GI Disorder and Internal Shaking

Posted by gigiraj @gigiraj, Feb 15, 2019

Hi all. I'm a 21 year old South Asian female and I have been having GI issues for about five years--mainly along the lines of constipation. I do have bowel movements every day but it takes a long time & I am rarely fully cleared out. These GI issues are always accompanied by other health issues (gas, pressure in head, etc). Recently, some scary new conditions have manifested: In the past few weeks, there have been times where my heart starts beating wildly and very fast. Sometimes, when I'm tired and constipated, my entire body feels like its vibrating internally; the shakes aren't visible but it feels like all my muscles are quivering. At this point, I feel a constant shaking/quivering within my body, especially in my heart cavity.

I have had TWO EKG's and both came back normal. All lab tests for diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, etc came back within normal limits. I am very concerned about this internal shaking. My dad says he found something about how GI disorders can impact muscoskeletal system and since the heart is a muscle, it's contracting and being affected. But I wanted to know if anyone here can help!!!!!!! If anyone knows anything at all please please please let me know!!!!!

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Ten years ago I had internal shaking as an undiagnosed symptom for 18 mos. It turned out that it was thought to be a neuro toxin called Ciguterra … it eventually subsided with time, B6 and brown rice ( both help eliminate toxins). Primary symptom was also reversing hot and cold to the touch ( warm water felt cool and vice versa).

It was incredibly challenging to deal with. likely caused by eating eel sushi.

Best to you to find your cause and solution.


Hello, did you ever get a diagnosis on what the symptoms were? I have something similar.


Regarding internal tremors, I found something totally by accident that those of you afflicted by this might want to look into. I started taking a "liver support" pill that I had taken several years ago when I was having problems with a "thickening" in my liver. The pain on my right side started up again a few weeks ago, so I re-ordered this liver support pill. THE FIRST DAY I TOOK IT THE TREMORS ALMOST STOPPED COMPLETELY. There are only a few ingredients in this pill, so I started looking them up individually, as most of them, like Alpha Lipoic Acid, I take on their own already. The main ingredient in this liver support pill is 800 mgs of N-Acetyl Choline (NAC). I have gone for two days with no tremors whatsoever during the day and only a few at night. I couldn't believe this, but I put into search engine, "benefits of N-Acetyl Choline" and the NAC is in there that it helps with tremors. Only downfall for me is it seems to be constipating, but there are many things to find OTC to fix this. I already take Triple Magnesium Complex before bedtime to aid with sleep and regularity and it was working beautifully until I added this liver support pill. I wanted to let everyone know because I found this totally by accident and had no idea it would get rid of the tremors that woke me up to a vibrating bed for over a month.


...good Lord, I'm not alone! 59 years old. 3 years ago I was blue-lighted to hospital having collapsed outside my front door waiting for the ambulance. Turns out I had bilateral pulmonary embolism with no known cause. Given that I had been only hours from death, I was rather disappointed that no culprit was found because it just stands to reason that something somewhere had to have caused it. Anyway, I recovered to a point, but my lungs have never been the same again and I need to use two different inhalers if I do anything too physical. I also have a degenerative back condition...a bulging disc with osteoarthritis above and below, so they refuse to operate saying the risk of doing more damage than good is too high. Another disappointment, which has forced me to grudgingly accept pain and disability as a fact of the rest of my life. I pretty much only concern myself with the day at hand and try not to project too far into the future. I had told my friend jokingly that I had thought of throwing myself off the bridge, but couldn't get my f'ing leg over the wall! Joking, but not joking as, like many in my position, I've had many dark days and have struggled with it all. Prior to the hospital stuff, I'd had a lot of trouble with gallstones, the pain of which was off the scale (took my mind off my back though!) and often made me sick. My mother was visiting from Spain and she was so worried she called the out of hours doctor to come and see me. He immediately diagnosed gallstones and gave me a shot of morphine and arranged an emergency scan. I even saw the offending gallstones in the scan and thought for sure they would operate. However, they said to wait and see and sure enough, the attacks became less frequent until they stopped altogether (Until...) Owing to my mobility issues and being no longer able to stand and prepare my own food, or stand at a cooker, I had been eating a lot of bread and those, mostly horrible, ready meals and soups, I put on a ridiculous amount of weight, which was has just added to my problems jn every conceivable way. My friend told me about the Keto diet and convinced me to give it a try. It wasn't easy, but I stuck to religiously and after four months I lost 4 kilos, but I was also constipated most of the time and I just didn't think it was healthy, so I stopped. That's when the internal tremors started (after eating anything with carbs), which were so bad, they even affected my eyesight and coupled with a fatigue that was causing me to pass out even in the middle of chewing something or taking a drink of coffee. I'd had my annual bloods done the week before and there was nothing of note. The doctor examined me and said I had high blood pressure, but I can put thag down to thd stress of getting to the sufgery with my rollator, and also did a blood glucose test, which she said was off the scale. She sent me home with a testing kit with instructions on how and when to use it. I followed all the instructions and my blood glucose was never out the normal range, so I can only conclude that her test kit must be faulty. She ran another blood test and referred me to the endocrinologist. As instructed, I spoke to another GP a week later and she said all of my bloodworm was normal, so much so, the endocrinology department cancelled my referral. She said "we just don't know why you are experiencing sensitivity to certain foods, but my advice going forward is to cut them out of your diet". And that was that! Yesterday was New Year's Eve and it's a tradition in Scotland to eat shortbread, which I did along with a cream bun and several large (enormous by anyone elses standards) brandy & ice. I thought for sure I was in for a great night's sleep owing to the brandy and 4 different pain meds I take for my back...not a bit of it! I felt the tremors begin in my legs, then rapidly spread throughout my body. My eyes darkened and also began to tremor and on top of this and completely out the blue, I had a gallbladder attack. I literally writhed in pain until everything subsided. Today, New Years Day) well yesterday as it's now 3.45am as I slept most of the day and am now wide awake) I have have had the tremor all day and eaten only fruit and a few nuts to avoid antagonising my gallbladder. I had bought such lovely food for NY too and am scared to eat any of it. So that's my story. I am interested that others have had gallbladder issues as I have wondered all day if the two might be linked. Also a couple of people mentioned tinnitis, of which I have been a lifelong sufferer. Strangely, around the time of my bilateral pulmonary embism, in fact it was the night before, I absolutely felt like I was dying. I had got upstairs to bed on all fours and only just made it to the bed before collapsing. I lay there in the semi dark and firstly, my eyesight went and after a huge crackling sound in my ears, I also went deaf. For sure I thought my time was up, but gradually both came back. I told the consultant about this in the hospital and he said he could dxajn any of it. About a week after I came home, I was watching TV and suddenly it was as though someone turned up the volume of my tinnitis and it's never gone back to normal (my normal) again. I do have a referral to the ENT department fof this, so J wonder if K should ask the consultant about the tremors and now gallbladder issues. Are they all linked? I am so happy to have found this page as now I know I'm not going mad, or rather, getting any madder than I already am! Prior to this, ghe only thing coming up in Google is "Idiopathic Postpandrial Hypoglycemia Syndrom", which you can get even when blood glucose in the normal range. So this thread started in 2021...has anyone got to the root cause of this because it's doing my head in....seriously doing it in as I feel ill all the time. Thanks for reading my long-winded tale of woe and I hope for all our sakes there are answers to be had. Take care xxx


Regarding internal tremors, I found something totally by accident that those of you afflicted by this might want to look into. I started taking a "liver support" pill that I had taken several years ago when I was having problems with a "thickening" in my liver. The pain on my right side started up again a few weeks ago, so I re-ordered this liver support pill. THE FIRST DAY I TOOK IT THE TREMORS ALMOST STOPPED COMPLETELY. There are only a few ingredients in this pill, so I started looking them up individually, as most of them, like Alpha Lipoic Acid, I take on their own already. The main ingredient in this liver support pill is 800 mgs of N-Acetyl Choline (NAC). I have gone for two days with no tremors whatsoever during the day and only a few at night. I couldn't believe this, but I put into search engine, "benefits of N-Acetyl Choline" and the NAC is in there that it helps with tremors. Only downfall for me is it seems to be constipating, but there are many things to find OTC to fix this. I already take Triple Magnesium Complex before bedtime to aid with sleep and regularity and it was working beautifully until I added this liver support pill. I wanted to let everyone know because I found this totally by accident and had no idea it would get rid of the tremors that woke me up to a vibrating bed for over a month.

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I'm commenting to my own post as I made a boo-boo when writing down the main ingredient. It is N-Acetyl Cysteine. That is the correct main ingredient for NAC.
I put down "choline" and that is in error.


Hi, I am just wondering if you found an answer to your GI/Internal shaking?
I feel like we have almost same thing that is going on. I experienced gastro issues last year July. Had endoscopy done, Abdominal CT and Pelvic Ultrasound and everything came back normal and eventually I got better. Didn’t notice much apart from occasional indigestion. This year again, just 7 weeks ago I started having bad hyperacidity, abdominal discomfort indigestion despite that I am on omeprazole. My Dr. Increase the dosage for my omeprazole plus famotidine and domperidone. I been experiencing pounding heart rate and pounding and palpitations after meal most and when I feel my stomach needs food again my heart i racing as well. I get fatigue, achy arms even before I feel like I am hungry. 4 weeks ago I started getting this internal shaking at night when I’m about to sleep. Sometimes the internal shaking wakes me up. At times during the day I get internal shaking. I felt like it is connected to my gut. I had my heart monitoring done in 24hrs. Stress test and echocardiogram on my heart. I’m still waiting for my cardiology appointment next month. I’m getting quite anxious of what is going on with me.

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Did you have this symptons before COVID vaccination? I feel Just like you.


Hi, the doctors have not given me definitive diagnosis. I just managed the symptoms myself. What my doctor told me the that domperidone can sometimes cause the internal shaking so I stopped taking it which resolves my shaking at night. I am more careful with what I eat now. Tried to avoid oily and really spicy food. Low carb diet and not taking any ibuprofen or anti-inflammatory drugs. I had it before covid but I noticed it will flare up again if you have some kind of viral infection. So if that happens to I just have to double my dose of losec and be more diligent with food intake. Small frequent eating if necessary. Hope you’ll learn how to managed your symptoms. It is quite frustrating and a bit of a worry when it happens


I have this shaking but I have a vitamin D deficiency. My shaking seems to echo throughout my left side. No one can seem to help me and its getting stronger, waking me up. Is this a spastic colon?

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I have neuropathy on my left side...I went to lots of doctors...they didn't know. I think it was long covid. I took alpha lipoic acid and lions mane and it helped my neuropathy a bit.


I have tortuous bowel and when symptoms are bad ie diarrhea, pain, bloating etc I definitely get heart palpitations, chills/shaky, dizzy etc. like fluish feelings. So bad it wakes me from sleep and cant sleep more than an hour or two at time. They found that there is an immune response when the bowel misfunctions. The body is trying to cope, like it does with flu.

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