Inconsiderate, intimidating neighbors cause depression and anxiety?
Lets; say you have neighbors that sit outside your apartment building, smoke "weed" in public view (which is illegal) and use intimidating gestures towards you as you come and go. Could this be enough to cause legitimate depression and anxiety?
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I was just thinking about that very issue earlier. The fact is no matter where you live in the world if you are near anyone there is always the risk of having your right to peace and safety violated by someone else. Obviously some places are far worse than others but that can be researched, In my case I did do extensive research and this area is safe! What happened here is rare and beyond belief.
I was angry today. At the men and at life for putting me in this awful situation. I said it before, this for me is not just about drugged, aggressive, threatening men outside the place I live. It's about how everything in the environment here "lined up" to make me a "sitting duck". There's no way to not be detected by the men. There's no escape if "something goes down".
It's me right now but I have known numerous people throughout my life, of all walks of life and ages, who have had a range of bad neighbor experiences. The ones that seem to suffer the longest are those who live in houses they own. In apartments there's often other residents who are affected by the same issue(s) and landlords in many jurisdictions must by law provide a safe and peaceful living environment. That's the only reason why it's ending where I live. The police can arrest trouble-causing people over and over and over but the only one who can legally move them out is the landlord. Actually, I learned through this experience that depending on the circumstances some cities can circumvent the landlord and do it if the landlord fails to do it. The federal government can also end situations if drugs are involved.
I have nothing to update today on the situation here. I wanted to go to the store earlier but I decided not to - out of fear. I never in my life thought I would ever experience something like this. It truly is a living nightmare. I will call the landlord tomorrow and try to find out anything I can. Thanks for listening. It really helps.
Thank you for your reply. Stay safe. To live in fear is awful
Update: I spoke with the landlord. They said that the men will be gone soon but could not give me an exact day or even if it will be this week or by the end of the month. What I have been seeing around here may or may not have had anything to do with their moving out. Well, it felt great thinking it had taken place already!
The landlord did allude to the fact that the situation was worse than they thought. Apparently these men are up to literally nothing good and their "friends" and "associates" are at best "unsavory". They also seemed to allude to the fact that law enforcement is monitoring the building but I got the impression that they may not really know to what extent this is happening or not, if at all.
The good news is that it will be over. That I am sure of. The bad news is the men are still here. I will update again as things happen.
Thank you for all your comments. It backs up my research. I am sorry we have reached this state in our society. I am still struggling with how we got here. I work on our place too aka cleaning tidying up etc. There is only 1 other tenants in a our rv park. I am sad to say he is in severe poverty a hoarder does not care for his dog. Has no heat or running water.
I agree with you about Edmonds being a very nice community, with their own city government, police and fire departments. I drove a truck for Office Max delivering furniture, paper, and other office supplies for almost 17 years, and Edmonds was in my delivery area. I was in downtown Edmonds almost every day of the week, and it was always clean and well kept.
Anywhere in Seattle's King County it's a different story, you wouldn't want to live down there. Traffic, crime, homelessness, graffiti, etc.
My wife and I live north of there in Mt. Vernon, Wa. It's a lot more rural up here, with fewer people, less crime, and lots of open farm land.
You are so right about Seattle and King County! They are awful with all the crime, homeless, etc. I'm not thinking of moving anytime soon, but if the rent goes up too high, I may have to. Mt. Vernon is a nice area. I'm glad to hear that it is still nice. I've lived in Washington State since I was 6 and I'm 78. It was always such a nice, beautiful state with friendly, good people in it. It's too bad that it has turned out like it has. I never thought I would see it like it is now. It's very sad.
Update: There were definite changes here tonight. I believe the men may have in fact left but the landlord does not know this yet. It could be the men may have just left without going through the normal process when vacating an apartment. I will try to find out as soon as I can and I will update when I do.
This bad experience made my think about overall crime and the degradation of society. I came up with an interesting theory and the Seattle, Washington area is the perfect case example. 35 to 60 years ago there was a strong culture of collaboration in technical and artist pursuits that led to world-changing advancements and culture. Examples include Microsoft and the music group Nirvana. The founders got together in a spirit of doing good. Neighbors shared good information. People were inputting good into society. That was the culture and the result was a safe and happy place.
Today there's a much higher percent of people inputting bad into society, just like the men threatening me. Why couldn't they say something positive? Maybe that would lead to something good. An employment opportunity? A business idea? A creative work? How about just a pleasant place to live?
You're seeing the results of bad social inputs. The solution is to recognize that culture is everything and we need to change it to one of good. This is very possible. Social interactions are so import in doing so. Without going into detail I believe it starts with the responsibility of each person and those that are not responsible (inputting bad) must be immediately forced to be responsible. In my case this is what is happening. The men who input bad are getting thrown out of a nice place and good will return here. These men won't care but the next places (that's plural) where they go to will no longer be in good environments, unless they change.
It's just a theory but I believe in it lies the solution to getting back to the days when you didn't be afraid to go outside or even lock you door.
Hi Robert,
I'm so glad to hear the good news! It looks like our prayers are getting answered! I'm glad those awful men are leaving. You are right. They probably left already to avoid being arrested! As to your theory, it 's nice and would work except for the fact that as it states in the Book of Revelations, "Satan is loosed for a little season." Unfortunately, things will continue to be bad but we can improve them by praying. However, when we all get to Heaven, then we'll see a wonderful, friendly community again and won't ever have to be afraid.
PML: Thank you again for your support.
Yes, it's very good news. The men will in fact be moving very soon, if they haven't already. If they haven't moved yet then there is a definitely risk for me, particularly if I run into them outside of the building. If my fear before was a 8 and 9 on a scale of 10. Today was about 4! That's very good news too. So I will recover when they leave but I will never forget this nightmare.
The fact that the men didn't go crazy, or maybe they did, is a real blessing. Regardless I will be very careful here until this is over. I will update again soon.