Lightheadedness at times.

Posted by bob7410 @bob7410, Jan 30 6:35pm

Not sure this is the right place to post but I did not see a better one and I am also starting to look through some other posts about this. But thought I would ask this. So I have this health problem that I need advice with. I see my family Doctor again in April to talk about this again after my elimination diet but not sure if they have an idea or if he will try to get me to see a specialist. I am a male in late twenties. My problem is I just feel off in the head almost every day at this point (It little hard to explain but kind light headed/dizzy/brain fog and can just be a few minutes/hours a day or all day)

Also at times I get stronger, dizzy more so than above or to say more than what normally I get (This is how the lightheadedness started out as before the daily problems about a year ago with “dizzy spells”). This happens a lot when I'm talking with people and get “excited/worked up” in conversation (but not always, once in a while it just pops up on its own in normal conversations with family etc…) (Like if I get upset, excited over watching a football game, talking with friends, playing a board game, etc…) I then sometimes (does not happen every time I get “worked up” but feels like its getting worse) I than get a wave of lightheadedness, sometimes almost like I'm going to pass out but never have passed out and sometimes my face and or hands get tingly during the same time. When this “hits” me I must get away from people and try to “calm” down as it messes up my head/body and my anxiety goes up too (I don't think like a panic attack its just my anxiety goes up because of the crazy lightheadedness and I'm afraid something is wrong with me). This has been going on for over a year (I feel in the last year I've not had maybe one week that I could say I felt “good” and sometimes I'm hoping just for a whole “good” day) and I thinks it's getting harder now because of the anxiety I get when I go out with friends because I am scared I will get super lightheaded in public.

When I get a big wave coming over me of lightheadedness, if I leave the environment I am in when it happens it will get “better” but still have lingering "side effects" for 30+ mins sometimes.I think I eat pretty good, maybe not great but okay, and stay hydrated, don't drink/smoke, and keep a semi active life.

I also found out I have gastritis last year (March) but don't know the cause or if it has anything to do with this head problem. But the DR put me on dicyclomine for my stomach and after about a week (I will say I did have the stronger dizzy spells before being put on dicyclomine but not very often) After that week on the med I was super lightheaded a bunch on and off till I told my DR I had to get off of it because I was thinking it was making me dizzy so I got of the dicyclomine and I think it improved a bit over the next week or two but after that I feel the dizziness and lightheadedness has just stayed the same or slowly got worse. So not sure if the med had anything to do with it or just a different dizziness at the some time or what but thought I would put that in.
So my family DR had me do an elimination diet (eat chicken, fish, veggies, fruit, some nuts, etc…) to see if it helps with my gastritis and or head problems. I did that for a month to see if symptoms got better. Unfortunately this was not helpful it seems. If anything, my symptoms got worse for my stomach the first three weeks of the diet. and by the end I was the some in regards to my head problems.

I feel this is slowly getting worse over time at this point it's starting to affect my mood and work productivity some days. I'm just trying to find answers to why I get my heads all loppy and not sure if the family DR is going to be able to help me. But reading other people's posts on similar things has discouraged me as I am not sure there even is an answer. Sorry for the long details and hope it makes since. TIA

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This sounds to me more like a vascular problem, but lower down, possibly cardiac. You may have a congenital stenosis of a vein or artery that impedes blood flow. Maybe that impediment IS in your brain, but maybe it's in your heart and your heart develops an arrythmia as a result, especially if you are excited and subject to a loss of tone in the Vagus nerve or due to an adrenergic response.

Gastritis can cause a loss of Vagal tone, which can encourage atrial fibrillation or PACs (premature atrial complexes).

It couldn't hurt, if you can afford it, to go to a private clinic for an ECG on a bad day, or get a Kardia Mobile if you don't have/want a smart watch or a smart ring.

I think you'll end up having an MRI, perhaps a nuclear stress test to rule out ischemia. I can't say because I am not a physician, and we don't know each other, but this is something that you can anticipate being asked to undertake.

You will almost certainly be referred to a neurologist if the heart checks out, or even before they decide to take a look at your heart...if at all.


gloaming sees cardiac, I'm only guessing adrenal disfunction.
You might ask for blood tests that measure cortisol, aldosterone levels and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), these tests can help diagnose or help rule out adrenal gland disorders.
Adrenal gland disorders can also affect your digestive comfort.
But 'gloaming is probably right.
We might need more clues.


Two personal experiences. 1) I had heavy metals poisoning from work environment that took years to diagnose. Finally went to Atlanta to an integrative meds place called Progressive Medical. The heavy metals test was a urine test at that time but now I go to a doc who has a contraption called Oligoscan which tells you instantly by scanning your palm. You can google what doctors/clinics have the Oligoscan. There's one in ATlanta and I saw one in Birmingham but check your proximity. Detox from that worked but still watch it, esp since I still work there.
2) My daughter came down with POTS also called disautonomia, a word for a conglomeration of odd mysterious symptoms that usually affects younger people (mostly women). Your symptoms were some of hers except hers were extreme when it first hit her (in bed, vertigo, panic attacks) until she got in under control. She saw a cardiologist and ENT (who probably helped the most), a neurologist, and an acupuncturist. She consulted with a Dallas doc who treats astronauts when they come back to earth (they sometimes develop POTS). One of her biggest helps has been a pretty intense cardio workout regime. There is also a doctor , I hear, in Birmingham who calls himself a POTS doctor. There are negative reports of this POTS thing being "incurable" but my daughter feels good now and is very active with work and raising 3 kids. She also has several friends with it who function normally. You probably don't have this, but I bring this up because so many people who have it say it took YEARs to get diagnosed.
A general piece of advice - get to know your body. Take heed to doctor's advice - the elimination diet was probably a good idea, but you can also do a blood test to tell which foods you are producing antibodies against. I get these every couple of years at my Compounding Pharmacy. I happen to believe that if you get one part of your body working better, preferably with minimal drugs, good nutrition, good sleep, exercise, it supports and allows other parts to heal. The gut is the best place to start in my opinion, and I am constantly working on mine.


Two personal experiences. 1) I had heavy metals poisoning from work environment that took years to diagnose. Finally went to Atlanta to an integrative meds place called Progressive Medical. The heavy metals test was a urine test at that time but now I go to a doc who has a contraption called Oligoscan which tells you instantly by scanning your palm. You can google what doctors/clinics have the Oligoscan. There's one in ATlanta and I saw one in Birmingham but check your proximity. Detox from that worked but still watch it, esp since I still work there.
2) My daughter came down with POTS also called disautonomia, a word for a conglomeration of odd mysterious symptoms that usually affects younger people (mostly women). Your symptoms were some of hers except hers were extreme when it first hit her (in bed, vertigo, panic attacks) until she got in under control. She saw a cardiologist and ENT (who probably helped the most), a neurologist, and an acupuncturist. She consulted with a Dallas doc who treats astronauts when they come back to earth (they sometimes develop POTS). One of her biggest helps has been a pretty intense cardio workout regime. There is also a doctor , I hear, in Birmingham who calls himself a POTS doctor. There are negative reports of this POTS thing being "incurable" but my daughter feels good now and is very active with work and raising 3 kids. She also has several friends with it who function normally. You probably don't have this, but I bring this up because so many people who have it say it took YEARs to get diagnosed.
A general piece of advice - get to know your body. Take heed to doctor's advice - the elimination diet was probably a good idea, but you can also do a blood test to tell which foods you are producing antibodies against. I get these every couple of years at my Compounding Pharmacy. I happen to believe that if you get one part of your body working better, preferably with minimal drugs, good nutrition, good sleep, exercise, it supports and allows other parts to heal. The gut is the best place to start in my opinion, and I am constantly working on mine.

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Oligoscan is a scam. Do some research.

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