Just found out I’ve had a silent mini stroke!

Posted by ginger123 @ginger123, Sep 21, 2024

After a fall, my doctor ordered a CT scan, and an “incidental” find was a silent mini stroke (not TIA) in a small vessel. Age indeterminate, so not sure how long I’ve had it.
I’m scheduled for Carotid artery Doppler, and a coronary artery CT. Doctor put me on .81 aspirin, and awaiting results of scans.
I’m quite concerned that this increases my risk for a large stroke, or more mini strokes. I’ve changed my diet, losing weight, getting cholesterol down (which wasn’t overly high) and watching BP, (which is normal). I’m 73 and otherwise in good health…. I thought!
Have you had similar findings? What have you experienced?
Thank you. I love our Mayo Clinic group.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases Support Group.

Sorry to hear that you've had an event. I know how scary it can be; I had a major stroke on Christmas Eve, 2018, and I am very concerned about having another one.

I think you're taking all the right steps, doing the best job you can. One bit of good advice I got was not to worry constantly about another stroke. That stresses you unnecessarily, and actually *increases* your risk.

It's difficult, I know, but letting fear dominate your whole existence is worse.

Good luck!

My stroke recovery story: http://www.youtube.com/@srlucado/videos


I have had 3 TIA's and I am curious. What is the difference between a silent mini stroke and a TIA? Initially, I worried about the possibility of a major stroke, but I don't worry anymore becuae, as the gentleman siad, the worry increasees your risk. Everything I have read says that you should not have any "side effects" of the TIA, but it definitely affected my writing ability. When I sign my name on a document, I get a brain freeze part way through [I do have a long name] and I have to deliberately force myself to continue writing. Take care of yourself and thanks for sharing.


Thanks for responding to my post. From what I’ve read and heard from doctors, a TIA doesn’t leave a lesion (scar) on the brain, and a mini stroke does. Only visible on a scan. Have you had a scan?
I agree…. Easier said than done not to worry, but correcting what you can - weight, smoking, manage A1c and keep BP and cholesterol in check will greatly lower risk of a stroke. My neurologist said getting white matter in the brain is just a part of aging, but wants to do a MRI to get an answer to the characteristics of the lesions in the white matter.
I’m working on it, but I think I’ll need to go on a statin. It’s a scary process.
Wishing you all the best.


The CT scan was “over interpreted” and completely wrong. I had further follow-up with MRI and three neurologists confirmed I didn’t have a stroke, and MRI was normal! The stress this error caused was horrendous, but relieved with correct results. I’ve learned to always follow-up with MRI, which is gold standard!


I have had 3 TIA's and I am curious. What is the difference between a silent mini stroke and a TIA? Initially, I worried about the possibility of a major stroke, but I don't worry anymore becuae, as the gentleman siad, the worry increasees your risk. Everything I have read says that you should not have any "side effects" of the TIA, but it definitely affected my writing ability. When I sign my name on a document, I get a brain freeze part way through [I do have a long name] and I have to deliberately force myself to continue writing. Take care of yourself and thanks for sharing.

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I have had both. The mini stroke shows up on an MRI as a lacunar stroke. I have had several and only went to the hospital once to my doctor's consternation. I guess it is better to be safe than sorry, though, since a mini stroke can be a precursor to something larger.


The CT scan was “over interpreted” and completely wrong. I had further follow-up with MRI and three neurologists confirmed I didn’t have a stroke, and MRI was normal! The stress this error caused was horrendous, but relieved with correct results. I’ve learned to always follow-up with MRI, which is gold standard!

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Hi, @ginger123 - sorry to hear about the wrong CT scan but happy to hear about your normal MRI with no stroke.

You'd mentioned that the “incidental” find of a silent mini stroke caused horrendous stress. How are you doing lately?


I am sorry your worried and anxiety is up I'm sure. I found out I've had many ischemic strokes in my right and left hemispheres, celebra areas. They started around 65 and I'm 66 now. I'm forgetting things is why they did the MRIs and many other tests too. I have Connective tissue disease that could be the culprit still don't know. I don't have risk numbers on my cholesterol and my blood pressure is on the low side to low. No showing of blockages anywhere. Crazy!! Like you I think a big stroke is coming. Hugs to you!!


I have had 3 TIA's and I am curious. What is the difference between a silent mini stroke and a TIA? Initially, I worried about the possibility of a major stroke, but I don't worry anymore becuae, as the gentleman siad, the worry increasees your risk. Everything I have read says that you should not have any "side effects" of the TIA, but it definitely affected my writing ability. When I sign my name on a document, I get a brain freeze part way through [I do have a long name] and I have to deliberately force myself to continue writing. Take care of yourself and thanks for sharing.

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Mini strokes are ischemic infracts, strokes. TIAs are not the same , but can lead you to strokes. Much luck you find help in stopping them


Hi, @ginger123 - sorry to hear about the wrong CT scan but happy to hear about your normal MRI with no stroke.

You'd mentioned that the “incidental” find of a silent mini stroke caused horrendous stress. How are you doing lately?

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Thank you for asking! I’m doing very well. So thankful to receive the correct MRI report. It’s made me very aware of the importance of maintaining a sense of inner peace and acceptance as I age. So, I guess that was another positive of the initial misdiagnosis.


My wife is in her early 50s. In very good health. No smoking, just social drinking (4 oz a night), just 10-15 pounds above her high school weight.

About 3 years ago she had some facial twitching and slight speech slurring. She was in her late 40s and didn't realize it was her first mini-stroke. Recovered within an hour or two.

About 1 year ago she had a major episode. Speech slurring, severe facial twitches. Taken to ER and kept over night. All tests/scans returned negative. So just put on blood thinners and cholesterol meds. Doctors think it was a mini-stroke but no damage per scans.

Today she had a third event. She had gone off her blood thinner for a week as it was causing lots of bruising and she was going to talk to the doctor about a replacement. This was a slight event. Face/arm/lips were numb. Fully recovered with 2 hours.

All events effect her right hand side.

We are at a lost what to do. She feels like a ticking time bomb.

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