MAC - To treat or not

Posted by carolinediehl @carolinediehl, Jan 23 9:25pm

I recently came down with an atypical pneumonia of both lungs caused by pseudomonas aeruginosa. Was treated for 14 days with cefepime. This all happened while I was away from home. The pulmonary doctor in the hospital suggested I talk to my pulmonologist when I got home about the possibility that in addition to my long standing fairly well controlled bronchiectasis, I might also have MAC. I also have RA taking Humira and am therefore immune compromised. 14 days of IV cefepime worked wonders until I finished the treatment. No more coughing or mucus but my breathing has gone downhill since. From seldom needing to use 3L of O2 to almost constantly needing. I'm a 75-year-old female. I went from one small nodule in my right lung (for the past 3 years with no change) to multiple nodules in both lungs. I asked him if I might have MAC and he pretty much cut me off by saying "your too old and frail". He went on when I pressed him on it to explain that the success rate is like 60% at best and many cannot tolerate the treatment. That and the fact there is no guarantee you won't get MAC again. I just want my life from 4 months ago back! Will all these new nodules heal? Is it not a good idea to treat IF I have MAC? We haven't even discussed a bronchoscopy.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the MAC & Bronchiectasis Support Group.

No apology necessary. Thanks for the information. I am being recruited socially by great friends to join them just NW of Phoenix but I don't want to end up in a place that is worse for treating this condition than where I currently live. Thanks again.


Well I should probably just call it a cavity because that's what it is! The area where the cavity is even though it collapses is not tissue that you will ever get back so your lung capacity gets smaller and smaller. The more cavities you have. Sorry if I confused you with the use of the word hole although that is what the cavity is.

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Thanks for the explanation. It would be sort of like holding up a whole lung. From the outside you see nothing but if you could open it up like a book then you would see "scooped" out areas or holes. Thanks


Do they have you on azithromycin, ethanbuterol, rifabutin? It's called The Big Three, some people can only take two of them. However, depending on what medications you're on. You should be on at least two of those if not all three to treat the Mac. For treatment of Mac you should be seeing a doctor who deals in infectious diseases/ID Doctor. MAC is not common. There could be many reasons why you may have gotten it. They have never figured out why I did. And I know many others that are in the scene predicament is me. However, you want to have someone treating you that knows how to treat this and is constantly getting updates on new treatments and therapies for it. Get a hold of someone in your network that's an infectious disease doctor and make an appointment. Most infectious disease doctors are going to treat MAC or if they have a clinic they will have doctors there that do treat it. I would not trust my treatment to my primary physician for it.

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I think I misled you somewhere. Sorry. I have not been diagnosed with MAC. When I brought up the possibility the doctor just brushes off the idea of me possibly having MAC because in his opinion most treatments for MAC fail and most people can't tolerate the treatment. I don't think he even realizes multiple ways to treat it, i.e. daily or 3 times a week.


Does anyone have experience with the Mayo clinic in Phoenix? Considering a move to that area and curious about their level of expertise with NTM. Unfortunately proximity to good care has gotten to be a major consideration for some of us. Thanks

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I live in greater Phoenix six months a year. I was diagnosed by my pulmonologist in NH ( but I live 200 miles away in Maine). I was refered to NJH by a friend in Denver (also a snow bird in Az). Before committing to the travel cross country from Maine to Az each year I contacted Mayo Clinic in Phoenix. They told me they do NOT treat bronchiectasis. They specialize in cancer treatment. They told me to go to Rochester NY or Fl if I wanted a Mayo Clinic . Did they start treating BE in Az? I am very pleased with NJH and will continue to go there but it sure would be nice to have someone nearby when in Az.
Again I can't say enough about NHJ. I would reccomend everyone with BE to go to a facility like that.


Apparently not. Thanks for the info and your confidence in NJH


I have heard from my local pulmonologist that he is able to coordinate with a couple of the ID docs at NJH. However, my doctor is not easily reached as he travels all over the world speaking about NTM. But I do feel comfortable with my local doctor making whatever call he feels is necessary. What I am totally uncomfortable with are the local radiologists who read my CTs. They are so accustomed to seeing Valley Fever, that NTM/bronchiectasis seem to stump them. One of the reasons I first went to NJH was because the report on my first CT scared the pants off of me. According to the radiologist I was near death...obviously I was not. When my NJH doctor sees me, he first goes over my CT scan (done there) in detail before even reading what his own trusted radiologist has reported. On a couple of occasion, he's not agreed with the report. (I know I got a little side-tracked here...sorry!)

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@busybeans this is helpful to hear. My local pulmonologist does not agree with the radiology CT reports (3 of them) but says she defers to radiology. The points of disagreement are significant so for the pulmonologist to just throw up his hands is frustrating and confusing. Looking forward to going over the imaging at NJH and hearing their take on it all.


Perhaps the radiologists in your area are familiar with NTM/bronchiectasis and know how to read the scan. I've not found one in southern Arizona that does. My doctor at NJH goes over my CT scan slice by slice looking at every nodule, mucous plug, and airway enlargement BEFORE reading his hand-picked radiologist's report. He then compares the previous CT with the current one to determine what changes (positive or negative) have occurred. Since these are my fragile lungs, I think it's imperative that I have the full, unedited, misinterpreted version. Good luck at NJH. After twice yearly visits for well over a decade, I am still impressed with the quality of care I receive there.


@carolinediehl, bayarea58
I have mentioned elsewhere that I ventured up to NJH in October 2023 after being diagnosed in August of 2022 by my PCP (he finally orderd a C Scan after two ultra sounds) due to the weight loss that he watched me go through as I visited him multiple times during the period of 2020 - 2022 saying something is wrong I keep needing to clear my throat of this "substance." At that time all blood tests were good and my general health in 2022 was still up to snuff for my age so I'm sure that leads to a time a lag element before they realize they need to do more testing. I was concerned with all the visits I had made to him that he might be thinking I was a hypochondriac.
With a visit to NJH you will have a battery of tests and demonstrations. This is to help rule out any other problems that one might have or is of concern also. The tests that they do would probably take a year or more to do if doing them locally due to local scheduling etc.
I was very pleased with NJH, the lead doctor I was assigned to and glad I ventured up there.
With this Mayo site however there was more information to learn and and help with truly understanding, so glad to have both sources available to me, us.

P.S All the doctors I was seeing to get an answer for what I was experiencing, once I told them I made myself an appointment with NJH, highly praised the decision and had all good things to say about NJH.


@carolinediehl, bayarea58
I have mentioned elsewhere that I ventured up to NJH in October 2023 after being diagnosed in August of 2022 by my PCP (he finally orderd a C Scan after two ultra sounds) due to the weight loss that he watched me go through as I visited him multiple times during the period of 2020 - 2022 saying something is wrong I keep needing to clear my throat of this "substance." At that time all blood tests were good and my general health in 2022 was still up to snuff for my age so I'm sure that leads to a time a lag element before they realize they need to do more testing. I was concerned with all the visits I had made to him that he might be thinking I was a hypochondriac.
With a visit to NJH you will have a battery of tests and demonstrations. This is to help rule out any other problems that one might have or is of concern also. The tests that they do would probably take a year or more to do if doing them locally due to local scheduling etc.
I was very pleased with NJH, the lead doctor I was assigned to and glad I ventured up there.
With this Mayo site however there was more information to learn and and help with truly understanding, so glad to have both sources available to me, us.

P.S All the doctors I was seeing to get an answer for what I was experiencing, once I told them I made myself an appointment with NJH, highly praised the decision and had all good things to say about NJH.

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I am going to NJH in April. I would love to learn more about what to expect - the different tests, schedule, report-outs, etc. as well as any advice you have for making the most of the experience. It’s an investment so I want to optimize it. Thanks for any info!!


I am going to NJH in April. I would love to learn more about what to expect - the different tests, schedule, report-outs, etc. as well as any advice you have for making the most of the experience. It’s an investment so I want to optimize it. Thanks for any info!!

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I just this past week said to myself "you can't keep all this paperwork" and tossed the individual papers that the, my, NJH representative gave me, while I was there, when I asked if they had print outs of each test I was scheduled for and the description of what the test is etc.
There was someone who gave a list on another thread in Mayo but I don't remember what thread.
I believe if you call or email your representative and ask them to send you the individual explanation sheets/paperwork of the tests you are scheduled for they will send it. Once there and checked in at the main building you will be directed etc. The representatives are in the the building to the east on the lower floor.
My sidekick while there is a medical tech and was very, very impressed with how seamless the entire visit and tests went due to the things in place at NJH. She is not easily impressed.!
P.S. Did you find your way to the private personal message I sent you??

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