LC Is Just Overwhelming
Hi everyone. New to the group. 28 years old. I was 24 when this started.
Picture it: January 2021. I was 24 years old. And it was a Sunday, I developed a cough. Come Monday, I had a cough and some sniffles, so I told my boss I was working from home. By midday, I had flu symptoms, and just felt yucky. So I decided to go to the hospital. Got a COVID diagnosis. Okay, so got home. Quarantined, took my meds. Come Wednesday of the same week, I noticed some wheezing and my lungs hurting. Went back to the same hospital. Got COVID and COVID pneumonia. Got another antibiotic and was sent home.
*****Trigger warning from this point on: So, come Friday of the same week, I was gasping for air if I moved at all. I couldn't walk 5 feet down our hall way without bent over begging to breathe. I was shaking with a fever while wearing 2 of everything and a hoodie and a blanket. My family decides enough and pack me a bag and make me get in the car. Get to a new hospital about an hour and a half away, and I have to walk in alone. So, anyway, I'm not there 15 minutes and they have me on oxygen because my O2 is at 60%. Within the hour they say they're admitting me, and asked if I had family waiting. They made my family bring my bag to the door, and I didn't even get to say bye myself. I spent 16 hours in the ER before I get a room. By the time I get to a room, I'm puking blood. By 3am, I'm being told that they need to induce a coma or otherwise my lungs won't heal because they are working to hard to keep me alive. I'm puking hard by this point. And they ask me if I want them to keep me alive if something happens. I'm 24!!! I said that they better keep me alive and sign the paperwork. A nurse walks over to take my hand and keep me distracted while they knock me out. At 3:30am they call my family to tell them I've been put on the ventilator. I spent 9 days on the vent. During that time, I had COVID, COVID pneumonia, a bacterial pneumonia, and ventilator pneumonia. All of this infection caused me to go septic and make my organs give out. I had a heart attack and died for 36 minutes.
I spent 3 months in CCU, and was transfered to an intensive inpatient physical therapy center. I spent 2 weeks there. And finally was sent home with oxygen. I spent 6 months in outpatient physical therapy 3x a week, and had lung, heart, etc. docs in between those.
We are now 4 years later, and life hasn't gotten any better. I'm currently jobless due to LC and can't seem to get disability.
I say all that because I just need a community that understands where I'm coming from. Because at 28 years old, I feel like a failure. After works as hard as I have in my life. Here I am.
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.
Hello There!
I hear you. I hear your pain and frustration in your most difficult journey with covid ultimately dealing with LC. At 24 years old, I cannot imagine how frightening this was for you. It is incomprehensible to me that you cannot obtain disability aid.
I have LC myself, but in no manner have I experienced the level of illness that you have. We are a community here on the Mayo Connect. This is where you will find compassion and support, and sometimes you might find a path to better health. Exhaust every possible avenue and do the research online. the good news is that there are long covid clinics being established in just about every state. You may even qualify for free services or possibly be invited into a trial study. This could even entail going to another state but don't dismiss any possibilities.
I would ask what are you doing for yourself? What is or is not helping? Who are your supports in your life? Are you under the care of what you would deem a good healthcare system/doctor? (Nurse Practitioners are wonderful too.) Are you in some kind of therapy, meditation or spiritual practice in respect to the stress you are enduring?
If you are able, (you may have already) go online as I'd mentioned and do all the research on long covid, clinics, the maladies (this site is a good one) and continue to reach out. There are answers. I would recommend joining a support group and honestly, that could be just about anything. But perhaps one where you can physically be present with others. We are stronger together is so true. Covid has been devastating. Keeping a journal is very beneficial, or so I have found.
Most of all, you are not alone! This is where we are our best as human beings. You are loved and cared about.
Please feel free to reach out to me anytime.