Adjusting to life with temporal arteritis
Would like to hear from people that have gone thru or going thru temporal artritis. I am now going on my 5 month after being diagnosed. It is getting better but very slowly. Is this normal?
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I am a 71 yr old female and officially diagnosed with temporal arthertis yesterday. I went to the ER in November with heart attack symptoms. Troponin level elevated but second one came down so was sent home and told to see my doctor. Told him about my other symptoms and was sent to opthalmologist who sent me to surgeon for biopsy. My Dr started me on 60mg and opthalmologist changed to 40mg. Didn't get biopsy done until week before Christmas and results came back negative but unable to rule out temporal arthertis. Prednisone made me very weepy. Opthalmologist called me week after new years and listened to me when I told him I felt great for 2 days then symptoms came back so set me up with rheumatologist who I finally saw yesterday. Also reduced Prednisone to 20mg. I started methotrexate yesterday, 10mg, and was so fatigued today and brain fog. Also folic acid for 90 days. My doctor also sent me to cardiologist due to blood pressure up and down when it normally low. So on lorsartin 25mg. Chemical stress test was good. I have appointment end of March with neurologist due to the memory issues and brain fog I have. Rheumatologist told me could be months or years before I go into remission. He also told me that if you are on high dosage Prednisone for over a week before biopsy results are not to be trusted, but they have found that you won't go blind in the eye of side you had biopsy. So a positive there. I am hoping the fatigue day after weekly dosage of methotrexate will ease. I also have secondary hyperparathyroidism so was already taking 6 tablets citrical. Just finished 2 years of daily injections of teriparitide and will be starting prolia again in March. I am also a retired nurse so was able to advocate for myself. My advice is this you feel something is wrong, don't drop it just because test comes back negative, be vocal and make sure you have a doctor that listens to you. Thank you for reading and letting me be a part of our next journey
GCA is a type of vasculitis and the Vasculitis Foundation website is excellent there are weekly virtual support groups that have excellent moderators. I have attended several meetings and found them very informative and helpful. I have a different type of Vasculitis but many in the support groups have GCA. You just register for the day and time you want and find a group you like. I hope that helps you learn and cope with this! Keep us posted please.
I'm not sure well for sure that I have this however I am certain but it's taken a lot of doctors and finally I have one that is sending me to rheumatology. I have spent almost 3 years on research on every symptom and have spent a lot of money on supplements. I have always been interested in natural healing and I have made it my only weapon because sadly our doctors are really not capable and that's really terrifying. Once I realized that I am the only one who is going to figure this out. I have spent countless hours and weeks money you name it. This is probably about everyone's story on here and I am fed up with it. I'm determined to find the answer and to bring everyone I can into healing. It breaks my heart to see people unhealthy and hopeless I'm not going to stand by and I wish the doctors who are making really good money on our misfortune of health well I wish they had this same burning passion to help heal instead of bandaid with commercial entities propaganda pills.. I believe if we stand up and don't back down we can break them of this vicious cycle. If they only knew that as long as they were handling our natural cures they would still have a really good paying life but the greed has toppled their heart and soul. We have to push congress for ivermectin and peptides and everything else that is cutting edge cures and force the insurance companies to start covering the correct treatments!! I believe that RFK junior is about to rip the veil open and I am so grateful, happy, excited 😊 for everyone who has been sick and lost hope. Okay so I want to share this with everyone so when you read it if you could share this with everyone on this forum because I really think I have some information on things that could really help everyone. So with GCA we need help with reversing increased capillary permiabilty and I have found that CLONIDINE does help reverse it. And as well as one of the most important ones is the PREGNENOLONE which is a nuerosteroid and it helps to modulate ion channels and that also decreases inflammation in the vascular system as well as the brain and it has a plethora of other body healing powers. And there's an herb called ANDRO GRAPHICS PANICULATA that supress migrating polymorphonuclear neutrophils and that inturn also reverses the increased capillary permiabilty and the pregnenolone also helps block the signaling of the interleukin -6 pathway. Also adding RESVERATROL to this powerful combo will help calm the system while feeding it with vital nutrients. I have put all of this together myself and I know that I am not a doctor but I know that I am right and after doing this I promise your body will thank you 🙏 You will be able to calm the brain so the body can catch up and start doing it's job again because it is powerful and intelligent and resourceful and your body will heal itself. You all can do this and you will heal 🙏 Please if you can share with everyone on here and anyone that you know is suffering. I know what it's like to suffer daily pain unbearable on some days and knowing that you have to get the house cleaned food cooked and so on while you are miserable in pain. I know what it's like to think you are going to have to live like this and I have decided there's no way I am going to lay down and keep taking this. I get even angrier when I think about others living like this with no hope I can't bare it I am a feisty little woman and curious and relentless and always know that I will conquer and for me to think about the people who don't think like I do and they have no idea what to do that's why I am committed to finding the answer. Thank you all so much for talking about this and doing something about it because we are the only ones who really care about us living and having quality of life. Thank you for sharing. Sincerely Dawn.
Also I wrote a reply on here I'm new to all this so not sure if you are able to see it but I wrote some other really helpful supplements. ANDRO GRAPHICS PANICULATA, you can get it on Amazon and it suppress migrating polymorphonuclear neutrophils and helps to reverse increased capillary permiabilty as well as CLONIDINE it actually reverses increased capillary permiabilty and of course the most potent helper Pregnenolone and it is helping modulate ion channels and that helps with increased capillary permiabilty and Pregnenolone is a nuerosteroid and has a plethora of other body healing powers I call them.. Also suppressing the migrating polymorphonuclear neutrophils. Also adding RESVERATROL it helps to calm the body and feeds it vital nutrients. I will continue to research and question myself for answers and I will share everything that I know and that I will know. Thank you all for helping others while we are suffering.