Neuropathy: What works and what are scams?

Posted by bigjohnscho @bigjohnscho, May 2, 2024

I am new to this forum although I have been suffering with peripheral neuropathy for 2 years (none diabetic). Like most sufferers I have searched endlessly to find supplements that provide some relief and a possible cure. My search has proved how impossible this quest is and so expensive due to misleading adverts and down right scams.
What would be really helpful if members posted their experiences with supplements they’ve tried , which were useless/helpful or obvious scams. I am sure there must be some helpful supplements out there and we would all benefit if these were posted on this forum.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.


I have just listened to a very, very long advert for “Nerve Freedom” capsules
Is this just another scam product. Anyone out there tried it?
I’ve already got a cupboard full of pills that have proved to be a waste of time.

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Hi again,

Fred here in Coloraod with mynlast experience and please that All of us neuropathy suffers reach out to JFK for possible help from Germany and ay other countries who might have some really great ideas/solutions for this terrible condition!!! In my humble opine big farma and the Feds have wowrked together to promote/allow all these false doctors and non-regulated companies to rip all of us off and to no avail!!!

Lack of dependency on all these claims that are false annd misleading on
illnesses. Semper Fi.


I am guessing that "Mama Bear Oasis (Magnesium Body Butter" ), advertised for neuropathy relief, is yet another magic solution that doesn't work. Has anyone tried this for an extended period with improvement noted?


I have neuropathy in fingers. This morning I saw a on line advertisement about a product called Nerve Forte.
Does it really work?


Can someone tell me if nerve forte helps with neuropathy

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I'd save my money if I were you.
Yesterday I saw a product that would CURE neuropathy in 30 seconds, yeah right.


I have neuropathy in fingers. This morning I saw a on line advertisement about a product called Nerve Forte.
Does it really work?

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Here's a search of Connect for members who have mentioned Nerve Forte -


I have neuropathy in fingers. This morning I saw a on line advertisement about a product called Nerve Forte.
Does it really work?

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@womanflowers38 all I can say is there are so many “solutions” advertised for relief from neuropathy pain that are bogus. They are rip-offs
Nothing can heal neuropathy.
I use Aspercream, or any other cream that has lidocaine. That kills the pain.


If its out there I tried it. I have severe neuropathy from chemo drugs. Most things from accupuncture, chiro, herbals, lotions, etc... nothing relieved; however I am on Gabapentin and Duloxetine. I notice that if I miss a dose that pain is MUCH higher and if I take it before bed, I can actually sleep through the night.


I had breast cancer many years ago and a short time later my feet started to tingle. Eventually my feet got worse and then my hematologist said the neuropathy was caused from one of the chemotherapy used for my breast cancer. You can’t win!

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If you do a search for a treatment option called Scrambler Therapy, you'll see that it was initiall500. y designed to help chemotherapy patients. It "reprograms" pain signals into nonpain signals. It takes ten sessions, each session lasting about an hour. There are not a lot of places offering this therapy. It has been FDA cleared but is not covered by insurance. The cost is about $3500.00. Of course not everyone gets relief. Its success rate is about 80%. Something to look into. What is pain relief worth?


@scain ....Hopefully my experience dealing in the past with same issues will help you..
-a neurologist will do zillion of tests, the most important is a large nerve electrical conduction test-if positive -the neuro will tell you there's no treatment for peripheral neuropathy and put you on Gababentin...a neuro is not doing test for small fiber neuropathy...
-a podiatrist will do a skin biopsy for small fiber neuropathy ( SFN)-if positive-the podiatrist will tell you there's no treatment and put you on Gababentin...or propose to put you on TEENS unit...
After going thru all these for three years and due to my excruciating symptoms- I was desperate and almost suicidal...but God providence guided me to a clinical pain institute doing Sanexas treatment ( google it) and B12 shot straight into my turned out my peripheral nerves were starving for B12 which was prevented by metformin to be absorbed....of course my primary not even wanted to hear about it although my B12 in system was double level.
After just three month and twice /week treatment with Sanexas (stopped metformin and replace it with jardiance ) and some other life style changing -I'm completely healed...
Hope this help!

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Were your feet numb?


Were your feet numb?

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My feet were very numb from knee down...still some numbness but no complain-it will take a while till numbness will be completely gone.

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