Does anyone have any experience with MEIBO (PF) drops for dry eyes?
I've tried many suggestions from several ophthalmologists for my dry eyes, which started after Cataract surgery.
My current ophthalmologist at Mayo Clinic has suggested Meibo drops. She sent the Rx to BlinkRX, and with my insurance, it's $627!
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Yes, this one is great. I use it every morning and sometimes it puts me back to sleep which is an extra added perk.
Using eye goggles while you sleep helps to maintain eye moisture along with OTC drops and prescriptions
I am using Meibo and it has worked really well for me (I have filamentary keratitis due to dry eye )
Is the $627 your cost or insurance cost ? (My insurance covers my prescription).
I also used Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) eye drops from a compounding pharmacy (similar to autologous tears but has worked better for me )
Good luck!
Thanks for your input,
$627 is after my insurance.
Miebo is sold over the counter in Europe under the brand name EvoTears. It’s the exact same medication. I get mine from a pharmacy in Germany for $20 and free shipping to the US.
Hope this helps!
@ella101 Thank you I saved the website. I’m calling my doctor Monday to have him do a prior authorization again . Being disabled I have to self pay my insurance, I just found out Friday that my insurance didn’t show me paying and put me as inactive
II ordered Evo tears from Apo health in Germany 3 days ago. They have already shipped and I will be getting it soon.
Both Evo tears and Novatears eye drops have the same ingredients as Meibo.
I ordered mine from Apo health 3 days ago. Will be receiving it soon.
I am also looking for Evo tears with omega.
Okay….I’m very interested. I’m just a little curious about regulations regarding products like this in another country. Being overly cautious….idk. With an eye product I’m super wary I suppose.
@mazel47 wow that’s fast I will definitely I rely check into it