Constant dizziness/imbalance

Posted by Chester @chester, Jul 21, 2011

I'm a 47 year old male, and I've been experiencing a non-spinning dizziness/imbalance feeling for over ten months now. It all started after having a sinus and ear infection. I've had and MRI of the head, balance testing, blood tests for any deficiencies, heart tests, all of which are negative. I am suppose to see a neurologist next. Anyone else having similar problems?

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I've been to the ENT dr and done a hearing test and A VNG test
Both negative and no crystals.
But constant ringing in my ears along with vestibular Hypofunction

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I have bilateral tinnitus and it comes with some horrible days. I sleep with the tv on all night. Sound machines do absolutely nothing for me.


I did have the same exact thing. Testing was @ audiologist md was done and it was found that had Menier’s disease.

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Menier's disease is a disease of exclusion, which means that in your differential diagnosis plan the physician should rule everything else out.


I have suffered from same thing for two years and thought it was because of debris on my left eye lens but this has been cleaned and I am still suffering imbalance and strange feeling in my eyes although I can see well.I probably have t same vestibular problems as I have suffered for this for 8 years. Waiting for CT or MRI here at home. This might help rule out other things.


Yes. It’s called ataxia. Your balance is controlled by the cerebellum part of your brain. It could be caused by a leak in your dura which allows blood to contaminate your spinal fluid, your brain stem and your cerebellum. Or a one time TBI. Unfortunately I had the leak in my dura. Mayo fixed the leak, but that doesn’t remove the iron deposits off of my CNS. So I have SS.


Yes. It’s called ataxia. Your balance is controlled by the cerebellum part of your brain. It could be caused by a leak in your dura which allows blood to contaminate your spinal fluid, your brain stem and your cerebellum. Or a one time TBI. Unfortunately I had the leak in my dura. Mayo fixed the leak, but that doesn’t remove the iron deposits off of my CNS. So I have SS.

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I am told that I also have a leak and they will keep an eye on it. I have an appointemnt with a neurologist on Jan 13 25. I am anxious to find out about this what causes dura leak? Since you went through with this, tell me what kind of questions I should ask. Also, I am not good with abreviations, what is TBI and CNS.
I have dizziness seems like every December or January is this a coinsidence. They also told me I might have inflamation of the nerves in the ear. Christals is ruled out since I do not feel the room spinning. My problem is getting up in the morning and having no balance. And sometimes when I turn position in bed I feel like I am falling in a black abyss, they are calling that BPP... something. This year when it happened I also had nosia and vomiting and blood pressure went up.
You mentioned Mayo fixed the leak can you eloberate on that. How was the surgery?


I'm not sure if the doctor's have ruled this out, but I haven't. I am suppose to see a neurologist next, and am also trying to get an appointment at Mayo Clinic in regards to this problem. I will be asking about the infection possibility.

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Chester, what was your ultimate resolution?


I am told that I also have a leak and they will keep an eye on it. I have an appointemnt with a neurologist on Jan 13 25. I am anxious to find out about this what causes dura leak? Since you went through with this, tell me what kind of questions I should ask. Also, I am not good with abreviations, what is TBI and CNS.
I have dizziness seems like every December or January is this a coinsidence. They also told me I might have inflamation of the nerves in the ear. Christals is ruled out since I do not feel the room spinning. My problem is getting up in the morning and having no balance. And sometimes when I turn position in bed I feel like I am falling in a black abyss, they are calling that BPP... something. This year when it happened I also had nosia and vomiting and blood pressure went up.
You mentioned Mayo fixed the leak can you eloberate on that. How was the surgery?

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Thank you 🙏 for responding. However, please consult with Dr.Kumar and Dr. Marsh at Mayo Clinic Minnesota. They will confirm, there’s no cure for SS. I am so very thankful and grateful for the operation to stop the bleeding in my dura 2017. The operation does not stop the progression of SS, it does however slow it down. I was told that if I did not have the operation, because of the progressive nature of SS, that soon I would be completely deaf, unable able to get out of my bed to go to the bathroom.” Please see Clinic/SteveGrinstead. Just a few corrections. The operation was 8 hours not 4, and I never went back to Minnesota for follow up. SS is extremely rare. If I can be of help with others with SS, I hope and pray that I can be able to do so. Also, it helps me to help others.

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Thank you 🙏 for responding. However, please consult with Dr.Kumar and Dr. Marsh at Mayo Clinic Minnesota. They will confirm, there’s no cure for SS. I am so very thankful and grateful for the operation to stop the bleeding in my dura 2017. The operation does not stop the progression of SS, it does however slow it down. I was told that if I did not have the operation, because of the progressive nature of SS, that soon I would be completely deaf, unable able to get out of my bed to go to the bathroom.” Please see Clinic/SteveGrinstead. Just a few corrections. The operation was 8 hours not 4, and I never went back to Minnesota for follow up. SS is extremely rare. If I can be of help with others with SS, I hope and pray that I can be able to do so. Also, it helps me to help others.

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

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Thank you for responding. I am understanding correctly I should contact Steve Grinsted at Mayo, Minnesota? Not Dr Kumer or Dr Marsh? Thanks again and Happy New Year!


Thank you for responding. I am understanding correctly I should contact Steve Grinsted at Mayo, Minnesota? Not Dr Kumer or Dr Marsh? Thanks again and Happy New Year!

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Please google Steve GRINSTEAD/MayoClinc. They did an article on me and SS
In their newspaper. Dr. Marsh and Dr. Kumar are doctors at Mayo Minnesota who specialize in SS.


Hi Chester,
Sorry you are experiencing this. My husband has experienced this daily since the summer of 2021 when he had two cerebellar strokes. After more MRIs and other imaging, his neurologist talked to us about PERSISTENT POSTURAL-PERCEPTUAL DIZZINESS, aka “3PD.” His symptoms are motion, fatigue, and stimuli induced, so exercising, just standing up, moving his head while driving, etc. make things worse. Initially Meclazine helps, but it is known to later exacerbate the symptoms.

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