I have been having what doctors call palpitations every day

Posted by tommy0624 @tommy0624, Jan 26 4:35am

I have been having what doctors call heart palpitations every single day multiple times a day for the last 3 months now it seems like I can't do any thing without having them and I'm freaking out has anyone else had this issue?

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Why so important to check with doctor regarding any exercise program. Does easy walking cause this also? If so make sure you inform your cardiologist.

I have a EF of 25. That is very low. But the right side of my ventricles is normal with normal EF. The right side supplies blood to heart and thus I don't have the usually problems with a low EF that most do.

Do you have any hobbies? Or hobbies you might like to try? They can go a long way to reducing stress and anxiety.

I have the palpitations all the time. The ones that bother me are the PVCs that happen right after each other. That scares me as I think I will be getting a shock (I have a ICD/Pacemaker).

I just had an ICD shock on 24th. I was trying to diet high protein and also has some stomach issues and think my electrolytes got way off and caused it. When I go to ER for ICD shocks the first thing they check is electrolytes.

Has your doctors looked at the medications you are on that may be contributing to what you are feeling? How about food you eat, what you drink, allergies, and of couse anxiety/stress you are under. If not asked them to address if can be contributing and seek what you can do or them do to lesson them.
Good luck!

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That high protein Keto diet is NOT good for the heart. People who are known for living to 100 and more rarely eat meat or animal products. The goal is not to live long but to live healthy too.


I had a similar situation, but the irregular heartbeats started about 2 years after my ablation. it turned out to be that my mitral valve regurgitation was increasing and it was time for mitral valve repair. Are docs monitoring any regurgitation? I had been getting annual echo cardiograms so that was something they were monitoring. Wishing you all the best is sorting it out.

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I looked up mitral valve regurgitation and the symptoms sound similar to heart murmur. When I was about 32 yes old I was told I had a heart murmur. I did not think anything about it. Now I am 76. At night when I wake up, I thought someone was running their washing machine in the middle of the night or my fridge making noises. I would check and nothing going on.

Then I remembered the heart murmur diagnosis, and googled it and others saying the same and could be a heart murmur. It sounds like this regurgitation about the same. I think they just keep coming up with different names for symptoms that are slightly dofferent.

Whatever it is, it has been getting louder. I sometimes get up for a bit and that stupid noise stops and go back to sleep. I swear it sounds like a washing machine running!


I think what they call a heart murmur is the sound of regurgitation. It's the sound the doctors can hear through their stethoscope and is a general diagnosis without knowing the exact cause. I think a heart murmur can be caused by different things; it could definitely be from different heart valves. In order to actually diagnose regurgitation and what valve is causing the problem would require an echocardiogram or some other similar test.
I suggest seeing a cardiologist who can order the correct test to see what is causing your washing machine to run in the middle of the night 🙂 All the best.
Hope that helps.


Shock of the world: actually EVERYONE on the planet has them. Premature beats, PACs and PVCs are actually a "back up" electrical system in the heart. First thing you want to do is get rid of drinking anthing that contains caffine like coffees, cokes, mountain dew which happens to be loaded with it, chocolates. Anxiety over premature beats will make them much worse. The only main issues is the type of premature beat, in other words, where does it originate from (atrium/ventricle) and this is VERY important, is there heart damage, for example is there a cardiomyopathy present.


I think what they call a heart murmur is the sound of regurgitation. It's the sound the doctors can hear through their stethoscope and is a general diagnosis without knowing the exact cause. I think a heart murmur can be caused by different things; it could definitely be from different heart valves. In order to actually diagnose regurgitation and what valve is causing the problem would require an echocardiogram or some other similar test.
I suggest seeing a cardiologist who can order the correct test to see what is causing your washing machine to run in the middle of the night 🙂 All the best.
Hope that helps.

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Correct. A mitral valve in good condition closes effectively and it remains firm against the surge of blood made by the contracting ventricle. A weak/prolapsed valve vibrates as blood moves back through it, in the wrong direction, and the vibration acts like sound, which can be heard. It's like what happens to the tympanic membrane in our ears, or to the skin over a snare drum. Even a counter or table top vibrates when you tap it or rap on it. Audible sound.


Few people do not have anxiety or stress. I personally do not believe in meds for this or depression . I believe in dealing with the issues. Learn to cope or change jobs. Get counseling for a horrible husband or wife.

It is like the ad where someone goes to doc because depressed although taking meds. In the ad, the doc says sometimes one is not enough, so gives her another prescription. Then at the bottom it says, call your doctor if you feel like committing suicide!!!

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If you read my post I asked about do you have an exercise you like a hobby? Every doctor I see agress with me on my commitment to exercise and hobbies to lower stress and anxiety. I do this religously

All individuals are different. Some need more help than others to deal with stress and anxiety. In my opinion it depends on the severvity of the anxiety panic levels. Some like me when I developed PTSD and anxiety/panic disorder was devastating on my quality of life. When you have PTSD you basically are scared and than of course causes anxiety/panic.

For those of us that have had a panic attack you will see sometimes you need help. But that help should come from medical profesinals and physciatric professionals. I am luck to have to be at Mayo where all my doctors and physicatric medication specailist work as a team.

With consuling, medications, and self initiative I was able to overcome my PTSD anxiety panic disorder and come off 2 medications. I am a avid believer in having an exercise and or hobby to help you with daily stress and anxiety. But sometimes getting to that point you need help and thus should always reach out. Mental health is just as important as physical health.


If you read my post I asked about do you have an exercise you like a hobby? Every doctor I see agress with me on my commitment to exercise and hobbies to lower stress and anxiety. I do this religously

All individuals are different. Some need more help than others to deal with stress and anxiety. In my opinion it depends on the severvity of the anxiety panic levels. Some like me when I developed PTSD and anxiety/panic disorder was devastating on my quality of life. When you have PTSD you basically are scared and than of course causes anxiety/panic.

For those of us that have had a panic attack you will see sometimes you need help. But that help should come from medical profesinals and physciatric professionals. I am luck to have to be at Mayo where all my doctors and physicatric medication specailist work as a team.

With consuling, medications, and self initiative I was able to overcome my PTSD anxiety panic disorder and come off 2 medications. I am a avid believer in having an exercise and or hobby to help you with daily stress and anxiety. But sometimes getting to that point you need help and thus should always reach out. Mental health is just as important as physical health.

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I walk up and down hills to downtown. Go see a couple of friends that work in town. They have problems, and supporting them takes my mind of myself. I have a 5 yr old dog and 7 month old pup. They keep me busy and my mind off myself. I help others as God puts them in my path. I play the flute in church. I read the Bible daily, now in Spanish, and pray, and ask for prayer from friends if I am overwhelmed. I have had much stress and long term difficult situations in my life, sometimes from my bad decisions, but God and the above ways to cope, helps me through them all. Have been on the brink of nutsville, but never take meds for any.


That high protein Keto diet is NOT good for the heart. People who are known for living to 100 and more rarely eat meat or animal products. The goal is not to live long but to live healthy too.

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That is just not so. There are so many studies that show this to be a fallacy.

STOP spreading misinformation


That is just not so. There are so many studies that show this to be a fallacy.

STOP spreading misinformation

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‘Keto-Like’ Diet May Be Linked to Higher Risk of Heart Disease, Cardiac Events
American College of Cardiology
Popular weight-loss diet also associated with higher levels of LDL cholesterol


That is just not so. There are so many studies that show this to be a fallacy.

STOP spreading misinformation

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I am not spreading misinformation . Of course the Keto selling books say otherwise. I have read testimonies on this blog where those on Keto had problems with their heart. The post from Harvey next says the same and has a link. Again, the people in the blue zones famous for living over 100 years are not on Keto. They eat very little animal products and most eat none.

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