. I hope this helps a bit. I know how hard this whole thing is, but I treasure each day he feels well and enjoys the things he loves. Hugs and prayers for you both ❤️
Don't get discouraged this is a terrible thing to watch a loved one go through and your reaction is normal.. Just be supportive and know that the best thing you can do for him is be there. Talk with your oncologist about what foods but as a general rule stay simple and eat smaller meals. Keeping you and your loved ones in my prayers. We are going through the same thing. He has lost a lot of weight as well. Feels very tired and miserable but hopefully it gets better for him. Don't hesitate to reach out it is a very lonely journey.
With my husband it seemed his tastes changed all the time. What tasted "ok" one day could not be tolerated the next. For a while jello was something he liked. I made more jello that first month or two than I had in our 45+ years together.
I agree that the creon helps and he can at least get some benefit from what he does eat.
He looked forward to ham and augratin potatoes for Thanksgiving... but, did not eat any of the left overs. It really is a juggling act trying to get him to eat.
I leave a little bucket with fruit and protein drinks by the couch that he munches on each morning so at least I feel he is starting off with something in his stomach. But after that I think he eats to appease me... really isn't very interested in food. His doctor put him on mirtazapine to stimulate appetite and I think that helped. Also marijuana gummies helped with nausea and appetite.
My husband has regained the weight he lost, but I"m not sure if it is because of the things I mentioned, or that the gem/abrax drugs that he is currently on don't cause all the puking that the folfirinox did. Unfortunately his CA19-9 numbers are slowly increasing so I'm not sure what regimen will be introduced next... and what changes that will bring.
Good luck. You are not alone in this journey.
Thank you so much for your reply and kind words. You could not imagine how reading your and others comments helps me get through the beginning of these journey.
Wish you the best for you and your husband as well .
I can relate. Every time I think I found something my husband can taste or take a small bite , it goes out the window. He gets frustrated and angry and asked to be left alone. He reminds me that he is trying and do want to eat , but I don’t understand. It breaks my heart hearing him saying these words because I know he feels like he is alone. I try not to cry in front of him, but sometimes it cannot be helped .
My prayers goes to all of us that are in this same journey.
Your message helped me as well. Just knowing I am not alone. The internet isn't always used for good, but one of the best things to come from it is that you can connect to others who are going through similar journeys. I am grateful for that. 🙏
You are definitely not alone. My husband had a distal pancreatomy in July 2024. They removed the Body and Tail of the Pancreas along with his Spleen. Many serious complications that set him back by several months. He lost over 50 lbs and was not eating much at all. Some days he would want something and I ran out to the store and brought it back only for him to tell me he did not want it. Other times, he would eat something and tell me it was really good so I would go ahead and make more and he would tell me he could not eat. Oncologist suggested CBD oil to help his appetite. I talked to a friend who had gone thru something like this with his Aunt and he suggested RSO Capsules. ( Rick Simpson Oil ) I did some research and was able to get them. They have been a Game Changer. He has gained 30 lbs back but if he does not take them,
he has no appetite at all.
I am at University of Penn today with him. They are doing a Lung Biopsy because he has nodules on his lungs and one has continued to grow. He also has a lot of pain in his right side, abdomen and stomach so after we get the results from the lung biopsy, they will do another PET scan to check his Liver,
It truly is a Journey that we are all on. My Husband and I will be married 50 Years in July and have 3 Wonderful sons and their Families who are always there when we need them. Going thru all of this together has made us even closer and love each other even more than we ever thought possible. We are trying to enjoy every day that we are together.
My husband is much the same. He gets angry with me when I try to get him to eat something. He says he is doing the best he can...I know he is. It is so hard to watch someone that was so strong fall to this horrible disease. Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers. Keep positive...
Sounds like you have the very best attitude for the journey. May God bless you both and your beautiful family. My son has really been my support through all of this. So blessed to have him...such a comfort.
My husband was just diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer in October.... we didnt even know... he turned Jaundice and we thought it was his liver.... after scans and bloodwork, and a scope w/biopsy... Cancer was confirmed...
Try different protein bars and shakes.... you may have to purchase numerous ones until you find one he likes... ... its very hard... I feel helpless as well....... Unfortunately after a laparoscopic surgery they found a few more spots that were cancerous... so now the Whipple surgery has been canceled. We are both very disappointed... they changed his chemo meds, so hopefully this will start bringing his CA19-9 numbers down.. Sending prayer to you and your husband.