Restless Legs - Any suggestions as seen many doctors and medications

Posted by 3dogs @3dogs, Sep 25, 2023

Hi, I’m new to Mayo Connect but here goes…I have had RLS (Restless Leg) for about 40 years and it started with just occasional problems to now it’s daily at 66 yrs old. I had an unacceptable reaction to a few different meds like Gabapentin and also other meds used to also treat Parkinson’s and the last one they wanted to try had so many BAD side effects that I said no as I have reactions to many types of prescription medications including over the counter Antihistamines, Aleve etc. I do take extra B-complex, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Potassium, tried Iron etc. I often get leg cramps or ankle and foot cramps and remember my mother having them all the time. It doesn’t seem to make a difference if I exercise or not and mine will start late afternoon or evening. I toss and turn at night and I’ve actually made a hole in my sheets before because of moving my legs/feet so much. Occasionally my arms will also bother me. Heat, support stockings, warm shower or bath can help sometimes, but have noticed what works today will not work tomorrow so it’s what do I want to try tonight as again its rare if I skip a day. Just adding to my leg issues … 8 years ago I had an extreme 3 disc fusion in my lower back that was successful, but I woke up in the hospital with both legs and feet numb, which is common, but mine did not go away. About a year after surgery a neurologist said I had some nerve damage in my legs which might or might not go away, plus ankles very tender. Numbness is now mainly in lower calf (so much better) and feet plus ankle tenderness. Told I had neuropathy probably from the back surgery. I can live with sore/numb but the RLS is bothering and need to find relief. I recently moved to another state and my new doctor (after he touched my ankle and I nearly jumped off the table on him) had me go to a neurologist. With his testing he said I did not have neuropathy and he ordered spine CT which was fine, blood work including for RA etc. and all fine. Anyone, have suggestions? Again, I can live with the numbness, but the restless legs are what bother me. Not only is it uncomfortable/ache for me, but I start bouncing my legs, feet, Stand up/down, walk around and back to tapping my feet etc. so I annoy everyone.

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I'm not far behind you in age and I like your comment on 60yrs behind on sleep. Anyway, don't think I've tried Dayvigo with Zopiclone but I do take the Magnesium glycinate and then Trazadone which is not very addictive plus I have reactions to so many medications that I'm really careful taking anything anymore. I cannot take Benadryl, which is given for allergic reactions, which is another issue LOL because if I get a cold, I cannot take much of anything either over the counter or prescriptions for colds or even allergies. Thats the whole problem with my RLS is that I cannot take the 4 or 5 different meds the doctors have prescribed.


Try a Magnesium supplement.
My Sleep MD suggested Mg and it worked!


After many years of RLS, I'm finally getting some relief with
pramipexole 0.5mg (prescription). It's no cure, but it does
let me get some sleep.


I understand your concerns, they offer a great deal of information without you joining. I opted to join , first of all because I was desperate, spent 2 months with little or no sleep after I stopped meds ,but mostly so I would receive the newsletter “Sleepwalker” through the REAL mail, plus access to all the webinars. They only send out 1 email each month.

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Regarding RLS Foundation requests for donations…
Just join as a member. Current joining fee (as of 1/1/2025) is $40/year. Then ignore their requests for donations. [Unless you find yourself so grateful for all the information and understanding of the RLS condition and its treatment you’ve acquired that you want to give them something, as I did.] The gain I have seen for myself by being a member is worth many times over the value of the membership fee.
There is also a RLS support group on Facebook. It’s good, though not as good as RLS foundation support group, but it is helpful and it’s free.
This RLS condition is nasty. The more information and understanding you have about it, the better armed you are in being your own patient advocate. Good luck, everyone!


@minnmitzi, @ 3dogs, and all... I'm a 78 almost-Feb 6th!!! Yea! ... year old woman with multiple medical issues for decades, including undiagnosed RLS for many years. It was first actually diagnosed in 2019 by the Mayo sleep department after a sleep overnight test. I have serious obstructive sleep apnea and have used a C-pap for years prior, now every night since that 2019. The apnea is worse and now I use a bi-pap and added O2 every night. It's wonderful, although the noise is becoming more intrusive. Calling to get a different compressor if possible.... When I was diagnosed with RLS, the doctor put me on Iron with C daily, now I take the Clear Ferrin supplment that works much better. She added Requip 1 mg nightly to attack more symptoms. I take it in the late evening, before my nightly meds on the advise of a Connect friend who said he gets better night results after the Requip is in his system for a few hours. So far, Requip continues to help my RLS symptoms along with the specific ferritin supplement which brings my levels up from 15 in 2019 to over 150 last year. The doctors require ferritin level above 100 to be satisfactory for RLS help.

I have iron infusions every year when the ferritin gets below 50ish. Will have blood-work in Feb so we'll see. RLS apparently is affected by ferritin levels specifically, so this special iron test along with iron absorption tests are extremely important in treating RLS. Few doctors request the ferritin testing. Therefore, your regular blood-work comes back with perfect Hemoglobin and Hemocrit levels, so your physician considers your iron levels fine. Not fine. Ferritin levels don't show unless specifically tested. And supplements should attack ferritin replacement specifically.

This became one of the most exciting discoveries in my medical journey, the RLS and ferritin levels. Low ferritin affects every organ, as does iron and absorption, so imagine the whole body improvement I felt on getting the infusions and the correct supplements.

I also added Magnesium tablets daily to my supplementation routine. 500 mg daily. It helps resolve muscle cramping in my entire body especially legs and feet, naturally. I also, when necessary, use Kenalog cream on my feet and legs when the pain is most severe, or I can't get it to stop otherwise. I take CBD gummies with other herbs added, no THC, every night for anxiety and sleep assistance. This combination works wonders for me and until recently I was resting pretty well. Surely, RLS is much improved.

I am seeing my rheumatologist next week and hope to determine what is causing sleep interruptions, tremors, etc at that visit. I don't awake rested now! Pooh! But, legs are still controlled well.

Wishing you all well on this crazy journey of ours. No fun, but there are some answers and help. We just need to find doctors who listen, understand, are knowledgeable and caring. I did, finally.
Blessings as you walk this road... Elizabeth


@minnmitzi, @ 3dogs, and all... I'm a 78 almost-Feb 6th!!! Yea! ... year old woman with multiple medical issues for decades, including undiagnosed RLS for many years. It was first actually diagnosed in 2019 by the Mayo sleep department after a sleep overnight test. I have serious obstructive sleep apnea and have used a C-pap for years prior, now every night since that 2019. The apnea is worse and now I use a bi-pap and added O2 every night. It's wonderful, although the noise is becoming more intrusive. Calling to get a different compressor if possible.... When I was diagnosed with RLS, the doctor put me on Iron with C daily, now I take the Clear Ferrin supplment that works much better. She added Requip 1 mg nightly to attack more symptoms. I take it in the late evening, before my nightly meds on the advise of a Connect friend who said he gets better night results after the Requip is in his system for a few hours. So far, Requip continues to help my RLS symptoms along with the specific ferritin supplement which brings my levels up from 15 in 2019 to over 150 last year. The doctors require ferritin level above 100 to be satisfactory for RLS help.

I have iron infusions every year when the ferritin gets below 50ish. Will have blood-work in Feb so we'll see. RLS apparently is affected by ferritin levels specifically, so this special iron test along with iron absorption tests are extremely important in treating RLS. Few doctors request the ferritin testing. Therefore, your regular blood-work comes back with perfect Hemoglobin and Hemocrit levels, so your physician considers your iron levels fine. Not fine. Ferritin levels don't show unless specifically tested. And supplements should attack ferritin replacement specifically.

This became one of the most exciting discoveries in my medical journey, the RLS and ferritin levels. Low ferritin affects every organ, as does iron and absorption, so imagine the whole body improvement I felt on getting the infusions and the correct supplements.

I also added Magnesium tablets daily to my supplementation routine. 500 mg daily. It helps resolve muscle cramping in my entire body especially legs and feet, naturally. I also, when necessary, use Kenalog cream on my feet and legs when the pain is most severe, or I can't get it to stop otherwise. I take CBD gummies with other herbs added, no THC, every night for anxiety and sleep assistance. This combination works wonders for me and until recently I was resting pretty well. Surely, RLS is much improved.

I am seeing my rheumatologist next week and hope to determine what is causing sleep interruptions, tremors, etc at that visit. I don't awake rested now! Pooh! But, legs are still controlled well.

Wishing you all well on this crazy journey of ours. No fun, but there are some answers and help. We just need to find doctors who listen, understand, are knowledgeable and caring. I did, finally.
Blessings as you walk this road... Elizabeth

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have you tried compression stockings?
Seems to help with the creepy crawly kind of RLS.
The desire to move is reduced or eleminated..
and a lot less side effects then medications.


have you tried compression stockings?
Seems to help with the creepy crawly kind of RLS.
The desire to move is reduced or eleminated..
and a lot less side effects then medications.

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@drwass2, @minnmitzi, @3dogs, and all... Yes, I surely have tried compression stockings. I love them! They helped me so much for years, with multiple benefits... RLS help-I even loved wearing them at night the most! With edema, with leg stregth and walking, standing, steps, every aspect of using my legs and body...
Sadly, I have pretty severe arthritis in my body, beginning with hands, fingers, wrists and including all my joints. I also have fibromyalgia and a bunch of fatigue and weakness. I simply got so I was unable to put them on at all, or even get them off. It became impossible with pain, frustration, fear and anger at my body deteriation and at not being able to use one of the best tools available for my health. I even ordered lighter strength, some with side zippers... no good. So, I gave them up and still feel frustration not able to solve the problem.

I live alone. With my angel kitty. She's wonderful, great companion and friend, but unable to help with this. I have a son, disabled, across the street... we help each other now that I'm more disabled as well. But that's not for him. He actually found wearing the Marlins Baseball team players socks he buys on their website are great compressions socks he's able to get on and off and help his pain greatly. He wears them every day!

If you know a way to resolve this issue, please help me... I've stopped looking as it's emotionally a struggle to be disappointed.. sounds nuts, but it is.

Thanks for the suggestion!
Blessings, Elizabeth


I, too suffer with RLS. About a year ago a neurologist put me on Ropinirole (1 mg tab twice a day). I take one at 2:30 pm and the other at 8:30 pm.
It has helped tremendously; however, I still have occasional occurrence. You may wish to ask your doctor about Ropinirole.


I have been on 1mg of Clonazepam for 5 yrs for RLS. Works very well. It's a controlled substance so never do more than what Dr prescribes. Good luck.


My friend had restless leg syndrome. I don't know where I got the idea as I read a lot and i was a RN for 40 years. I'm very interested in healing people, not do the Big Pharma way of life.

I placed a bar of Irish Spring soap under the fitted mattress in her RV bed and didn't say a word. She thought it was the water. She went on to Montana, and when she found the bar of soap, she called me to say, since the soap- no restless legs. This was 19 years ago. I don't know if she is still using the same bar of soap, but she doesn't complain of RLS.

Then, when I was in addiction medicine, and the recovering addicts had restless legs. I did the same thing (soap under the fitted sheet, near the toes) and dang ! It also worked for them. The MD never did order anything for their restless legs. Then I heard from others, it doesn't have to be Irish Spring.

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