Foods after Pancreatectomy/Splenectomy
My husband had a total pancreatectomy/splenectomy and gall bladder removal on 8/11, so he's now a Type1 diabetic (was a Type2 for a couple of years before). He was in the hospital for 6 days. They started him out on clear liquids (1 day), then moved to soft foods for a couple of days and then put him on their "regular" diet. I absolutely understand that he needs to eat whatever he can in very small amounts, but we're definitely struggling. Nothing appeals to him and even eating small amounts causes diarrhea. I'm trying for high quality protein, low fat, low fiber foods. This morning's breakfast was 1/2 hard boiled egg, 1/2 slice cinnamon bread (no raisins), 1/4 banana, and no sugar added cherry juice diluted 50/50 with water. Can anyone offer any suggestions of what foods might be good to offer at this point? He's beginning to stress over the diarrhea because he says he has no warning and many times can't make it to the bathroom 12 feet away. He doesn't move around much, and I'm wondering how to motivate him to do more of that too? I know it will be a LONG road ahead, but today it seems longer than he will tolerate. Any advice or tips would be much appreciated!
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I had a full pancreatectomy and spleenectomy a little over 10 years ago which made me a type one diabetic and I'm very interested in getting to know everything I can in this group.
First, I want to say thank you for all the information provided regarding the surgery for the spleenectomy, removal of the gallbladder, and tail end of the pancreas. My surgery is scheduled for 3/11/2025, and this group has been very informative and helpful. Its a lot to take in, but I am so grateful to know that I am not alone. Is there anyone who has suggestions for pre-surgery? I have approximately 4 weeks until my surgery and am wondering if there is anything I can do physically and nutritionally that would be helpful prior to surgery.
Moderate exercise, eat nutritiously and for a couple of days before surgery shower with an antiseptic soap such as Joycare or Octenisan. Just do things that make you happy or feel good - to go in to surgery positive. All the best!
Is your husband taking Creon when he eats?
He takes 3x150mg per meal. That allows him to put on a bit of weight. He dropped it to 2 capsules a meal about 4 months back and weight dropped by 1 kg in 3 months - does not sound alot but still not ideal. He has gone back to 3 capsules a week back. It’s a bit trial-and-error. He dropped it because he thought it would not affect him too much and he’s so sick of tablets.
How is your wife doing? Latest markers this month?