Chronic tongue and lip biting while eating
I have been biting my tongue, inside my upper and lower lips, and inside my cheeks for well over a year now. I went to the VA and they
assumed it was a dental issue and would not refer me to a specialist. I went to my dentist and she wanted to put crowns over perfectly good teeth to "see if that would work." I do have cervical degenerative disc disease and nerve issues for about 50 years now. I googled and found out that in the brain there is a section called "pons" that controls a few functions, chewing is one of them. I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem and if so what was done to stop the biting and if it had anything to do with the brain (pons)? What specialist would I go to to get testing, and should I go to Mayo since not many doctors I have been to know anything about my problem? Thanks!
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How do I find out if I have progressive neurological diseases?
I am 64 & this lip and tongue biting is getting worse and I can not imagine having to live the rest of my life with this problem.
I'm here for help & suggestions.
Interesting! I’m long Covid and have been accidentally biting my lower lip while eating! I have no clicking sound in my jaw when that happens. Not sure what the reason is, but it’s very painful!
I have been biting the inside of my cheeks quite often. It results in a painful sore. It almost feels like all of a sudden my jaw makes an awkward chew motion and bang, the bite. I would be interested to know whether others have had this problem and found solutions other than chewing really slowly and carefully. By then the food has gone cold and needs to be re-heated.
I've been doing more cheek-biting since my Seizure attacks/PD flare-up in late '23, early '24. And more teeth-scrubbing with my tongue, so I always seem to have a swollen tongue.......and that's about when eating b ecame a problem: I stopped it, almost completely (eating food, that is) I'm pretty much getting by with nutritional supplements (liquid) since everything typically feels dry to my tongue, "tastes like cardboard" has become a normal complaint, and I hav e even had to spit out food, because I couoldn't convince my bfrain to swallow the dry, tasteless whatever. Also highly sensitive to highly spiced foods...they hurt my whole mouth.
Any answers as to what's happening????
Ask your physician to check your medication to see if any are using dry mouth. It’s terrible when I go to the dentistand have my mouth open for cleaning or fillings. Dry mouth is a problem to swallow S nothing goes down easily.