Bladder Tumor Scraping: What is recovery from TURBT like?
My husband is set to have a Bladder tumor scraping. The doctor called it a very delicate operation…on Wednesday, January 29. He will leave with a Foley Catheter. The Urologist will be doing a few procedures. Cystoscopy with Fulguration&/Or Resection Tumor is 2.6cm
Cystoscopy with insertion, indwelling ureteral stent
Urography, retrograde w/wo KUB
Does anyone know what recovery is like? My husband is 63 yrs old…
I’m praying God takes him through this with no serious complications 🕊️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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@rose1966, checking in. How did the tumor scraping or transurethral resection of bladder tumor (TURBT), go for your husband? How is recovery going so far?
@colleenyoung Thank you for asking. The TURBT went well. My husband had the Foley catheter for a couple of days…then the Urologist took it out. But, the pathology report came back 2 days later and the Urologist said that it is definitely Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer…Stage 2. pT2. We are seeing the Urologist tomorrow to talk about the plan and on Friday…we see the oncologist. They are all part of the same team at Yale. The Urologist said that with MIBC …. Chemo first…then RC . It’s High grade …with large cells lymphathaphy invasion. Sounds so horrible. It’s in the muscle wall and he said that it is not metastatic. My poor husband fainted when he told him it was in the muscle. It was a big shock to him. I think he was in denial this whole time. Had to push him to get checked out. He hardly ever went to the doctor.
Hopefully, he will do well with the new drugs and combinations they have today. I’ve been researching everything since he found blood in his urine. He’s still going to try to work at his desk job during chemo…but I have no idea if he’ll be able to. He’s all ready to get the RC …and maybe a neobladder if he is able to. I know it is a fast moving type that Dwight has and I hope it hasn’t spread. I just want to get started with everything asap.
If you could pray for him, Colleen…that would be a big comfort to me. Prayer is very powerful. Rose xx
Rose, I’m praying for you and Dwight. I know that it is very difficult to get the diagnosis that it’s muscle invasive. I pray for you both as you walk thru this. The medical field has made tremendous progress in dealing with bladder cancer. We are fortunate to have such great medical care!
@deb2024 Thank you Deb for praying! I am truly grateful. We saw the oncologist yesterday and my husband will be doing 8 treatments of gemcitabine/cisplatin . 2 weeks on and 1 week off. Then, wait 3 weeks to get CT Scan…then, RC. I praying he gets through the chemo with no complications or bad side effects. God bless xx
Hi, Rose. It sounds like your husband is just starting the chemo/RC process which I just got to the other side of. I started chemo (same combo and cycles) last July and had the RC in early November. Chemo is not easy, nor is surgery. Just take things one day at a time. May God bless and watch over you both.
@jowilliams1 Hi Jo, it must be such a relief to have it all over with. God was with you to get you through it 🙏
My husband will have a port put in…then on Feb 18, he will have his first treatment of Gemcisabine/Cisplatin. I’ll stay with him for those hours. The doc ordered Emla cream to numb the port before the IV is put in. Then, 8 days later, he only gets gemcitabine for 1/2 hour. Then gets a week off. So, it’s 2 weeks on and 1 week off. He’ll be hooked up 8x. Then…about 3 weeks later…get a CT Scan…then the RC. I truly am praying that he doesn’t get any bad side effects that would stop the chemo treatments. Not sure if he’ll be able to go to work, either. Did you have any bad side effects? If so, do you have any tips on how to handle them? The doctor gave us a 24 hour clinic line to call if he has a fever etc. there is an on call doc. God bless you, also :-)))))
Yes, that was the exact cycle for me. The week's dose of both is a lot on the body. The gem dose is easier but as the weeks roll on, it gets harder. One day at a time though. I had a lot of nausea and all of the pills they gave me for the nausea helped but caused constipation. All that medicine can do a number on your stomach, so bland foods (with some protein) are easiest. I continued my desk job from home but had to lay down at times because of the exhaustion. Encourage him to nap when he needs to!
I only had one visit (week) that they wouldn't let me do chemo due to my bloodwork. I was so disappointed because I just wanted it all over as quickly as possible. I didn't go out much at all during that time in part because I just didn't feel like it but also to reduce the chance of catching an illness. He'll be very thankful he has the port. That makes it much easier! I will say a special prayer for him on the 18th. I have it on my calendar. All my best to him and to you!