Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Posted by seidholz @seidholz, Feb 13 6:17am

I have been in the NIH Long Haul research program since 2020. I have been diagnosed with all the tropical symptoms- loss of taste and smell, brain fog, dizziness etc. all have improved over time with the exception of Chronic Fatigue. I have asked, even pleaded with my doctors and researchers for a solution for this and get only blank stares. I have regularly exercised, watched my diet, lost over 30 pds, get plenty of sleep and take all sorts of vitamins and supplements- with no effect. Does anyone have any suggestions? All my blood work and multiple tests with the NIH study come back normal. Very frustrating

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seidholz, To me it sounds like you have the fatigue that goes along with Long Covid. I have had it for 2 years. I had my first bout of COVID in August, 2022 (this was the worst) and then I had it again in October, 2023. I was diagnosed with Long Covid in June of 2023.

My main complaint is fatigue. I still take a nap every day. If I overdo, the fatigue is debilitating.

I take a lot of supplements for Long Covid including D3 with K2, C, B complex, Zinc & Vitamin C. I also take NAC for extra mucus. Not sure what you are taking, but, ask you doctor before trying.

I personally would go to an Integrative Medicine doctor that treats Long Covid. They can do infusions to boost your immune system. Sadly, it is out of pocket. I could not tolerate the infusions due to my sensitivity. Glutathione is used to treat Long Covid by an Integrative Medicine doctor. I could not tolerate this one either.

Also, have you had your B12 & D3 & Iron checked? COVID wiped mine out. I am on weekly B12 injections as my body has Gene Mutation issues with absorbing B12. Having low D3 can make you tired as well. A primary doctor can diagnose this.

Praying for you to feel better. Fatigue is frustrating. I will say that a nap daily since COVID does help greatly.


Mayo has a chronic fatigue program. Give them a call and get signed up. I used it and it helped.


I had the fatigue issue long before covid and have been through all sorts of testing, mostly heart, then came covid. had 2 pfizer vax, then had 2 strokes odd thing did not even know i had strokes until mri results. went from typing fast with both hands to slow one finger that takes forever. 80 yrs old now, i just want to go back to how i felt before. been to 4 neurologists, one rheumatologist, functional dr. you name. its hard when you live in an urban area to find someone that doesn't look at you like you are freaking crazy.


Mayo has a chronic fatigue program. Give them a call and get signed up. I used it and it helped.

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Did you have to go there? How many days?


Mayo has a chronic fatigue program. Give them a call and get signed up. I used it and it helped.

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Could you please provide a web link to this "fatigue program"? Is it covid specific, or a more general fatigue program?


Been there, done that, and barring a miracle medical breakthrough, the researchers and doctors appear to be years away from fully understanding, let alone treating, long covid fatigue and other issues. Toward that end, we're pretty much on our own finding "alternative" (medical and non-medical) options that may or may not work for each individual. I will tell you that red light therapy (RLT), also known as photobiomodulation is one of the few research-based therapies that has helped me with fatigue, provided I use it daily for 20 minutes. There are a lot of "things" marketed as RLT. Be very careful as only a handful have actually been independently evaluated in medical studies, and most are foreign knock-off goods with no proof of usefulness. Studies published in peer-reviewed journals will identify which RLT devices were used and how effective they were. I used one of the RLT panels at a local spa before purchasing one; yes, it is very effective, for me, and others I've recommended them to. I suggest looking at Platinum Therapy Lights, which have been used in some studies. Related to long covid, see: Doctors are relatively clueless about alternative therapies, but always check with yours before engaging in them.


I too suffer from unabated fatigue as a result of long Covid. And I have tried everything under the sun, including nicotine patches, Prozac, acupuncture, all manner of supplements, and various dietary regimes--all to no avail. I'm now hoping for an appointment with the National Jewish Health in Denver, which has resources dedicated to long Covid, but at the moment it's a waiting game. I'm back on the patches, hoping those might help with the fatigue, and will let you know.

It's really all a huge mystery. I wish I had some solutions for you.


Could you please provide a web link to this "fatigue program"? Is it covid specific, or a more general fatigue program?

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I would like to see the link too


Hello. I too have long covid with intense fatigue. What has helped me is low dose Naltrexone and Abilify that I got from the Stanford Long Covid/ME CFS clinic. Two years ago I could not walk around the block and could not use a computer, now I can hike and even do short backpack trips (resting along the way) and use a computer most of the day.
I wish you all the best


Been there, done that, and barring a miracle medical breakthrough, the researchers and doctors appear to be years away from fully understanding, let alone treating, long covid fatigue and other issues. Toward that end, we're pretty much on our own finding "alternative" (medical and non-medical) options that may or may not work for each individual. I will tell you that red light therapy (RLT), also known as photobiomodulation is one of the few research-based therapies that has helped me with fatigue, provided I use it daily for 20 minutes. There are a lot of "things" marketed as RLT. Be very careful as only a handful have actually been independently evaluated in medical studies, and most are foreign knock-off goods with no proof of usefulness. Studies published in peer-reviewed journals will identify which RLT devices were used and how effective they were. I used one of the RLT panels at a local spa before purchasing one; yes, it is very effective, for me, and others I've recommended them to. I suggest looking at Platinum Therapy Lights, which have been used in some studies. Related to long covid, see: Doctors are relatively clueless about alternative therapies, but always check with yours before engaging in them.

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Can you tell us or give a link to the specific product you are using? Thank you!

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