12.6-year-old with irregular period with severe bleeding

Posted by kochow @kochow, Jan 25 1:23pm

I have a 12.6-year-old that we thought was going through puberty and attributed her mood swings as such. But, it has escalated to severe bleeding that causes physical distress but also seems to have escalated her moodiness. She is more angry, anxious and refusing to go to school. We started hormone therapy and counseling, but were wondering if should start her on medication that helps depression, anxiety and mood swings as such. Any suggestions?

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Because you posted this in the epilepsy thread, I'm assuming your daughter is having seizures.
If so, are they more concentrated around t menstruation? Of course what typr of treatment that would be best decided by a physician. Perhaps by a neurologist and gynecologist worttogether if necessary. Two heads are better than one. However a mental health doctor may be needed too. Stress, anxiety and depression can be seizure triggers. I would hope a good counselor could help but that depends on how willing your daughter is to cooperate and follow through with the counselors advce. But if she is having menstrual seizures known as Catamenial epilepsy it may be best to begin taking anticonvulsants. I believe the success rate of seizure medication is about 40% in this type of epilepsy and may also in some cases could be refractory.
Acceptance of having epilepsy is a HUGELY and may possibly play a role in decreassing stress, anxiety, and depression and possibly decreasing seizures.
Best of luck,


I have a list of seizure precipitants aka triggers. On it is any form of.HRT. Not sure if this would apply to you. Stress anxiety etc are on the list. Has she seen a neurologist? If so does the neurologist know she is on HRT? Serum levels of anti epileptic drugs can be altered by HRT

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