Globus sensation: Anyone else have a lump feeling in their throat?

Posted by Karen @fue, Apr 23, 2022

As far as I know I am not anxious about anything. I am retired. I don't have too much pain from my polyneuropathy at the moment. However, I do seem to suffer from a globus a lot of the time. Is this common with anyone else please?

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Yes, I had the same experience with Globus in regards to others (doctors) assuming it being solely from anxiety. I am not saying that I never felt anxious before in my life-I am not a special snow flake- however the level of anxiety I feel now, due to Globus is horrible. As most of you the onset was out of the blue (having lunch with a friend at my favorite bakery after having a great run on a beautiful day). I was okay after that day, but a few months later I kept having episodes. I had an episode at my GI's office and she sent me to the ER, and of course they found nothing. ER staff most likely thought I was crazy, and so did I because after the episode was over, I felt fine. Anyways... long story short, because no one seemed to know what was happening I started to rule things out myself and saw an allergist who DX me with "vocal cord dysfunction" which is very similar to Globus. My triggers are GI issues such as GERD (have been on Nexium for decades), extra sensitivity to certain smells which creates extra mucous. So extra mucous and extra gas gets trapped in my throat, providing me with all the ingredients for this very frustrating condition-YAY ME! 😒

Back on the subject of anxiety, I had to be very assertive when talking to doctors about this as one of the triggers can be stress and anxiety, which I am not arguing about. What I continue to make clear, after over 1 year of this, to medical professionals about my particular situation is that Globus/ vocal cord dysfunction is the sole cause of my now clinical Panic Disorder. If you were driving on a highway during traffic and you felt you were being strangled and this happened out of no where several times.... most people would most likley develop a panic disorder-including doctors. So who came first, the chicken or the egg? well.. we don't know, but in my case the vocal cord disorder and the Globus came first. My point is, if you have a similar case, don't be shy to advocate for yourself if your medical team is dismissive and attribute your Globus solely to anxiety.

I am glad to have found this post! I find it validating. Keep posting what help you! and I will do the same.


I’ve had this for going on four years now. Starting after getting the Covid vaccine. Done all the GI test. Seen so many doctors and can’t get any answers.


you can r4ad about laryngopharyngeal reflux at the website for dr. Jamie Koufman (ENT) and see if any of that applies to you. If so, you can try her tips and see if they make a difference.


I am experiencing this for the first time today. I also have a lot of anxiety. I have diagnosed GAD depression and panic disorders. I have had high anxiety for the last two weeks now this. No burning or soreness just a lump sensation. I thought it was heartburn but I don't feel any pain or burn. I tried antacids and that didn't work. Needless to say this is not helping my anxiety.


About a year ago, I started havinng those symptoms = it was GERD. I now sleep with my head above my stomach. I use a comfortable well built 'recliner' I'll set it to 5 - 12 inches for my head. . Rather than a lump, I get a sore throat. I'm 76, had all vaccinations and covid shots. Perhaps it's just the aging process, air pollution, anxiety, etc.

Having stomach acid going up into your throat - too much over an extended time will create more problems for you.


I am experiencing this for the first time today. I also have a lot of anxiety. I have diagnosed GAD depression and panic disorders. I have had high anxiety for the last two weeks now this. No burning or soreness just a lump sensation. I thought it was heartburn but I don't feel any pain or burn. I tried antacids and that didn't work. Needless to say this is not helping my anxiety.

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I have this sensation all the time. Doctor told me I have Gerd but even after an endoscopy there was no evidence of it and I never get heartburn, avoid spicy foods and drink decaf coffee. This first began when I developed excess mucus in my throat and to date nobody has provided a cure or a real explanation as to what causes it. At least once per day I have trouble clearing my throat. I've now had it for years and have come to accept that I'll probably have to live with this from now on. I'm 72 and eat properly and exercise daily. I have the occasional glass of wine and a beer now and again.


I have this sensation all the time. Doctor told me I have Gerd but even after an endoscopy there was no evidence of it and I never get heartburn, avoid spicy foods and drink decaf coffee. This first began when I developed excess mucus in my throat and to date nobody has provided a cure or a real explanation as to what causes it. At least once per day I have trouble clearing my throat. I've now had it for years and have come to accept that I'll probably have to live with this from now on. I'm 72 and eat properly and exercise daily. I have the occasional glass of wine and a beer now and again.

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laryngopharyngeal reflux is nicknamed silent reflux. The digestive enzyme pepsin can cause the symptoms you have. Or not. An ENT can scope up your nose and down your throat to see what's going on. A GI doc's scope doesn't include the throat. Again, look at Dr. Jamie Koufman's web site and see if her info is of any relevance to your case. I think food allergies may also cause these problems.


I went to a GI doctor in Phoenix and she diagnosed globus just by talking to me about the symptoms and considering my age, 75 at the time. She prescribe Omeprazole(Prilosec) 40 mg twice a day. I could not tolerate that dose and after 2 weeks stopped taking it.

2 years later I went back to the same GI's office and the PA prescribed Omeprazole 20mg, delayed release, once daily upon waking in the morning. I tolerated this quite well. After 2, 30 day treatments, I felt better and it seemed like the Globus feeling was gone. Hope this helps.


I went to a GI doctor in Phoenix and she diagnosed globus just by talking to me about the symptoms and considering my age, 75 at the time. She prescribe Omeprazole(Prilosec) 40 mg twice a day. I could not tolerate that dose and after 2 weeks stopped taking it.

2 years later I went back to the same GI's office and the PA prescribed Omeprazole 20mg, delayed release, once daily upon waking in the morning. I tolerated this quite well. After 2, 30 day treatments, I felt better and it seemed like the Globus feeling was gone. Hope this helps.

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Very interesting. Thank you for this info. I would appreciate an update in another 30 days as to whether or not the globus feeling has returned.


thank you. No ENT so far. I went once after being on their waiting list for 6 months with a globus 15 years ago. That was probably due to stress at that time. I think their waiting list would be a lot longer this time.

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My throat feels like there is something in it all the time. I have had every test done that I can. Tried antacids and depression meds. Finally saw a nutritionist/chiropractor. She is having me try no gluten and dairy. She thinks that will help. It has been less that a week, I'll let you know how it goes

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