Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid
Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?
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will it help reduce the phlegm build up? i can't help but clear my throat every 10 seconds or so, this developed into some sort of mannerism and it's taking a toll already.
To answer your last question Phil, the NAC restores your nucous production to normal, or near-normal. It's less about symptomatic relief, which it does provide, than controlling the excess production of mucous.
In that sense it's both/and - relieves symptoms and makes most of the mucous goes away. You need some mucous, enough to keep those nose and throat tissues moist so they can trap particles of dust, disease germs, and other irritants before they enter your lungs.
What you don't need is the overamount that you get if the cystiene-glutathione mechanism within your body is not operating as it should. When there isn't sufficient glutathione present to moderate the mucous production you produce too much mucous, all the time.
Another thinbg you don't need is the over-drying out that comes with pills and sprays, dries things out to where the body's defenses are compromised, causes a rebound, and subjects your body to the side effects, like high blood pressure, nervousness, and sleep loss that chemical pharmacenticals inevitably produce. They're a Godsend when needed, and hellish when used all the time.
Case history: I have a friend, who, after COVID, had his asthma and post-nasal drainage (too much mucous triggers the asthmatic esponse) ramped up. He started taking NAC when his asthma was kicking up, but would discontinue when he started feeling better, then start snorting and clearing his throat again prior to another asthma attack. This is an active man, used to be a mountain climber, hunter, and fly fisherman. When I told him, "Jim, I hear you clearing your throat too often - again. Get back on your NAC." (He';s hard-headed and so I had to be blunt with him.) He did - and told me a few months ago that NAC was one of the biggest favors I'd done for him. Breathing restored, fewer asthma attacks.
NAC also helps keep your liver and kidneys clean, according to information I've dug up, and my mental fog is still there (maybe from the statin drug I take - who knows - the docs and I don't) but less since I started taking 2 600 mg. caps/day instead of one.
I don't know of any untoward side effects - only attendant benefits in addition to the direct benefits. Problem is, most docs don't know enough about it, especially in treating LC.
Worst case, after you've f done your own research, is to start with 1 600 mg. cap, taken after dinner, and see if that helps evening breathing and sleep with fewer throat-clearing and coughing interruptions.
Let us know how you do. The thought of unneccessary suffering so widespread as what's been expressed on this board saddens me - whatever we can do collectively to relieve some of it gives me hope.
To loosen and get rid of built-up phlegm, take Mucinex (guiafenensin-only type, not the kind with dextromathorphin added - generic is much cheaper if you can find it) and go ahead and cough productively until it's gone.
The mucous never went away, and those coughing spasms never quit, though, until I started takiung NAC. I now take NAC in the morning and every evening - and if plugged up or coughing, also take the generic Mucinex. Together they've provided much relief.
I have shared comments and issues in regards to excessive mucus. I too believe I acquired this through covid. I have gone to my primary, ENT, gastrologist, several tests including cat scan, endoscopy and yesterday a Bravo test. Through all these tests and meds nothing has relieved the mucus I am hoping that this test will give me an accurate diagnosis. My disappointment is there is No Dr or group that is helping us that our suffering with this awful condition.from the choking at night to the lump in my throat it is a constant occurrence. I will update you after the 4 day recording to conclude if it is LPR or unknown condition.
Exact same situation here and I had all those tests, including the Bravo. Everything came back negative and I’m right back where I started. This has been for 2 years now and yes, it started right after COVID so it’s no doubt related. I see that’s the same for so many of us.
Yes since Covid 3 years ago I’ve had constant mucus in my throat that has never let up. I’ve lost over 20 lbs. and have been to several ent’s, gastro doctor, primary doctor and a laryngologist. Had numerous tests, medicines, scans, etc. Nothing has helped and they say there’s nothing they can do. Should I try going to Mayo Clinic?
It's been 3 yrs for me and showed symptoms 2 wks after covid shot. I am diagnosed with LPR with no relief from meds or diet. Tried numerous suggestions with no relief. I will update after results from Bravo test. Ugh
I've been experiencing considerable mucus buildup since contracting covid 8 December 2020. The mucus must drain down into my lungs during the night and causes me to cough excessively when I get out of bed in the morning. I blamed the issue on covid at first, but subsequent testing and x-rays determined I have two (2) impacted wisdom teeth on my jawbone which is causing excessive mucus buildup, thus the morning coughing spells. Has anyone else experienced this issue? I'm 85 years old and too old to have them removed. Any thoughts as to how I can get relief?
Thanks in advance for any help you might have for me.
I also had this for months. What finally worked was using omeprizole for silent acid reflux. I didn’t know I had acid reflux but I guess I did. The mucus was constantly in my throat. Three months of omeprizole and being careful with my diet and after close to a year it’s almost gone. This I believe was from covid as is my vertigo
Mucinex (or the generic - it's cheaper) for coughing the stuff up without undue strain, and maybe NAC at night to ease the mucous buildup. I've written about NAC extensively in other threads on this board - maybe with a search you can find those posts. NAC (n-acetyl cysteine) is a naturally ocurring protien in the body that is partg of the chain that regulates mucous production. It's not bad for you. Talk to your doc about it and if he/she seems indifferent or perplexed, ask the doc to do some research and get back to you.
If I were dealing with your situation, I'd make a diligent search for a skilled oral surgeon and see about getting those wisdom teeth taken care of. One opinion isn't enough.