Alternative to carbidopa/levodopa - not working much after 20 years

Posted by anro @anro, Dec 4, 2024

1500 c/l along with azilect, pramipexole, and amantadine daily and often unable to move legs/walk after dosing. Anyone have same problem and found relief from different dosing or meds?

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Yes and I have contacted an orthopic dr. and he said to talk to my neurologist.


Yes and I have contacted an orthopic dr. and he said to talk to my neurologist.

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I am sorry for the dilemma you find yourself in, @missbutterfly2be. You must be very frustrated. I suppose you have had an ultrasound of the legs to rule out any problems with blood flow, etc.?

I'm also wondering if you have asked for a different PD medication? It might be worth a try.

I look forward to hearing from you again. Will you keep posting as you search for an answer?


I am sorry for the dilemma you find yourself in, @missbutterfly2be. You must be very frustrated. I suppose you have had an ultrasound of the legs to rule out any problems with blood flow, etc.?

I'm also wondering if you have asked for a different PD medication? It might be worth a try.

I look forward to hearing from you again. Will you keep posting as you search for an answer?

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Thank you for replying. I have had an ultrasound of my legs and there were no problems found. My body is very sensitive to meds and the side affects are many. Meds seems to have a negative reaction to one another.


Hi, @anro - the issue you are experiencing with taking carbidopa/levodopa rasagiline (Azilect), pramipexole and amantadine daily and then being unable to move your legs or walk sounds difficult. I'm tagging a few members who have mentioned carbidopa/levidopa and also may have experience (or experience with a loved one) with the other medications and possible side effects, including @hopeful33250 @missbutterfly2be @eliz722 @jtes. What has your doctor said about your being unable to walk after dosing?

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I have lots of trouble walking after dosing. I also have numbness in my legs and feet. Vit B12 helps my numbness. I do bicycling in a my for a half hour daily and that helps
but I am going to keep looking and experimenting.

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