Best Climate for Bronchiectasis
I was just wondering ... If I were to relocate, does anyone know if one climate would be better than another for dealing with Bronchiectasis?
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Sounds like you have a very good pulmonologist, who could offer such specific and detailed info. Thank you for sharing.
To add to what others have said.
As we have been told cold is constricting and warmth will loosen. Providing warm steam in different methods provides moisture and warmth. Moisture and warmth loosens the mucus. When we drink warm fluids and when we boil water thereby making steam we are helping to loosen the mucus. I know I have heard, and probably we all have heard, from doctors and others concerned with what the body needs drink plenty of water, we need water. I believe the standard is " half your body weight in ounces of water per day,"
All seasons can find us needing to be sure to drink enough water for various reasons and due to the affects each season, weather conditions and climate bring about. For some of us it's also those more frequent visits to the bathroom as we have added years onto our body and the change in that organ called a bladder that causes us to need to drink more water. As we know without the right amount of water we become dehydrated and that will cause all kinds of health problems.
For me, I try to have many things in the day that consist of liquid, especially soups, besides my warm water.
And yes as Sue mentioned for those of us who always wanted our liquid of choice to be hot, ( as I did in years past) that's really a no no and yes the same for cold liquids. Extremes are to be avoided.
So...drink up all.
I don’t know where in NH you live, but that’s where all my lung issues developed. We lived in Berlin from 1971 to 1986. It was a wonderful and safe place to raise children but health wise not so much. I started with Bronchitis which became a seasonal thing for me. The granite state is notorious for MAC . I also got giardiasis there from the water! The people there were wonderful, but that cold dry air along with living and teaching in a paper mill town was the beginning of quite a negative health journey for me. Go south. The days are longer which in and of itself leads to great mental health. You’ll trade those Labonville boots for sneakers and sandals and your car will thank you too! irene5
The article posted by vgvball shows that the SW (i.e. Arizona and California) are hot spots for NTM, not low spots. I developed NTM while living in the Tucson area. (I believe Terri Martin also did.) We switched between Arizona in winter and SE Michigan in summer for a few years. I now live in Michigan full time, which has much less NTM, according to the same article (although my NTM ID doctor at U of Michigan said he sees lots of people with NTM). I also lived around Denver for many years before that. We left for Arizona because the air pollution in the Dever area was giving me lots of trouble. (Maybe I first got NTM there??)
We moved to the Tucson area almost eight years ago, but in the last couple of years, we've been switching between AZ and in-laws' land in MS. So, it's hard to know where I might have picked up MAC, and harder still to know how to avoid picking it up again in the future. Michigan, huh? If I could stand the cold ...
Really interesting question. If you are only diagnosed with BX then avoiding exposure to NTMs is your line of concern. But also the thought that certain climates could have an effect on the inflammatory process. I’d be curious also. I have the additional NTM infection so my curiosity has taken me to historical novels like The Magic Mountain and A Winter Tale whose subjects were submitted to the pre-penicillin treatments of high altitude sanatoriums in the Alps and cold weather sleeping chambers on roofs of buildings in winter…. Crazy where my wishful dreaming takes me. Grateful for the good conversations found here!