Is a cure on the horizon
Does anyone with AMD feel a cure may come in our lifetime. I'm 56 and probably 20 -25 years younger than most with this life robbing disease. I'm fearful I got it too young to ever profit from a cure years down the road.
I'm just trying to eat for my eyes as if they were my heart. Apparently, there's a link between heart health and eye health. Has anyone else been told that by your specialists?
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Absolutely there is a connection between food and eye health. I have had dry AMD for over a dozen years. My eye surgeon told me right off the bat to eat as much green leafy vegetables as possible. He said I could try eye vitamins but didn’t seem too enthusiastic about their efficacy.
All these years later, the progression has been minimal and I do attribute it to eating healthy. Whatever you eat affects every organ in your body. I do take an eye vitamin but am not sure if it helps…it’s just an extra step for me.
So every day I make sure I eat a green veggie and fruit. I feel great at 83…still drive….use driving glasses for distance and have regular eye checkups. I am currently getting injections for macular edema in one eye which is almost gone and had cataract surgery in 2009. So I do see my eye doc regularly.
Happy New Year
FL Mary
Did you have AMD when you had your cataract surgery in 2009?
I did not have AMD prior to the cataract surgery. I was told that was a future possibility especially in the right eye where I had a detached retina in the 1980s. The dry AMD is mostly in that right eye and just a bit in the left eye where I still have 2020 vision. I was at the point back in 2009 where I really needed the cataracts done.
So the goal is to keep as much vision in that right eye as we can. I generally use magnifiers for reading, prescription glasses for driving although I can drive without them…they just sharpen things up a bit. My eyesight has not changed in about 6 years so I will continue my eating habits and lifestyle and regular eye doctor appointments.
FL Mary
I didn't realize you could lose vision from dry AMD. Huh. Also, the good news for dry AMD sufferers is that statistically you have a better chance of it not progressing to wet 80%, I believe. A lot has to do with genetics. Since nobody, parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, grands in my family have it, I was told both my parents must have had the recessive gene. Lucky me!
Dry can progress to GA. They finally have injections but who wants those. I'll do what I have to keep my good central vision but I worry much that I have it too young for a cure to benefit me 10-15 years down the road. Thank God dry is slow progressing. I have reD that intermediate dry can remain stable for decades. My specialist seems to think mine will not affect me for decades. All I can do is stay thin, healthy, and eat for my heart and eyes.
My research shows that dry can go wet at any stage. Keep all appointments and monitor your vision. If you see a change call your specialist ASAP.
I have wet in one eye, dry in the other. Looking to continue extending the time between injections. (Right now every 4 months) I too had AMD at a fairly young age (50). Good luck!
Mine must have started at 52 or 53 and progressed to intermediate without me even knowing I had it. I mean within 1 to 2 years it progressed to intermediate. And apparently progression at that rate from beginning to middle is uncommon since dry is usually slow progression. I don't know why this happening at my age. I just don't know.
How old are you now? How long has it been wet? Is yours more genetic?
How are you doing with the injections? Have they been helpful?
Thank you for replying.
mostlyjackie; I was diagnosed with wet AMD in right eye and dry AMD in left eye in August, 2022. I receive injections in the wet eye. However I'm losing central vision in the dry eye. Other than a healthy diet and vitamins there's nothing to be done for the dry. No one in my family has had AMD.
How long have you had AMD before your wet diagnosis in 2022?
Are you late stage dry (GA) in one eye? There are eye injections for late stage dry.
In August, 2022, I went to my ophthalmologist for a yearly visit. He found leakage in my right eye, referred me to retina specialist. The specialist found dry MD in left eye and wet MD in right eye. I received an injection that day in the right eye and have periodically (about 11 to 15 weeks) received injections. The specialist says the only thing to be done for the dry MD is vitamins and diet, green veggies especially. Also, dry MD can become wet MD. I'm losing central vision in the left eye, dry MD. I didn't know what you referred to as GA. My specialist's never mentioned injections for dry. I have an appointment January 23rd, I'll ask her about that. I researched GA. Very interesting. In all the reading I've done I'd completely missed this information. Thank you for asking that question. I don't think I'm that far gone. I'm finding my husband's face is blurry when he's across the room. That and the amsler eye grid is my measuring rod. Please forgive my "epistle" being so long.