Getting off of Seroquel
I have been on 300 mgs. Seroquel ER for over a year for augmenting my antidepressant which is 45 mgs. Of Mirtazapine. I decided to try and get off of the Seroquel. I was on 300mgs ER (extended release). I titrated down to 250 mg ER for 2 months without too many problems.than i titrated down to 200mgs ER just 5 days ago. My plan is to try to titrate off using ER tablets. My thinking is that perhaps the drug will remove its self from my system more gradually. I have had some nausea and a couple of episodes of diarrhea. I also have a very irregular heart beat and was started on 60 mgs of Propranolol ER (extended release) 4 weeks ago. It seems to be helping my heartbeat. I have wondered if the nausea and light headness is from the Propranolol, a Beta Blocker, or the dose reduction of the Seroquel. I also wonder if the way iam titrating the Seroquel is safe. My doctor says it will only take a couple of weeks...I think that is too fast of a taper after being on a drug for over a year. What do you think?
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All I know is that I'm seeing my doctor Monday the 11th. The original appointment was the 25th....thank goodness it's Monday!!
I was on Seroquel after having good luck with Abilify but my body couldn’t tolerate it and one of the side effects I got from that was a pretty significant tremor. So we tried Remeron but I’m a chronic migraine sufferer and it made my headaches worse. So they put me on Seroquel and I thought I’d found the answer to my depression and insomnia. However, I now have Tardive Dyskinesia which shows up as strange mouth movements and toe snapping especially when I’m anxious. So I had to go off of the Seroquel cold turkey. And now I’m currently on the search for help with my insomnia that isn’t addicting like most of the benzodiazepines. However, I’m stuck with the after effects and/or side effects from the Seroquel. You didn’t really say why you are on it so I can’t speculate about your side effects or withdrawal but I can give you my experiences. Good luck to you.
I was trying to get off of Seroquel. Was on 25mgs for insomnia. So tried Trazodone for 2 days. I got so sick with side effects such as nausea, weakness, dizziness, constipation, tremors and suicide thoughts. I have been taking .25 of xanax occasionally at night to with sleep.
I am a Type 2 diabetic with microvascular brain disease. I am getting very discouraged on how sick I have been feeling. The insomnia scares me and I can not get rid of it.
Xanax .25 mg is almost negligible and if it helps you sleep I would think that your physician would be in agreement. With that said, most physicians want to stay as far away from Scheduled drugs as possible but will freely put you on anti-psychotics, anti-depressants etc, which have horrible side effects and even worse effects when attempting to stop them, and all this at the expense of the patient! If you don't get the sleep that you need you cannot manage your other issues well. Sleep in itself is one of the best therapies there is.
I am presently taking 150 mg of Seroquel at night along with 7.5 mg of Remeron and 7.5 mg of buspirone. I take 50 mg of Seroquel in the morning. I would like to wean off of Seroquel since I am experiencing malaise, confusion, brain fog, difficult with focusing my eyes and other issues. What would you suggest for a weaning schedule for the Seroquel?
Wean off but notify your provider
My wife started Seroquel for insomnia. It made it much worse. She has taken 50 MG per day. For only 3 days. Can she stop this cold turkey after this short time on the drug? If not, how would you taper down.
She can just stop in my opinion. And only took a total of 150 mgs. She’ll be fine.
After a year taking Seroquel 50mg every night I’ve noticed some swollen looking on my face so I decided to stop at once. I’ve been dealing with sleeping problems since I stopped 3 days ago and I hope these eventually disappear. My concern is the facial swollen appearance and light weight gain… would these eventually disappear too? Thanks.
Yeah, I was on it for at least a year although I don’t remember the dosage. It helped my sleep incredibly. The combination of antipsychotics with SSRI’s is a good one if you can tolerate the side effects. Unfortunately, I developed Tardive Dyskenisea, those weird mouth movements/grimacing. I didn’t even know it until I saw myself on a Zoom recording and was shocked. I then had to decide between being able to sleep or the TD. Man it was a toss up. I even tried Ingrezza which is a new med specifically manufactured for TD. But that made me incredibly dizzy which was scary. So I finally got off the Seroquel, but it took over a year for the TD to stop and I actually thought I had the TD permanently. It really made me cry. 😢
Have now been taking Ativan with Vistaril but I’ll be the first to admit that I abused the Ativan because it also helped my headaches. So this has been unsuccessful because then I run out of the Ativan too early and then have worse insomnia, as in I might sleep once every 3 days. It’s a fricking battle. I’m seeing a new psychiatrist today. I am praying he can help me. My current psychiatrist is good but I see him as part of a university college and that means I have to see a new one every year and that really sucks big time. So, all I can say after 45 years of this crap is hang in there baby!!!