
Posted by kat1890 @kat1890, Jul 26, 2011

Does anyone know anything about this? Also, is there a doctor at Mayo-Jacksonville FL who can treat it? Daughter has been sick for 2 years and doctor after doctor has not been able to tell her what is wrong. One of the doctors in Atlanta mentioned this but did not say that this is what she is suffering from.

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I do have this and am struggling with it again. I had a PICC line in to treat it with 24/7 antibiotics and once the 8 weeks was up, they removed the line. I got it again in the same wound and am just defeated.


Wow! I'm shocked to hear that the docs are dismissing her symptoms especially if she is experiencing drainage. Since you mentioned facial bone decay it sounds more like Cervicofacial actionomycosis. Does she have any infected teeth? What did her X-rays reveal? I guess I'm just shocked that you have not received better treatment for your daughter since actinomycosis can spread to any part of the body. Please ask to see all lab reports on your daughter to make sure cultures were performed. Although actionomycosi may be confused with bacterial infections the microbiologist shouldl know to look for the characteristic granules that can be seen in the pus or exudate from lesions which can help distinguish Actionomycces israelii along with the morphology of the colonies. Sorry to keep asking questions, I'm just very confused by the lack of concern you are receiving.

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You seem to know more about Actinomyces. My blood cultures are not being g held for labs long enough but 1st one was held for 2 to 4 weeks. Each one thereafter to see if it's still there has been 5 days. The sores have now developed Staph and am took off 500 mg pn. And now on Moxycycline. I'm very disturbed by the treatment recieved and lack of knowledge but everything I'm readi g says it takes 5 to 20 days to culture. Who is the best MD to see over actinomycosis ?


You seem to know more about Actinomyces. My blood cultures are not being held for labs long enough but 1st one was held for 2 to 4 weeks which showed it. Each one thereafter to see if it's still there has been 5 days and not showing. The sores have now developed Staph and am took off 500 mg pn. And now on Moxycycline. I'm very disturbed by the treatment recieved and lack of knowledge but everything I'm readi g says it takes 5 to 20 days to culture. Who is the best MD to see over actinomycosis ?


You seem to know more about Actinomyces. My blood cultures are not being held for labs long enough but 1st one was held for 2 to 4 weeks which showed it. Each one thereafter to see if it's still there has been 5 days and not showing. The sores have now developed Staph and am took off 500 mg pn. And now on Moxycycline. I'm very disturbed by the treatment recieved and lack of knowledge but everything I'm readi g says it takes 5 to 20 days to culture. Who is the best MD to see over actinomycosis ?

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If you feel you are not getting the right answers for your situation, you could seek out an Infectious Disease doctor. If you are in a large medical practice, there may be one in the system. Otherwise you can ask your primary provider for a referral or google for "Infectious Disease Specialist near [your location]".

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