Recurring shingles

Posted by sdumas0001 @sdumas0001, 2 days ago

I have had shingles on the right side of my right knee...7 times in the last 2 years. I am sure this is not normal. Buy my doctor does not seem too concerned. I am concerned due to the continued zinger nerve pain that I have in that spot all of the time now. Also, I have been previously diagnosed with epstein barr virus and chronic fatigue syndrome so when the shingles hits me; I feel so irritable and miserable. It makes my chronic fatigue flare up and I just have to let everything run its course. My doctor gives me a stand-by prescription of an antiviral medicine to help shorten the shingles cycle. Can someone help me figure out why this is happening. Should I find another doctor? Should I just press the issue more with my current doctor?

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It may be that you have “cold sores” on that knee.
Herpes simplex is capable of colonizing sites other than
the area around our mouth.
Your doctor can send out a culture if you want to find out. Longer term treatment with oral antivirals such as
Valacyclovir daily has been used safely for prevention . If you don’t
want orals topical antiviral meds will help when it occurs.
Have you noticed any triggers for your outbreaks?

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