Anxiety and depression

Posted by cdemott @cdemott, Feb 5 4:21pm

I’m not sure how to comment in these groups. Never done it before but here goes. I’m having severe anxiety and panic attacks. Xanax just knocks me out. I’ve been put on buspirone 15mg twice daily and Zoloft. Anyone know if these meds help?

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I use buspirone. I works in2 ways. It helps with serotonin and reduce dopamine.

It had few side effects.


I have severe anxiety and bipolar 1 with severe manic episodes so I have taken so many different medications for it. Still, the ones you mentioned except for the Xanax, did not affect me whatsoever. The only medication that has truly helped me is Seroquel. I'm not saying it will work or that you should take it. I take a half before I leave my house to go ANYWHERE and a whole to sleep. it has been an absolute lifesaver for me. I wish you much luck and many hugs, I hope you find something that honestly helps you.


The mind is so powerful and problematic when we have difficulty “turning the mind off”. I have had great response from Escitalopram 10mg/day. Xanax was too strong for me and this drug just helps me stay in positive mood. Life is good!


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On your Xanac posts. Do you take a low dose? It is available in several dosages. If I take a .5 it really affects me. If I take a .25 just calms me down.

There are several great medications out there for anxiety and panic attacks. I take one for anxiety/depression and really helps. For a long time I was on trazodone for sleep and the Xanac for anxiety. I was able to come off both and just occasionally do Xanac. I was told I would need to stay on my anxiety/depression for life.

What I find and encourage is finding an exercise (after doctor approval) that you really like doing and do it. If exercise is not your thing then find a hobby and do it. Both of these can bring a smile to your face and help reduce anxiety and depression.

The above really helped me and for you maybe give it a try after discussing with your doctors. Mental health affects physical health and physical health affects mental health. So doing things helps on will help the other.
Good luck


You are well on your way to solving your problem. You might try adding Wellbutrin which works particularly well with Zoloft. Also look in to Bupropion. I have taken that combination for over 30 years and it has served me well.
I also take clonazepam which I hesitate to bring up on this post. My psychiatrist years ago prescribed that for my anxiety and I have never increased my dosage and have no side effects. I am 73 and even as the world gets crazier every day I manage my depression and anxiety.
Try the Wellbutrin and Bupropion and I hope it works.
It takes about six weeks to get in your system and I am curios if it helps.


I’m so sorry you are going through this. I too have had much anxiety and depression throughout my 61 years of life. I have tried many different medications. Some of them worked, some of them didn’t.
There’s a big problem with someone recommending a specific medication to you. Everyone is so incredibly different. People’s experiences and the chemistry of their brains and bodies can change the way any medication works.
I’m sure you’ll get advice on specific medications to take. But take it with a grain of salt. The best person to judge whether or not a medication is effective is YOU!
Work with your doctor. Try to talk about your experiences with others who understand because they have been through them too. And most importantly, remember that there are people out here (like me) that are thinking of you and sending you positive energy and encouragement.


Buspirone I believe has helped no one. Especially if you are used to a benzo.


Hi all. I’ve been taking Effexor XR since diagnosed with major depression disorder and PTSD in 2016. I started out at a low dose and recently was switched to 225mg. I absolutely could not function before my dosage increase. Depression was interrupting my entire life. I want to get back into therapy but I can’t afford it, even with my insurance. My worry is what happens when this dosage stops working also. Anyone else been on Effexor and if so, for how long?


Being in a funk right now dealing with mental issues. Depression. Anxiety. Stress. Take pills feel one way ((usually zombie like) or stay ultra busy to keep mind occupied. Seems like there is no middle ground. My wife thinks I’m bipolar. I’m either bustin butt around the house or I am so lethargic I can hardly get out of bed. I am recently diagnosed with SMM. So I’m dealing with a range of emotions right now that I am not used too. On top of that Tramodol, Effexor, Hydroxyzine knock my socks off. There has got to be a better way. I’m going crazy.


Maybe you are bipolar. I am and I have had symptoms exactly like yours.
Don’t give up! There are answers and treatments for you. Explore them with your doctor. Treatment for bipolar is different. Medications help with mood stabilization and may help other symptoms by creating a more even balance of emotions.
Good luck. I’m thinking of you and sending you positive thoughts.

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