Grover's Disease tied to Shinglix Vaccine
A member of the Grover's Disease, GD, discussion questioned if he could have acquired GD from his Shingles Vaccine as he began having GD symptoms after the shot. It made me realize my last outbreak began 3 days after my Shinglix vaccine shot. I read nothing about this on the literature for this shot I studied on the internet. I saw my dermatologist yesterday to ask if there was a tie in and he said, "Yes, 100% this vaccine can initiate or cause GD symptoms to return". For those not familiar with GD look it up. It is an intensely itching and painful torso rash that comes and goes for life. The collagen in the skin is changed. I can't believe Shingles is any more miserable. I so wished I had checked with my dermatologist first. Presently a prescription is not needed for this shot and can be given at any pharmacy which has it in stock. I also did not read anything on all the pages I signed warning me that it could trigger this disease before I got this shot at Sam's Club. My dermatologist is Jonathan Bellew, DO of the Mohave Skin and Cancer Center in Arizona and Nevada.
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PS: I'm gonna get the new shingles vaccine as I had shingles last summer and don't want it again. I also get every Covid shot that comes along as I've never noticed any correlation between vaccines and flare ups.
Did you consider that it's return may have been connected with your Covid vaccines? Do you remember date you had the shots? I got my first Covid vaccines in 3/2021. After reading these posts on triggers for GD, I am reluctant to have ANY vaccine or injection. I was supposed to have a scan that required iodine contrast , with a common side effect of rash and itching, so I cancelled it. I am now in limbo wondering what to do.
I got my first Covid vaccine in Feb 21. Didn't get my itchy return until around Sept 21. It's always possible there is a connection but I tend to doubt it. I don't know what's in flu shots but I've been getting them for over 40 years and while I've had Grover's rash since 1992 , I didn't itch until 2007/2008 the first time.
I tried to find out if the flu shot I had in November had this preservative in it, since my rash seems to have become more wide spread on my back and shoulders recently but I was told it didn't have a preservative which I think must be incorrect. I'll try to some info next week when I return to that office for an appointment. They have to have records with the brand name and description of the vaccine used.
Seven months is a long time for any connection, I agree.
The “connection “ is that many things, including vaccinations, generate inflammation, which, in turn, can provoke a GD outbreak. Please don’t encourage people to forgo the shingles vaccine. Shingles can be an extraordinarily painful, debilitating disease. If it manifests on the face, it can involve the eye and can permanently damage vision, even cause blindness. It often is followed by post-herpetic neuralgia, resulting in years more of pain.
An alternative could be to request the old shingles vaccine (Zostavax) which has not been linked to triggering GD.
I don't know how long Zostavax was supposed to last but I had it a little before 2014 and got shingles in 2024. I've been told it wasn't very effective to begin with. When all my BCC surgeries are done with, I plan to get the new shots.
Are you comfortable sharing the recipe or contents of the cilantro smoothie? Thank you
Originally I added it to my morning smoothie made with fruit, almond milk, raw egg and probiotic yogurt. It ruined the taste. Now I make a simple tonic- put 1/2 bunch fresh or fresh frozen along with about 1/2 cup of water and blend it till liquified. I hold my breath and chug it down. By not not breathing the taste is minimal. I only do this about 2-4 times a month. Although I have not had an outbreak for about 5 years after doing the cilantro heavy metal detox daily for about 5 months I do get a few occasion papuales in the torso area resembling GD, but not itchy. They heal faster than GD also. That's why I make a cilantro tonic a few times a month when a few of these papuales pop up.
I do wish you all the best.