
Posted by denise96 @denise96, Dec 23, 2024

Does anyone on here suffer with hypercapnia? My husband has advanced copd and stage iv lung cancer and has gone into respiratory distress twice since September of this year. Actually it has happened since he was diagnosed with cancer. The hospital wanted him to wear a bipap but he refused. Are there any other options out there to keep this from happening that anyone knows of? Thank you.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the COPD: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Support Group.


It's not that picking up the medications is wrong. Most Hospice Services deliver directly to the house. But if you have a loved one who is actively dying........why would you as the Hospice nurse want a family member to leave his/her bedside and not be with him/her when they passed away. My husband passed away 45 minutes after the nurse arrived......being a nurse I knew that he had only a very short period of time that he would leave us.

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I see. Makes perfect sense. Thank you.


Actually it's not that simple - and a pulse oximeter cannot diagnose hypercapnia. It's not that your O2 is 70, so your co2 must be 30. Your O2 can appear high and you can still have hypercapnia, which is why the gold standard for diagnosing it is an arterial blood draw.

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Isn’t the ABG very painful?


Isn’t the ABG very painful?

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It is- but the last ones I had, they gave me lidocaine first. It was fine. Ask for it.


It is so sad that your husband can't speak. Can't they do something like putting in a mechanical voicebox or whatever it is called? My girlfriends husband had throat cancer and they were able to put that in and he can speak. In fact, I did not notice any difference in his speech. Sometimes people sound mechanical when they speak, but I guess it depends on the person and how bad the cancer was. You two will have to learn sign language. Yes, it would be nice to live next to someone who is fighting this battle. Is your husband's cancer in remission? It is funny that they watch the same type of shows on tv. ONly my husband is not interested in WWII shows. I never was much of a TV person. I would rather read a book, but every now and then, I would like to watch something that I like. Well, he did not have a good night. Said he did have the dry heaves again, but the food did not come up. (I know it is nasty talking about vomit), said his feet are not as swollen but they are still swollen. The oncologist comes in at 9 and I will be calling then. My mom wants to go and get new shoes later this morning and she always buys lunch since I drive her. It is a shame that where we live, so many department stores have closed. Pittsburgh is only an hour away but I wont drive there. First of all, I don't know my way around there and second of all, I hate all the traffic. I am a country girl and for us to go anywhere it is at least a half hour drive. There are grocery stores closer but no clothing or shoe stores. We drive to Indiana, Pa which is 30 minutes. They have a jc penneys, Kohls, Maurices and I believe that is it. There is a shoe store in this mall. They used to have BonTon, but it went out of business. I order a lot online. Oh, and of course, there is a walmart. I hate walmart. lol But sometimes you have no choice but to go there. My mom is 92 and is pretty good health for her age, but she doesn't drive much. I worked full time for 30 years at our public assistance office and retired at 58. The year after I retired (2013) I had a heart attack and had to have a double bypass. But have been fine ever since. Six months after the attack, I began working part time. I have worked at several part time jobs since then. In July last year I started working as a cashier at a grocery store, but I had to quit as Joe became weaker and weaker, He is more dependent on me than he was and I did not want to be at work if he needed me. AFter this is all over, I may go back, but we will just have to wait and see. HOw many children do you have? I have two boys, one is 46 and the other is 40. No grandchildren because neither of the boys wanted children. My oldest son is married to an oncology nurse and she has been a great help to me in explaining what certain medical terms mean. Whenever I Have a question, I call her-sometimes before the doctor. Ok, I have written your ear off, so I will end this with prayers for your husband and you. Talk at you later. Have a great day!

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@denise96 - I'm sorry I've been off this page for awhile. Sometimes other things come up and we have to attend to. First, how is your husband doing because it didn't sound like he was improving, so my prayers go out to you and he and I hope for the best outcome. You had some questions so I'll do my best to answer. Praying my husband, Jimmy, will be a candidate for a TEP which is the device your friend's husband has. Currently, Jimmy's going through lymphadema and in constant pain. He had a PET last week and tomorrow we are meeting with Oncologist in Boston to review results. He's supposed to be fitted with some sort of headgear to massage the fluid from the head to the throat for the Lymphadema but Jimmy wanted to get results of PET first. Then we will take it from there. One day at a time for us and we will get by. We have a 50 yr old son (my husband's son from 1st wife) and he and his wife gave us a grandson, Nolan who will be 11 next week. Jimmy & I have a daughter, Elyza and she and her hubs gave us a grandson, Roman who will be 7 mos old this month. We babysit so they can go back to work and it really is the best medicine. Prayers to you and your husband. Betsc

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