Probiotics for SIBO?

Posted by caregiver333 @caregiver333, Dec 13, 2024

My elderly (90yo) mother is kept up at night by stomach gas and belching. She had a positive lactulose breath test based on an early hydrogen rise at 90 min. She has been offered a rifaximin Rx but prefers to avoid antibiotics. Is there a probiotic regimen that might help?

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I wouldn't just go on them either. I've been sizing for many years and
became deathly sick in late 23 and have lost over 50 pounds and half my
muscle mass. I've been trying many alternative supplements and still take
them. Atrantil, fodzyme, megaspores, and oregano oil reduced the score
nearly 20 points and i gained 5 pounds but can't gain anymore. I took the
antibiotics because they are supposed to target only the small
intestines. I didn't take the 2nd one they prescribe because of the
serious warning about hearing loss. Now after the antibiotics I still
haven't gained a pound. I'm staying on all my supplements and adding
berberine and purchasing two supplements I learned on these comments. But
I don't think they have all left yet. They build colonies and protections.
I'm not giving up.

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Do you, by any chance, suffer from bile acid malabsorption? The reason I ask is because I also suffer from weight loss. I've been suffering from BAM for about a year and a half now and I also have muscle wasting. I'm concerned that I may be anemic (loss of B12) or have iron-deficient anemia. I just obtained the book, "Could It Be B12?" by Sally M. Pacholok, R.N., B.S.N. and Jeffrey J. Stuart, D.O. and it's been very helpful. I've lost over 20 pounds since this all started and since I'm only 5'3" and now down to 105 lbs it's not good. All symptoms are pointing to that although I don't know the severity. I just recently fired my PCP because she seemed uninterested in helping me. I have a new PCP that I'm seeing this month. I am going in there with a whole list of tests to requests and am not taking no for an answer, nor am I taking any antibiotics that she may/may not offer me. I feel it best to start out at the basics, which is to find out what deficiencies I have that are causing me to not be able to move forward in this battle. After that I'll attack the rest such as Candida overgrowth which can be caused by deficiencies as well as the SIBO and SIFO and IBS-D (IBS-D being symptoms). Hoping this helps someone.


Have you been evaluated for mast cell activation? My daughter suffered from SIBO, but the root cause was mast cell.


Do you, by any chance, suffer from bile acid malabsorption? The reason I ask is because I also suffer from weight loss. I've been suffering from BAM for about a year and a half now and I also have muscle wasting. I'm concerned that I may be anemic (loss of B12) or have iron-deficient anemia. I just obtained the book, "Could It Be B12?" by Sally M. Pacholok, R.N., B.S.N. and Jeffrey J. Stuart, D.O. and it's been very helpful. I've lost over 20 pounds since this all started and since I'm only 5'3" and now down to 105 lbs it's not good. All symptoms are pointing to that although I don't know the severity. I just recently fired my PCP because she seemed uninterested in helping me. I have a new PCP that I'm seeing this month. I am going in there with a whole list of tests to requests and am not taking no for an answer, nor am I taking any antibiotics that she may/may not offer me. I feel it best to start out at the basics, which is to find out what deficiencies I have that are causing me to not be able to move forward in this battle. After that I'll attack the rest such as Candida overgrowth which can be caused by deficiencies as well as the SIBO and SIFO and IBS-D (IBS-D being symptoms). Hoping this helps someone.

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I have never heard of BAM. How were you tested for it? I have had tons of
tests. My SIBO score for methane was 77. Should be 5 or less. I lost 60
pounds, 10 a year for the last 6 years. When I went on fodzyme, atrantil,
sporebiotics and oil of oregano I stopped losing weight and gained 5
pounds. SIBO score went to 54. That was 6 months ago. I'm now 130, 5'9. No
muscle mass. Last month I was also diagnosed with MTHFR and put on nufola.
I gave in after more than a year of being sick and then did 2 rounds of
xifaxin. Against my lovely witchdoctor's advice. I do feel better though.
Still do tons of vitamins, supplements and biotics. I don't think SIBO is
gone. I'm asking my Dr to prescribe the third trio test for sibo and see
how much it has gone down from 55. I'm now drowning in supplements,
especially probiotics.


Oh no. I bought the florastore without my usual 2 hours of research. I took two THEN read about it. It's for diarrhea! I have methane SIBO which causes constipation. Sometimes I'm my worst enemy. 🙃

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Same exact thing here: I've got the same exact kind of SIBO and did the same thing, bought the Florastore thereby wasting my money, sigh.


For those of you with SIBO issues, my daughter suffered with it for years, but she had an underlying problem of mast cell activation that had not been diagnosed. She now has the correct med and is much better. She also has Hashimotos, Ehler's Danlos, and POTS. ,


Oh no. I bought the florastore without my usual 2 hours of research. I took two THEN read about it. It's for diarrhea! I have methane SIBO which causes constipation. Sometimes I'm my worst enemy. 🙃

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I'm taking it anyway. I am still not constipated thanks to atrantil and
megaspore biotics. I ordered bifido and getting restore. Something has to
work and kill sibo


My daughter's SIBO kept coming back. She went to Mayo Scottsdale and was finally diagnosed with Mast Cell Activation. That allowed the SIBO to keep coming back. It is not easy to find a doctor who knows anything about mast cell. There is info on line.


I’m getting SIBO tests at Duke Wednesday. (Praying the storm holds off until after my tests.) Planning my menu for Tuesday…..eggs…I guess boiled or poached, since no oil allowed, right? And, baked chicken…..white rice…….. man, this will be rough.

Is the substance you drink at tests sweet? I have type 1 diabetes and will need to bolus with insulin, if so. I’ve asked instructions from doctors about this, but no word yet.

I hope the results will bring me some answers.


I found the drink sweet almost like liquid honey. I'm T2 but had no problems. I was on water only 12 hours out as I was reacting to anything I ate or drank. Your menu is a veritable feast for me, even now I can't eat that much. I think the norm is 6 hour prior, water if you must. Take something to read as it takes some hours, the waiting between tests.


Hopefully, they’ll know how many carbs are in it. I could spike to over 500 on a super sweet large beverage. I wear a pump, but still….it won’t cover huge amount of carbs without bolus.

I plan to take an online video class while I wait. I’m really busy this week.

I will actually be surprised if it’s positive. 3 years of digestive issues, so…..just trying to rule things out.

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