Change in anxiety symptoms
I suffer from anxiety, mainly around my own health. Curious to know if others notice a change in the physical symptoms that anxiety produces, over time? Current flare up seems to have produced different symptoms again.
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I am currently seeing a therapist for mental areas, anxiety , depression. Mostly anxiety. Meditative breathing helps. Calm app helps. Cognitive Behavior thinking for me does not help with the 5 stages. But it does help others. your right it’s all temporary. Changing our perceptions to healthy thinking. Positive thoughts. Ending doubt and obstacles that cloud the mind is a switch. Focusing on here and now and not what ifs and maybes. I have Smoldering multiple myeloma. I live with the fact that this will be with me till the end of my days. Thou it is stable for now I and my anxiety live with uncertainty as to what the future holds.
I wish I was like my husband was, always positive. Even through his cancer he was always positive. The first year no one even knew he had cancer. I think this all set me up for the anxiety and little depression I am feeling now. Going to a therapist and she helps. Today the brain fog feeling is there and tingling which I know can be a symptom of anxiety as well. Trying real hard to keep moving and trying to stay busy even when I don't feel like it. Try to stay focused on the here and now and the moment. Try not to worry about the future. We all don't know what the future holds for us.
The symptoms that are changing for me is today brain fog and tingling. I have GAD and a little depression. This all started after I lost my husband in 2022 in December. On no meds at this time only Propanolol the cardiologist recommended (no issues with heart) just this awful morning anxiety and being down in the dumps so to speak. I would like to feel like myself again but only I can do that.
Sounds like your husband was a brave man. A man to look up to. In many ways our partners or spouses who live on are left holding the pieces of a former life that is now fragmented. Coping with loss is a loss in itself. Of ourselves, our well-being. Motivations not there. But change is necessary to overcome this. New interests or morning routine. A pet maybe. A new perspective to refocus your thoughts like reading. My mind is fuzzy too. I tend to read illustrated comical easy to understand stories. Draw or write. We have 4 cats so I always have a companion close by. I have a precancerous illness which only makes my stress level go through the roof. Not knowing but still living with possibility of having cancer is always on my mind.
Thank you for your kind words. Yes, I do try to keep busy. I moved from our home to a beautiful guest house my daughters property with her husband and my grandchildren. I do have a little dog but what I’m finding now is loneliness. Even though I see my family every day I come back here and I’m alone. Losing my husband has devastated me and put me in this anxiety and depression I am trying to work through. We are also exchanging comments on the Anxiety Depression page. Thank you again for your kind words and I did reply to you on the other Forum as well.
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Thank you for your kind words. Yes, I do try to keep busy. I moved from our home to a beautiful guest house my daughters property with her husband and my grandchildren. I do have a little dog but what I’m finding now is loneliness. Even though I see my family every day I come back here and I’m alone. Losing my husband has devastated me and put me in this anxiety and depression I am trying to work through. We are also exchanging comments on the Anxiety Depression page. Thank you again for your kind words and I did reply to you on the other Forum as well.
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My dad, when my mom died of lung cancer, had a very difficult time adjusting to a life alone. He did not move so everything in the house was a remembrance of his love and how much he missed her. We decided to attend grief counseling in a group setting. I was his support person. We separated. He with other spouses dealing with loss. And the support people went into another setting. Loss is hard and all people deal with it the best they can. My mom fought a brave fight. Did everything the medical field could do. But the cancer was too aggressive. Too far along. In the end we put her in hospice. Said our goodbyes. She passes peacefully. My dad was so angry with the doctors. So starts the grieving process. We did finish the counseling and the healing process the toolboxes and support were for me and my dad to figure out. And after a while. Maybe a year or so later he actually met and started dating a woman. Still living at the same house. Same surroundings. Barb 6060 maybe you’re still dealing with grief which leads to depression and anxiety. It’s hard to move forward in life when things are weighing you down from the past.
I understand and you are correct. After my husband passed in December of 2022 I moved from our home to my daughter and son in laws property. They live in the Big House as I call it 😊and I live in the mother in law (mom's apartment) overlooking the pool. It's absolutely beautiful here. I am right here with my family. They have 4 children. The oldest will be 18 soon and the youngest just turned 3. I love being here to see them and enjoy my grandchildren. I would not do well if I would have stayed in my other house I shared with my husband. The house was too big and I would really be worse off. The problem is I am still lonely even though I am right here. I am so grateful to be here but it doesn't change the grief and the anxiety and little depression I am going through. I went to grief counseling and am seeing a therapist. Going to get all my blood work done next week. It's the morning anxiety for me that is the worse. It's an awful feeling of uneasiness is the way I can describe it. I'm trying to find ways to meet new people in the area because I know that will help. Getting used to this new normal and missing my life with my husband terribly. How are you doing?
So here are a few thoughts and I am just throwing these out there. These might have no relative value in the situation you are facing. It’s been over two years since husband died. Did this illness come all of a sudden? Did he have the time to get treatment? How did he do if he did get treatment? Was there closure or a process of saying goodbye? Death affects everyone differently. Especially spouses. They become one in life but lost when alone. Maybe you have to redefine who you are. A grandmother. A widow. A person it seems still in mourning. When you wake up to face a new day what takes you back in missing your husband. Of feeling that loss all over again. Early morning depression does go away as the day wears on. Again this may have no relevance to what your going thru. But for me in the morning. That too would hit me hardest if my wife died. There is no substitute no matter how hard I may try to say I love you and miss you when I am by myself. A new day unfolds but little to look forward to.