Aquablation: Post-surgery expectations

Posted by Phil, Alumni Mentor @upstatephil, Jan 26, 2024

After decades of pills to (partially) manage BPH, I am scheduled for aquablation at Mayo JAX in mid-Feb. Has anyone had that procedure done? What was post-surgery like? What were your experiences regarding regular vs. retrograde ejaculation?

My expectations are high. My general health is good+ (71 yo), my prostate is enlarged but not massive, my PSA's suggest no cancer concerns. The surgeon expects a low-risk procedure (no incisions I believe) and a quick recovery (unless something unexpected pops up). I appreciate it's impossible to predict surgical outcomes with certainty - I would like to hear of others' experiences to help set my expectations.

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Starting week 5. Small frequent flows with incontinence, clear urine, and reduced spams. Physio gave me pelvic floor exercises. Stated it was important to do them to ensure recovery. Told me to rest and don’t push it.

I was told my cycling days are over. I will ask my urologist about that but I’m in no hurry to try it at this point.


Summary: Aquablation Post-Surgery

I've been posting pretty regularly, so feel free to check out my previous posts to see my progress.

Feb 3rd (Day 10 Post-Surgery)Had my follow-up with the urologist. Post-volume measurements were 95cc. Got the usual "less than 100cc is good, and your number is probably on the high side since you're still healing" speech. I'm only getting up once a night to pee now—way better than the five times a night before surgery. No blood in my urine at all. Still a little bit of discomfort when peeing, but nothing too bad. Got the all-clear for lifting light weights and having sex, but I need to hold off on biking for another two to three weeks.

Feb 5th (Day 12 Post-Surgery)Had sex for the first time post-surgery—everything went great! Totally normal experience. Ejaculation seemed normal too, and no signs of retrograde ejaculation. Feeling good about heading back to the gym on Monday, Feb 10.


Im 51 years old. I had aquablation 10-16-24 in Dallas. My experience has not been good at all. My prostate was 80. I spent two nights in the hospital and went home with the catheter the size of a garden hose for four more days. While the catheter was in I had two blockages from tissue that causes severe pain. One was at the hospital and the other was at my home three hours away from the hospital in which landed me in my local ER to have it flushed. When it was removed on the sixth day. Since it was removed I've suffered a urinary tract infections and major incontinence. Been on Gemtesa for five weeks in which my insurance refuses to cover. It has had very little effect. I cannot ever be too far from a toilet while at my job. Two toilet trips a night seems to be the norm with multiple trips during the day. I piss like opening a fire hydrant for a few seconds. Maybe three to four ounces at a time. Have to wear depends pads for leaks since I cannot hold it. I have had several accidents.
Retro ejaculation is a real side effect the doctors don"t seem to care about and it is not reported half as much as it occurs. I still am able to get and maintain an erection. So if you are not ready for your sex life to be over, do not get the procedure. I have nothing but negative thoughts and reviews for this surgery. My life is pure hell since I had it. Do not get it unless you are prepared for the worse. I regret having it done everyday. I would be happy to answer any questions.


I was retrograde from a previous procedure, so aquablation did not affect that, at least that I can tell.

I was able to ejaculate after remaining celibate for about 30 days after my procedure. Unfortunately, I have discovered that it now is much more difficult for me to reach orgasm than it was before the procedure. I, however, am not qualified to speculate whether that reflects causation rather than correlation.

Good luck, @upstatephil, with your procedure.

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Dont do it if you can avoid it . look for my post on this sight page 17


@donk7 - I'm nearly 72 and had aquablation three months ago. Like you, my prostate wasn't huge but I experienced all the uncomfortable BPH symptoms plus I was on two meds that were providing marginal success. The process was performed at Mayo JAX. I had the procedure on Tuesday. Overnight for observation. Back to our VRBO for balance of Tues, Wed, and Thurs. Had a flow test plus the catheter was removed removed Thurs afternoon. Then seven hour drive home on Friday.

Yes to both sex and athletics. No after effects. No more BPH meds. My stream is like 40 years ago.
Good luck! It took maybe four weeks for me to feel 100% - but that pause was worth it to me...

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How big was your Prostate before Aquablation ?


Starting week 5. Small frequent flows with incontinence, clear urine, and reduced spams. Physio gave me pelvic floor exercises. Stated it was important to do them to ensure recovery. Told me to rest and don’t push it.

I was told my cycling days are over. I will ask my urologist about that but I’m in no hurry to try it at this point.

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Whoa, wait minute. Why no cycling? That is my main exercise both indoors and outdoors. I'd rather get up 5 times a night to pee than give up cycling.


Whoa, wait minute. Why no cycling? That is my main exercise both indoors and outdoors. I'd rather get up 5 times a night to pee than give up cycling.

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I use zwift and wahoo a lot but had pain after 30mins but pushed for at least 1 hr 3-4 times per week. Then the prostate tests, etc then aquablation.

I stated there is not a strong correlation between cycling and prostate issues. He said yes, but that I have prostate issues. It is baysean probably eg probability of worsening prostate issue by cycling given existing prostate issue. I don’t think that is part of the exist data set.

I will ask my urologist for data later. I’m still way too sore to go on a bike now.


Summary: Aquablation Post-Surgery

I've been posting pretty regularly, so feel free to check out my previous posts to see my progress.

Feb 3rd (Day 10 Post-Surgery)Had my follow-up with the urologist. Post-volume measurements were 95cc. Got the usual "less than 100cc is good, and your number is probably on the high side since you're still healing" speech. I'm only getting up once a night to pee now—way better than the five times a night before surgery. No blood in my urine at all. Still a little bit of discomfort when peeing, but nothing too bad. Got the all-clear for lifting light weights and having sex, but I need to hold off on biking for another two to three weeks.

Feb 5th (Day 12 Post-Surgery)Had sex for the first time post-surgery—everything went great! Totally normal experience. Ejaculation seemed normal too, and no signs of retrograde ejaculation. Feeling good about heading back to the gym on Monday, Feb 10.

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Happy things are going well. I had the procedure on Dec. 4 2024 and waited the recommended 6 weeks to begin working out. My workouts are pretty intense -boot camp, running, and spin. Unfortunately bleeding took place and was told to stop spin (no discussion of how long). I am still running and doing bootcamp and seem to have random bleeding - hard to determine the cause. I have made a decision to continue the workouts but have not gone back to spin. Trying to be patient with this but now past 8 weeks and pretty much satisfied with results; strong stream with some discomfort, on Tamsulosin every other day, minimal trips to the bathroom, and normal sex. At the end of the day from reading these posts I believe the surgeons are underestimating the recovery period/complications.

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