Zoloft & Hair Loss

Posted by briarrose @briarrose, Sep 30, 2024

Has anyone experienced hair loss while taking Zoloft?
I started it in November 2023 and gradually dose increased to 200 mg. as of today...I thought my hair was shedding more than usual months ago. My hair stylist has confirmed my once thick hair is thinning. No bad spots yet. My psychiatrist tells me she "hasn't heard of this side effect". Any thoughts? And if this has happened to you - what can be done to stop the excess hair loss? I don't want to lose my hair despite the Zoloft seemingly being effect.

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Well, it looks like I may be in the same situation...possibly starting chemo also.
Yes, I did a search & did see hair loss can be a side effect of Zoloft but it was hidden, so to speak. My psychiatric NP denies it can happen. But I also had a 42 pound weight loss over a year (the old fashion way, no drugs) at the same time starting the Zoloft and to my surprise several health professionals informed me increased hair shedding is very normal with weight loss. This I did not know. Also been under lots of personal stress over the past 18 months. So take your pick as to the culprit here. Using minoxidil also but effectiveness not great for me. My hair stylist just last week informed me the hair shedding seems to have slowed down. If due to weight loss the hair can gradually normalize & shedding stops. I have no bald spots, just thinning of my hair especially on one side. Yes, anxiety can be truly awful. Don't feel your hair loss has ruined your life, just a physical setback with options to correct. Focus on getting your anxiety under control and your physical health - obviously serious issues for you with the possibility of starting chemo. I was just diagnosed with breast cancer...on my 70th birthday no less. Lots of decisions for me to make re: my cancer. Hair is way on the back burner right now.
All the best to you.

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